I min formular har jeg lavet det således, at der kun vises de TurId som hører til dagen og dublerede TurId kun vises en gang. Men jeg vil gerne give brugeren en mulighed for at se de destinationer som de forskellige TurId har. Min tanke var at oprette et felt mere i tabellen (Destination), og så få vist dette felt i kombinationsboksen. Når jeg så opdaterer tabellen (tilføjelsesforespørgsel i VBA), så kunne man måske, ved hjælp af recordset få tilføjet flg. Bemærk postnumre samles i et felt, hvis turid er ens, indenfor samme ugedag.
What I want is to get the table field "Destination" filled with all the zip codes as the car Turid running for the selected day from the other items with the same Turid and weekday. That is a trip ID No. 14B12 on day one two zip codes are run to see my table like this when it is imported. Turid weekday Zipcode Dest. 14B12 1 9500 14B12 1 8300
I can get the table to look like. Turid weekday Zipcode Dest. 14B12 1 9500 9500 / 8300 14B12 1 8300 9500 / 8300
It should be noted that the same Turid good can be found at week 2, so there should be both checked for identical Turid and weekday. Hope it makes sense.
My screen is already designed as a multi-form (1 -> M-> M) showing postcodes when you've updated the combo box. It works as it should, but my users are quite demanding and would like to be able to determine which Turid they should choose (based on the destinations) before they update the combo box, as there are many almost identical Turid, departing simultaneously. Thus, they avoid having to click back and forth until they find the right one. But instead select from the text in the destination, so they can quickly find the right one. I have often created combo boxes that are interdependent but not thought about the possibility of list box. It will, I certainly have in mind, if it failed to create a solution where one can directly see the selection box which you must choose before you choose Turid. Can you send a screen dump or should it be done by mail in this forum?
Otherwise, thank you, because you've used a little of your time on me. I am totally new to this forum, I just click reply, because you get those points. Sincerely per Lauesgaard
I myself have found a solution that users are satisfied with. A table is of course an array, but I found out to load all the items in an array, then I compared them, so that zip code would be written to the destination field, where Turid and day were similar. Then I updated samlige destinationsfleter. Just look out the solution to work, but I lack to control it completely, and import a few more times before I can say with sindro that it's okay. But I will send you a screen dump (Tuesday). Sometimes input from others, even that which makes you see things from another angle, and it may well be that it may be smart are. But initially, it was important to get it to work. But once again thank you. per Lauesgaard
great you found a solution, no need to send me a screen dump
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