Jeg har en udfordring. Jeg har pt. en sharepoint server hvor diverse dokumenter er uploaded, det er rigtig fint og fungerer til ug. Jeg har dog den udfordring at jeg har et excel ark som fungerer som et ark jeg arbejder i hele dagen. En kunde har nu brug for at åbne dokumentet, tilføje et eller andet, gemme og så lukke dokumentet igen MENS jeg er online på dokumentet. Det kan man på et lokalt netværksdrev ved at "dele workbooken" men kan man det på sharepoint? Har forsøgt mig frem mange steder og fået flere "Nej" svar. Har i evt. en mere opløftende nyhed? Kan det lade sig gøre?
Og til sidst hvordan tjekker jeg om den sharepoint version jeg kører med er en 2007 server eller en 2010 server?
Co-authoring functionality in SharePoint Server 2010
In traditional collaboration, documents are shared via e-mail attachments. Tracking versions and edits from multiple authors is difficult and time-consuming for users. E-mail systems have to contend with storing multiple copies of the same document, not to mention increased network traffic as documents are sent repeatedly.
The use of SharePoint to store documents for collaboration has reduced these problems by providing consistent access to up-to-date versions of documents, the ability to track previous versions, and centralized management. Storing a single document, instead of many attachments, also reduces network and storage overhead.
But this solution hasn't been perfect. When one author has a document open, other authors cannot work on it. If someone forgets to close a document or check it in, other users may be locked out indefinitely, a situation that often requires a call to the IT department to resolve the problem.
Co-authoring in SharePoint Server 2010 addresses these issues by making it possible for multiple users to work on a document, at any time, without interfering with each other's changes. This approach streamlines many common document-collaboration scenarios. For example: Two or more authors are working on different parts of a composite document. While one author works on his section of the document, another author can work on hers, without either interrupting their work.
Several authors are working on a composite slide show. Each author can add slides to the presentation and edit them, instead of working in isolation and trying to merge several documents and make them consistent all at the same time.
A document is sent out to several experts and stakeholders, each of whom has some edits or additions. No user's edits are lost, because they are all working on a central, server-stored document.
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