11. januar 2012 - 21:58 Der er 2 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Programmering af Html med Java.

Hej jeg har de 2 koder her den ene virker og den anden virker ikke hvordan kan det være?

Problemet med at den ikke virker er at javaén starter på nr 2 men ikke på nr 1.
Det som jeg tror er problemet er et lille fejl tegn eller et lille forkert ord kan bare ikke finde det når jeg sammenligner de 2 scripts.

Nr 1. Den kode som ikke virker
<html> <head> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Evrsoft First Page"> <title></title> </head> <body> <center> Great Gina Sisters </center> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><img src="/Commodore64/Pictures/great-giana-sisters.jpg" width="570" height="285"></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <applet id="c64" name="c64" code="C64Applet.class" archive="Commodore64/c64small.jar" WIDTH="386" HEIGHT ="288" MAYSCRIPT> <param name="soundOn" value="1"> <param name="doubleScreen" value="0"> <!-- <param name="autostartDisk" value="games/delta.t64"> --> <param name="autostartPGM" value=random> <!--"DELTA.BIN"> --> <param name="extendedKeyboard" value="1"> <param name="hotkey-f1" value='enterText("load \"$\",8~run~")'> <!-- <param name="autostartProgram" value="1"> --> <param name="autostartProgram" value="0"> </applet> <br></td> <td><a onmouseover="setOverImg('1','');" onmouseout="setOutImg('1','');" href="java script:document.c64.reset()" target="Reset"><img id="button1" border="0" hspace="5" vspace="5" src="buttons/button1up.png" name="button1"></a><br> <a onmouseover="setOverImg('2','');" onmouseout="setOutImg('2','');" href="java script:document.c64.setStick(0)" target="Joystick 0"><img id="button2" border="0" hspace="5" vspace="5" src="buttons/button2up.png" name="button2"></a><br> <a onmouseover="setOverImg('3','');" onmouseout="setOutImg('3','');" href="java script:document.c64.setStick(1)" target="Joystick 1"><img id="button3" border="0" hspace="5" vspace="5" src="buttons/button3up.png" name="button3"></a><br> <a onmouseover="setOverImg('4','');" onmouseout="setOutImg('4','');" href="java script:document.c64.setSoundOn(false)" target="Sound off"><img id="button4" border="0" hspace="5" vspace="5" src="buttons/button4up.png" name="button4"></a><br> <a onmouseover="setOverImg('5','');" onmouseout="setOutImg('5','');" href="java script:document.c64.setSoundOn(true)" target="Sound on"><img id="button5" border="0" hspace="5" vspace="5" src="buttons/button5up.png" name="button5"></a><br> <a onmouseover="setOverImg('6','');" onmouseout="setOutImg('6','');" href="java script:document.c64.pause()" target="Pause"><img id="button6" border="0" hspace="5" vspace="5" src="buttons/button6up.png" name="button6"></a><br> <a onmouseover="setOverImg('7','');" onmouseout="setOutImg('7','');" href="java script:document.c64.unpause()" target="unPause"><img id="button7" border="0" hspace="5" vspace="5" src="buttons/button7up.png" name="button7"></a><br> <a onmouseover="setOverImg('8','');" onmouseout="setOutImg('8','');" href="java script:document.c64.fullscreen(true)" target="Fullscreen"><img id="button8" border="0" hspace="5" vspace="5" src="buttons/button8up.png" name="button8"></a><br></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>Joystick emulation:</p> <ul> <li>Up: Numpad 8 or arrow up</li> <li>Down: Numpad 5,2 or arrow down</li> <li>Left: Numpad 4 or arrow left</li> <li>Right: Numpad 6 or arrow right</li> <li>Fire: Numpad 0 or shift</li> </ul>Other important keys <ul> <li>ctrl-alt-backspace: resets the emulator</li> <li>ctrl-f12: toggle fullscreen mode</li> <li>ESC: run-stop</li> </ul> </td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </body> </html>

Nr 2. Den kode som virker

<html> <head> </head> <body > <h3></h3> <center id=center><applet id="c64" name="c64" code="C64Applet.class" archive="/Commodore64/c64small.jar" WIDTH="768" HEIGHT ="568" MAYSCRIPT> <param name="soundOn" value="1"> <param name="doubleScreen" value="1"> <!-- <param name="autostartDisk" value="games/delta.t64"> --> <param name="autostartPGM" value=random> <!--"DELTA.BIN"> --> <param name="extendedKeyboard" value="1"> <param name="hotkey-f1" value='enterText("load \"$\",8~run~")'> <!-- <param name="autostartProgram" value="1"> --> </applet></center><br> <param name="autostartProgram" value="0"> <a href="java script:document.c64.reset()">Reset</a>, <a href="java script:document.c64.setStick(0)">Joystick 0</a>, <a href="java script:document.c64.setStick(1)">Joystick 1</a>, <a href="java script:document.c64.setSoundOn(false)">Sound off</a>, <a href="java script:document.c64.setSoundOn(true)">Sound on</a><br> <a href="java script:document.c64.pause()">Pause</a>, <a href="java script:document.c64.unpause()">unPause</a>, <a href="java script:document.c64.poke(53280,1)">poke 53280,1</a>, <a href="java script:document.c64.fullscreen(true)">Fullscreen</a><br> <a href="java script:document.c64.loadGame(0)">Load Gorf</a>, <p> <a href="java script:document.c64.loadGame(0)">Load Gorf</a>, <a href="java script:document.c64.loadGame(1)">Load Blue Max</a>, <a href="java script:document.c64.loadPGM('c64programs/Bonzieed.prg')">Load Demo</a>, <a href="java script:document.c64.loadPGM('c64programs/jeroen_tel_music.prg')">Load Music</a> <a href="java script:document.c64.insertDisk('c64programs/games1.d64')">Insert disk1</a> <a href="java script:document.c64.enterText('load "$",8~list~')">Load dir...</a> <h4>JaC64 Features and Known Bugs</h4> <b>Feature:</b> <ul> <li>CPU 6510, most of the 6510/02 instructions (inluding many undocumented) <li>RAM/ROM and Bank Switching (ROM - on / off, IO on / off) <li>Interrupts (IRQ, NMI) from raster, sprites, CIA timers, etc. <li>VIC Graphics (text modes, hi-res, multicolor) - instruction/cycle based, sprites (normal, expanded, multicolor, collisions) <li>SID (6581) Sound, with support for most of the SID features such as 3-oscillators/4 waveforms + mix, ADSR, synch., ring-mod, filters, etc. <li>CIA - timers <li>Keyboard & Joystick <li>Support for .d64 .prg/p00 and .t64 files (directly into memory) <li>Support for 1541 - e.g. loading .d64 files from an emulated diskdrive <li>New fullscreen mode activated/deactivated by pressing control-f12 </ul> <b>Known Bugs:</b> <ul> <li> VIC-II emulation is not yet 100% correct (see the demos/music here) <li> Some instruction are also not 100% correct (and/or interrupts handling) <li> SID is not 100% cycle correct </ul> <h4>Requirements to run the applet</h4> A JRE (1.4 or better) is required, and you need to have a folder called "roms" with the rom files for the C64 for the applet to work. From version 1.0 Beta 3 this folder is no longer needed since the rom files are included in the jar file. <h4>Controlling the C64</h4> Joystick emulation: <ul> <li>Up: Numpad 8 or arrow up <li>Down: Numpad 5,2 or arrow down <li>Left: Numpad 4 or arrow left <li>Right: Numpad 6 or arrow right <li>Fire: Numpad 0 or shift </ul> Other important keys <ul> <li>ctrl-alt-backspace: resets the emulator <li>ctrl-f12: toggle fullscreen mode <li>ESC: run-stop </ul> <h4>Parameters to the applet</h4> <table> <tr><th>Parameter</th><th>Usage</th></tr> <tr><td>autostartDisk = URL/File</td><td>The disk/tape image to load file from</td></tr> <tr><td>autostartPGM = Filename</td><td>The file from the disk/tape image</td></tr> <tr><td>autostartProgram = file number</td><td>The file number (id) of the program in the games.txt file</td></tr> <tr><td>soundOn = 0/1</td><td>The status of sound (0 mutes applet)</td></tr> <tr><td>doubleScreen = 0/1</td><td>if set to 1 the emulator will be running in double size mode</td></tr> </table> <h4>Thanks to</h4> [2002] Jan Blok - reimplementation of memory model and fixing CPU bugs<br> [2006] JÃ&#65533;�Ã&#65533;¶rg Jahnke - help with refactoring of CPU class<br> [2006] ByteMaster of Cache64.com - extensive testing and bug reporting huge thanks!<br> </body> </html>
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
12. januar 2012 - 03:13 #1
Java != JavaScript
Avatar billede kiksen1987 Novice
13. januar 2012 - 16:10 #2
Java != JavaScript
true == that
Avatar billede kiksen1987 Novice
13. januar 2012 - 16:11 #3
btw - få fat i firebug til firefox og debug koden derigennem
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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