Avatar billede zeus19 Nybegynder
29. december 2011 - 19:30 Der er 2 kommentarer og
1 løsning

phpBB3 login intergration problem. PHP/SQL


Jeg har ospat en video chat og er ved at lave login intergration til mit phpBB3 forum, men det virker ikke helt efter planen.

Jeg bruger nogle handlers som er leveret af video chat producenten og som skulle være pre opsat til at bruge phpBB login system (database)

Mit problem er at den altid giver samme result ved nomal bruger login, Guest login virker ok (dvs. den kan se om bruger er oprettet, og siger at brugernavnet ikke kan bruges, såfremt dette allerede bruges)

Jeg vil være meget taknemlig hvis der var en som kunne tage et kig på mine handlers, da jeg ikke selv er super PHP/sql haj, jeg kunne eks godt tænke mig, hvis jeg kunne se hvor i scriptet det går galt, men den giver altid samme output. (jeg ville gerne have sql errors som output eks)

Håber virkelig nogen kan hjælpe.

Hvis der er brug for yderligere forklaring kan jeg også træffes på MSN/Skype

MSN : politi_20@hotmail.com
skype : Rene_iversen

Med  venlig hilsen
René Iversen

Her er mine handler filer.


Guest Handler



require_once 'common.handler.php';

$userName = $_REQUEST['userName'];
$gender = $_REQUEST['gender'];

header('Content-type: text/xml');

$authAnswer = authChat("", "", "", $_REQUEST['userName']);

if ($authAnswer==0)
    $userName = $_REQUEST['userName'];
    $gender = $_REQUEST['gender'];
    $userId = md5($userName.time());
    $photo = FLASHCOMS_HTTP_ROOT."/photos/no_photo_big.png";

    <login result="OK">
else echo('<login result="ERROR" msg="This username is taken. Please choose another one."/>');



Login Handler



require_once "common.handler.php";

header('Content-type: text/xml');

$authAnswer = authChat("", $_REQUEST['login'], $_REQUEST['password']);

if ($authAnswer!=0)
    xmlChat($authAnswer, 1, 1);
else echo('<login result="FAIL" error="error_authentication_failed"/>');



Comon Handler



* phpBB3


//phpBB includes
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
// Specify the path to you phpBB3 installation directory.
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : '';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
// The common.php file is required.
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);

// since we are grabbing the user avatar, the function is inside the functions_display.php file since RC7
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_display.' . $phpEx);

require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/chat7/config.php";


//include settings
//require_once "/chat/config.php";


mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");

$answer = '<invalid_params />';

function sqlQuery($queryType="", $action="", $id="", $login="", $password="")

    if ($queryType=='AUTHORIZATION')
        //SQL for Authorization
        $sqlAuthorization = "
                user.user_id as id,
                user.username as login,
                user.user_password as password
                phpbb_users AS user
            WHERE ";
        switch ($action)
            case "AUTOLOGIN" :     $sqlWhereAuthorization = "user.user_id = '".$id."'"; break;
            case "LOGIN" :         $sqlWhereAuthorization = "user.username = '".$login."'"; break;
            case "GUEST" :         $sqlWhereAuthorization = "user.username = '".$login."'"; break;
        $returnSql = $sqlAuthorization.$sqlWhereAuthorization;
    else if ($queryType=='PROFILE')
        //SQL for Profile
        $sqlProfile = "
                user.user_id as id,
                user.username as login,
                user.user_occ as description,
                user.user_avatar as photo,
                user.sex as gender,
                user.group_id as user_level
                phpbb_users AS user
            WHERE ";
        $sqlWhereProfile = "user.user_id = '".$id."'";
        $returnSql = $sqlProfile.$sqlWhereProfile;
    else if ($queryType=='FRIENDS')
        //SQL for Select Blocks
        $sqlFriends = "
                friends.user_id as user_id,
                friends.zebra_id as friend_id
                phpbb_zebra AS friends
                friends.user_id = '".$id."' AND friend = 1";
        $returnSql = $sqlFriends;
    else if ($queryType=='BLOCKS')
        //SQL for Select Blocks
        $sqlBlocks = "
                blocks.user_id as user_id,
                blocks.zebra_id as block_id
                phpbb_zebra AS blocks
                blocks.user_id = '".$id."' AND foe = 1";
        $returnSql = $sqlBlocks;
    return $returnSql;

function authChat($uid="", $login="", $password="", $userName="")
    global $auth;
    if ($uid)   
        $query = sqlQuery('AUTHORIZATION', 'AUTOLOGIN', $uid);
    else if ($login && $password)
        $pass = $auth->login($login, $password);
        if ($pass["error_msg"] != "LOGIN_ERROR_PASSWORD")
            $query = sqlQuery('AUTHORIZATION', 'LOGIN', '', $login, $password);
    else if ($userName)
        $query = sqlQuery('AUTHORIZATION', 'GUEST', '', $userName);
    $Authorization = @mysql_fetch_assoc(@mysql_query($query));
    if ($Authorization["id"])
        return $Authorization["id"];
    else return 0;   

function commonData($uid)
    if ($uid)
        $query = sqlQuery('PROFILE', '', $uid);
    $UserProfile = @mysql_fetch_assoc(@mysql_query($query));
    if ($UserProfile["id"])
            //GET NAME
            $name = $UserProfile["login"];
            //GET GENDER
            switch ($UserProfile["gender"])
                case "1" : $gender = 'Male'; break;
                case "0" : $gender = 'Female'; break;
                default : $gender = "-";
            //GET BIRTHDAY   
            $age = ($UserProfile["age"]!="") ? $UserProfile["age"] : "-";
            //GET PHOTO
            if ($UserProfile["user_avatar_type"]!=2)
                //$AvatarPath = @mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM phpbb_config WHERE config_name = 'avatar_path'"));
                if ($UserProfile["photo"] != '')
                    $photo = SITE."download/file.php?avatar=".$UserProfile["photo"];
                else $photo = FLASHCOMS."photos/no_photo_big.png";
            else $photo = $UserProfile["photo"];
            //GET LOCATION
            if ($UserProfile["county_name"])
                $location = $UserProfile["county_name"];
            }else $location = "-";
            if ($UserProfile["city_name"])
                $city = $UserProfile["city_name"];
            if ($country && $city) $symbol = ", ";
                $location = $city.$symbol.$country;
            //GET DESCRIPTION
            if ($UserProfile["description"] != '' && $UserProfile["description"] != 'NULL')
                $description = $UserProfile["description"];
            //GET LEVEL
            switch ($UserProfile["level"])
                    case "0" : $level = 'regular'; break;
                    case "1" : $level = 'regular'; break;
                    case "2" : $level = 'regular'; break;
                    case "3" : $level = 'regular'; break;
                    default : $level = 'regular';
            if ($UserProfile['user_level']=="5")
                $typeUser = '<isAdmin>true</isAdmin>';
            else if ($UserProfile['isadmin']=="Moderator")
                $typeUser = '<isModerator>true</isModerator>';
            else $typeUser = '';
            //GET PROFILE
            $profile = SITE."memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=".$UserProfile["id"];
            $UserData = array();
            $UserData ["id"] = $UserProfile["id"];
            $UserData ["username"] = $name;
            $UserData ["gender"] = $gender;
            $UserData ["age"] = $age;
            $UserData ["photo"] = $photo;
            $UserData ["location"] = ($UserProfile["user_from"]!="") ? $UserProfile["user_from"] : "-";
            $UserData ["description"] = $description;
            $UserData ["isAdminORModerator"] = $typeUser;
            $UserData ["profile"] = $profile;
            $UserData ["level"] = $level;
    return     $UserData;

function xmlChat($uid, $friends = 0, $blocks = 0)
    $UserInfo = array();
    $UserInfo = commonData($uid);
    if ($UserInfo["id"])
            $answer='<login result="OK">';
            //get User Data
            $answer.= '
                <id>'.$UserInfo ["id"].'</id>
                <name><![CDATA['.$UserInfo ["username"].']]></name>
                <location><![CDATA['.$UserInfo ["location"].']]></location>
                <age>'.$UserInfo ["age"].'</age>
                <photo><![CDATA['.$UserInfo ["photo"].']]></photo>
                <thumbnail><![CDATA['.$UserInfo ["photo"].']]></thumbnail>
                <details>'.$UserInfo ["description"].'</details>
                '.$UserInfo ["isAdminORModerator"].'
                <level>'.$UserInfo ["level"].'</level>
                <profileUrl><![CDATA['.$UserInfo ["profile"].']]></profileUrl>
            //end get User Data
            //get Friends Data
            $answer.= '
                    if ($friends != 0)
                                $query = sqlQuery('FRIENDS', '', $uid);
                                $resultFriends = @mysql_query($query);
                                $UserInfoFriends = array();
                                while ($DataFriends = @mysql_fetch_assoc($resultFriends))
                                    $UserInfoFriends = commonData($DataFriends["friend_id"]);

                                    $xmlFriend .= '   
                                        <id>'.$UserInfoFriends ["id"].'</id>
                                        <name><![CDATA['.$UserInfoFriends ["username"].']]></name>
                                        <location><![CDATA['.$UserInfoFriends ["location"].']]></location>
                                        <age>'.$UserInfoFriends ["age"].'</age>
                                        <photo><![CDATA['.$UserInfoFriends ["photo"].']]></photo>
                                        <thumbnail><![CDATA['.$UserInfoFriends ["photo"].']]></thumbnail>
                                        <details>'.$UserInfoFriends ["description"].'</details>
                                        <level>'.$UserInfoFriends ["level"].'</level>
                                        <profileUrl><![CDATA['.$UserInfoFriends ["profile"].']]></profileUrl>
            $answer.= '
            //end get Friends Data
            $answer.= '
                    if ($blocks != 0)
                                $query = sqlQuery('BLOCKS', '', $uid);
                                $resultBlocks = @mysql_query($query);
                                $UserInfoBlocks = array();
                                while ($DataBlocks = @mysql_fetch_assoc($resultBlocks))
                                    $UserInfoBlocks = commonData($DataBlocks ["block_id"]);

                                    $xmlBlock .= '   
                                        <id>'.$UserInfoBlocks ["id"].'</id>
                                        <name><![CDATA['.$UserInfoBlocks ["username"].']]></name>
                                        <location><![CDATA['.$UserInfoBlocks ["location"].']]></location>
                                        <age>'.$UserInfoBlocks ["age"].'</age>
                                        <photo><![CDATA['.$UserInfoBlocks ["photo"].']]></photo>
                                        <thumbnail><![CDATA['.$UserInfoBlocks ["photo"].']]></thumbnail>
                                        <details>'.$UserInfoBlocks ["description"].'</details>
                                        <level>'.$UserInfoBlocks ["level"].'</level>
            $answer.= '
            $answer.= '</login>';

        } else  $answer = '<login result="FAIL" error="error_authentication_failed"/>';

echo $answer;


//Other Function

function getAge($birthday, $typeDate="YMD")
    if ($birthday && $birthday!="0000-00-00" && $birthday!="NULL")
                switch ($typeDate)
                    case "YMD" : list($year,$month,$day) = explode("-",$birthday); break;
                    case "DMY" : list($day, $month, $year) = explode("-",$birthday); break;
                    case "MDY" : list($month, $day, $year) = explode("-",$birthday); break;
                    case "YDM" : list($year, $day, $month) = explode("-",$birthday); break;
                    default : list($year,$month,$day) = explode("-",$birthday);
                $year_diff = date("Y") - $year;
                $month_diff = date("m") - $month;
                $day_diff = date("d") - $day;
                if ($month_diff < 0) $year_diff--;
                elseif (($month_diff==0) && ($day_diff < 0)) $year_diff--;
                $age = $year_diff;
    } else $age = "-";
    return $age;

//end Other Function

    $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : null;
    $userId = isset($_GET['user_id']) ? intval($_GET['user_id']) : null;
    $friendId = isset($_GET['friend_id']) ? intval($_GET['friend_id']) : null;
    $blockId = isset($_GET['block_id']) ? intval($_GET['block_id']) : null;

    switch ($action)
        case 'addFriend':
            AddFriend($userId, $friendId);
        case 'removeFriend':
            RemoveFriend($userId, $friendId);
        case 'addBlock':
            AddBlock($userId, $blockId);
        case 'removeBlock':
            RemoveBlock($userId, $blockId);

    function AddFriend($userId, $friendId)
        $existsFriendR = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM phpbb_zebra WHERE user_id=".$userId." AND zebra_id=".$friendId);
        if (!mysql_num_rows($existsFriendR)>0)
            $sql = "INSERT INTO phpbb_zebra (user_id, zebra_id, friend)
            mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
            echo("Add Friend!");
            $sql = "DELETE FROM phpbb_zebra WHERE user_id = '".$userId."' and zebra_id = '".$friendId."'";
            mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
            $sql = "INSERT INTO phpbb_zebra (user_id, zebra_id, friend)
            mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
            echo("Add Friend!");
    function RemoveFriend($userId, $friendId)
        $sql = "DELETE FROM phpbb_zebra WHERE user_id = '".$userId."' and zebra_id = '".$friendId."'";
        mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
        echo("Remove Friend!");
    function AddBlock($userId, $blockId)
        $existsFriendR = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM phpbb_zebra WHERE user_id=".$userId." AND zebra_id=".$blockId);
        if (!mysql_num_rows($existsFriendR)>0)
            $sql = "INSERT INTO phpbb_zebra (user_id, zebra_id, foe)
            mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
            echo("Block Friend!");
            $sql = "DELETE FROM phpbb_zebra WHERE user_id = '".$userId."' and zebra_id = '".$blockId."'";
            mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
            $sql = "INSERT INTO phpbb_zebra (user_id, zebra_id, foe)
            mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
            echo("Add Block!");
    function RemoveBlock($userId, $blockId)
        $sql = "DELETE FROM phpbb_zebra WHERE user_id = '".$userId."' and zebra_id = '".$blockId."'";
        mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
        echo("Remove Friend!");

header('Content-type: text/xml');

$authAnswer = authChat($_REQUEST['uid'], $_REQUEST['login'], $_REQUEST['password'], $_REQUEST['userName']);

if ($authAnswer!=0)
    xmlChat($authAnswer, 1, 1);
else echo('<login result="FAIL" error="error_authentication_failed"/>');


config.php (fra videochat)



define('SITE',                    'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/phpBB3/');
define('FLASHCOMS',     'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/chat7');
define('FLASHCOMS_HTTP_ROOT',     'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/chat7');
define('DOCUMENT_ROOT',            $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/');
define('PHOTO_PATH',            'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/uploades/icons/');
define('NO_PHOTO',                 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/chat7/photos/no_photo_big.png');
define('COMMON_HANLER',            'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/chat7/handlers/common.handler.php');

define('PRELOADER_LOGO_URL',     '');
define('PRELOADER_BG_COLOR',     '');
define('BG_COLOR',                 '');

// DB connection
define("DB_HOST",                "localhost");
define("DB_USER",                "XRemovedX");
define("DB_PASSWORD",             "XRemovedX");
define("DB_NAME",                "XRemovedX");
define("DB_PREFIX",              "chat7_");


function Connect()
        if(!mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD))
        return false;
            return false;
        return true;

Avatar billede zeus19 Nybegynder
29. december 2011 - 21:45 #1
Hvordan kan jeg evt sætte mine php script logger alle fejl / sql fejl til en fil på serveren.

Jeg har desværre ikke adgang til mysql binlog osv på serveren. så jeg kan desværre ikke kigge i serverens egne log filer.
Avatar billede zeus19 Nybegynder
29. december 2011 - 22:20 #2
Jeg har nu forsøgt at kigge lidt på dette : http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-error.php

Men jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg evt skal indsætte dette i handler filen, så den logger til fil eller skærm..
Avatar billede zeus19 Nybegynder
30. december 2011 - 18:51 #3
Løst lukker.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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