Avatar billede asd343 Nybegynder
15. september 2011 - 11:22 Der er 15 kommentarer

Installere styresystem (WinServer2003) PÅ en USB stick?

Hej med jer

Jeg kan finde utallige guider til - hvordan jeg laver en bootable usb stick, så jeg kan installere windows FRA den.

Jeg vil dog derimod installere Windows Server 2003 PÅ en USB stick, således at jeg booter fra den når jeg starter serveren op. Jeg ønsker at gøre det sådan for at spare en harddisk i maskinen, så jeg kan nøjes med 1 USB stick at loade fra - og 4 harddiske i RAID til filserver.

Kan det lade sig gøre? - findes der en guide?

Avatar billede KHHP Juniormester
15. september 2011 - 11:41 #1
Ja, du skal blot indsætte dit USB stik i computeren og boote din Windows CD/DVD og så vælge at installere windows på USB stikket. bagefter skal du sørge for at din maskine booter på USB-HDD, og så skulle det virke.
Avatar billede claes57 Ekspert
15. september 2011 - 12:10 #2
der er stor forskel på usb-stick og usb-hdd,
usb-stick er ikke beregnet til at køre win fra endnu.
Det vil være let på en usb-hdd - og nok umuligt på usb-hukommelsespinde.
Avatar billede bjh83 Nybegynder
15. september 2011 - 12:58 #3
linux skulle kunne lade sig gøre men windows skulle være mere indviklet..

jeg har fundet et par sider om bl.a linux på usb stick...

jeg gider ikke over sætte dem så du får nogle links


Avatar billede KHHP Juniormester
15. september 2011 - 13:17 #4
#2 Grunden til at jeg skriver at den skal boote fra USB-HDD er at det er det mine egne PC'er skal stilles til at boote fra, når jeg laver en bootbar USB, der indeholder et styresystem.
Avatar billede claes57 Ekspert
15. september 2011 - 14:10 #5
men windows på usbstick kommer tidligst med 8'eren (vi ser bort fra DOS og windows 3.11) og næppe på en server-version nogensinde.
Avatar billede KHHP Juniormester
15. september 2011 - 17:00 #6
Det er muligt med Windows 2003, hvis den blot registrerer USB-sticket når man vælger destination for installationen.
Har selv gjort det med Windows XP en gang. Det virkede fint, bortset fra at det var uhyre langsomt.
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
15. september 2011 - 18:38 #7
Avatar billede claes57 Ekspert
15. september 2011 - 19:39 #8
>#7, og fik du en windows der starter fra usb???
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
16. september 2011 - 22:13 #9
hvem mig ??
Avatar billede claes57 Ekspert
17. september 2011 - 10:16 #10
>#9, ja - du linker til dit spg som om der var et svar - og som jeg har læst det, så er der ikke en løsning. Bare at der så er mindst 2, der er interesserede i den mulighed.
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
17. september 2011 - 16:04 #11
Avatar billede claes57 Ekspert
17. september 2011 - 19:03 #12
det er stadig w8 - det ved vi godt måske kommer - her er der spurgt til w2003server. Så det er så en nogo.
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
17. september 2011 - 20:44 #13
windows server 2003  skal ha Portable Workspaces.

jeg har windows 8 http://msdn.microsoft.com/ (...)


MEN er der (Portable Workspaces).
i windows 8 beta

jeg vil ha en windows som kan køre fra en usb via (Portable Workspaces)
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
12. oktober 2011 - 18:52 #14
Windows 7 Universal Installation Disc - Create

For Windows users who installed or upgraded Windows Vista, there is one big difference that will be immediately noticed when installing or upgrading to Windows 7: The Windows 7 installation wizard no longer prompts, or asks, for the user to select which edition of the operating system to install. Instead, each Windows 7 DVD disc will automatically install the specific edition which it's limited to. So a Windows 7 Home Premium disc will only install Windows 7 HP, a Pro disc will only install Pro, etc.

Although Microsoft does not provide any such universal Windows 7 installation media, the function is indeed feasible. (see Screenshot below) A disc such as this can be especially helpful to PC technicians, IT staff, and the like who need to reinstall Windows 7 frequently. Remember you will still need a valid license key specific to the version you are installing. In addition, Microsoft has eliminated the differences between the retail and OEM install discs with Windows 7, so this disc can be used to reinstall Windows 7 on PC's where the owner has lost, or is unable to find, the OEM restore discs. In order to create such a disc; just delete and remove the ei.cfg from any Windows 7 ISO to convert that image into a universal disc for all editions of Windows 7.


For any user who has the Windows 7 install DVD or ISO and wishes to make a universal installer disc now there is an easier way to modify the ISO. Normally this was accomplished by manually unpacking and extracting the contents of the ISO image (or copying files from DVD to HDD), deleting the ei.cfg and then repacking the installation files back into an ISO to burn. Users can now eliminate these tedious procedures by making use of the "ei.cfg Removal Utility".

The ei.cfg Removal Utility is a simple tool that will disable the ei.cfg from any Windows 7 ISO disc image, thereby converting the image into a "universal disc" that will prompt the user to select their preferred edition during setup. The ei.cfg Removal Utility works directly to patch the ISO image, by toggling the deletion bit in the UDF file table to instruct the operating system to ignore and remove ei.cfg, or treat it as if it does not exist. Best of all, the ei.cfg Removal Utility can reverse the patching to restore the ISO disc image to its original state when the tool is been used to apply on a disc image that previously been patched by the utility.

The ei.cfg Removal Utility is a standalone portable app, and requires no installation. In fact, the program does not have much of a user interface at all. Simply selecting the target Windows 7 ISO, and the disc image (ISO) will be patched right away. So make sure a backup copy of your ISO is created beforehand.
Download the ei.cfg Removal Utility here:http://code.kliu.org/misc/win7utils/eicfg_removal_utility.zip


I was amazed at how easy it is to merge Windows 7 x86 and Windows 7 x64 editions (DVDs) in a single DVD or 4GB USB. The process is pretty simple, you need a copy of both any 32 bit and any 64 bit Windows 7 install DVD or ISO. Either copy the DVD's contents to a folder on a HDD, or extract the ISO's contents to a folder. Run 4 commands from the prompt, then create and burn your new Universal install DVD/USB.


WAIK (Windows Automation Installation Kit) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=696dd665-9f76-4177-a811-39c26d3b3b34&displaylang=en

Windows Windows 7 x86 and Windows Windows 7 x64 DVDs.
An application that can extract the files from an ISO (if using a downloaded ISO). I use WinRAR, but many apps can do this extraction.
An application that allows you to build a new iso or create a bootable DVD/USB. I use UltraISO for this.
Single Layer DVD, compatible DVD Burner and, of course DVD burning software... or a 4GB USB flash drive.
We will merge the four Windows 7 x64 editions into the Windows 7 x86 DVD contents, because Windows 7 x64 DVD has 64-bit content that can't run some of the Win32 installation components.

Getting Started

1. Install WAIK in your Windows (doesn't matter you are running Windows 7 or Windows XP)

2. Make two folders, in my examples I use Win7_64 and Win7_32. Now copy both Windows 7 x64 and x86 DVDs contents into their respective folders. Or extract your downloaded ISO's into their respective folder.


If copying files over from a DVD to the above folders, you actually only need the Sources\install.wim file from the Windows 7 x64 DVD.

3. Run WAIK command prompt (Run as Administrator if UAC enabled):
Start à All Programs àWindows AIK àWindows AIK and PE Command Prompt

4. Each and every Windows 7 edition has an index no. in the install.wim (WIM file), you can check using the following command:

Imagex/info G:\Win7_32\Sources\install.wim


Where G:\Win7_32 represents the location of your 32 bit DVD files

The results will look something like above.
This shows that INDEX=1 denotes Windows 7 Starter and so on... (you may have to scroll down to observe these entries)

5. We will use the Imagex /export command to move our x64 WIM entries into the x86 wim file.

The syntax for this command is:


imagex /export src_file src_number src_name dest_file dest_name

Now execute the following commands with appropriate INDEX no. to export a copy of the specified image to the Windows 7 32bit (x86) WIM file.

For Windows 7 Home Basic x64:

Imagex/export G:\Win7_64\Sources\install.wim 1 G:\Win7_32\Sources\install.wim "Windows 7 Home Basic (x64)"

For Windows 7 Home Premium x64:
Imagex/export G:\Win7_64\Sources\install.wim 2 G:\Win7_32\Sources\install.wim "Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)"

For Windows 7 Professional x64:
Imagex/export G:\Win7_64\Sources\install.wim 3 G:\Win7_32\Sources\install.wim "Windows 7 Professional (x64)"

For Windows 7 Ultimate x64:
Imagex /export G:\Win7_64\Sources\install.wim 4 G:\Win7_32\Sources\install.wim "Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)"

6. After execution of above commands Win7_32's WIM file will be the universal WIM file that contains all version of Windows 7. You can export only desired versions into the image. For example you could make a Windows 7 DVD, which includes Windows 7 Ultimate x86 and x64 version only.

7. Now to make bootable DVD image...
Avatar billede claes57 Ekspert
12. oktober 2011 - 20:57 #15
du læser det som fanden læser biblen.
Der er ikke tale om at windows kan køres fra usb, men at det kan installeres fra en usb-stick.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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