Avatar billede serverkudsk_ny Nybegynder
07. september 2011 - 16:17 Der er 1 kommentar

java install på Windows 7 64 bit

Jeg har dette script, men hvorfor kan jeg ikke få det til at virker i windows 7 64 bit, den siger hver gang at jave ikke er installeret selv om at den er installeret.. dette give så problemer 2 gang man køre det.

Her er mit script.

'# Uninstalls all but the chosen version of Java Runtime.
'# If the current version is not installed, it installs it from the specified path.

Option Explicit

Dim wshShell, fso, strLogFile, ts, strTempDir, strTempISS, strUnString, tsIn
Dim strUninstLine, CLSID, search5, search6, search7, strJRE1, strDisplayName, strDisplayVersion
Dim strPublisher, strUninstallString, strJREUninstallString, strJREDisplayName
Dim search1, search2, search3, search4, strJREUninstallStringNEW, ret, strUninstCMD
Dim tsISS, strSetupexe, qVal, strComputername, strCurrentVersion, strInstallMST
Dim searchCurVer, CurVerFound, strArrayCount, strLogPath, strInstallCMD, strInstallMSI, strInstallLog

Dim arrayJREDisplayName()
Dim arrayJREUninstallString()

'# Change this to match the version that you don't want to have it uninstall
strCurrentVersion = "Java(TM) 6 Update 27"

'# Set these to the desired log path and current version installer location
strLogPath = "\\serv08\Alle$\Brian Kudsk EDB\+ Computer Luk\JavaLog\"
strInstallMSI = "\\serv08\alle$\Brian Kudsk EDB\Install\Java\jre1.6.0_27.msi"
strInstallMST = "\\serv08\alle$\Brian Kudsk EDB\Install\Java\sp1033.mst"

qVal = 0
strArrayCount = 0
ReDim arrayJREDisplayName(strArrayCount)
ReDim arrayJREUninstallString(strArrayCount)

Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

strComputername = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%")

'# Set this to the appropriate command line settings to do a silent MSI install
strInstallLog = strLogPath & "Java_Install_" & strComputername & ".log"
strInstallCMD = "msiexec /I """ & strInstallMSI & """ /t """ & strInstallMST & """ /QN /Lime """ & strInstallLog & """"

If Not fso.FolderExists(strLogPath) Then fso.CreateFolder(strLogPath)
strLogFile = strLogPath & "Java_Uninstall_" & strComputername & ".log"
Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(strLogFile, 8, True)

ts.WriteLine String(120, "_")
ts.WriteLine String(120, "¯")
ts.WriteLine Now() & " - Java Runtime(s) uninstallation started..."
ts.WriteLine String(120, "_") & vbCrlf

'# Generate Registry extracts from 'Uninstall' keys.

'# Kill Java Processes

strTempDir = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%")
strTempISS = strTempDir & "\iss"
strUnString = " -s -a /s /f1"
Set tsIn = fso.OpenTextFile(strTempDir & "\uninstall.tmp", 1)

If Not fso.FolderExists(strTempISS) Then fso.CreateFolder(strTempISS)

Do While Not tsIn.AtEndOfStream
  strUninstLine = tsIn.ReadLine
  CLSID = Mid(strUninstLine, 73, 38)
  search5 = Instr(strUninstLine, "JRE 1")
  search6 = Instr(strUninstLine, "]")
  If search5 > 0 AND search6 > 0 Then
      strJRE1 = Replace(Mid(strUninstLine, search5, search6),"]","") 
  End If

  On Error Resume Next

  strDisplayName = wshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" & CLSID & "\DisplayName")
  strDisplayVersion = wshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" & CLSID & "\DisplayVersion")
  strPublisher = wshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" & CLSID & "\Publisher")
  strUninstallString = wshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" & CLSID & "\UninstallString")

  strJREUninstallString = wshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" & strJRE1 & "\UninstallString")
  strJREDisplayName = wshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" & strJRE1 & "\DisplayName")

  On Error Goto 0

  'Search for presence of Java and Sun in DisplayName and Publisher
  search1 = Instr(1, strDisplayName, "Java", 1)
  search2 = Instr(1, strPublisher, "Sun", 1)
  search3 = Instr(1, strDisplayName, "J2SE", 1)
  search4 = Instr(1, strUninstallString, "setup.exe", 1)
  search7 = InStr(1, strDisplayName, "Development", 1) + InStr(1, strDisplayName, "Java DB", 1)

  'See if it is the current version
  searchCurVer = InStr(1, strDisplayName, strCurrentVersion, 1)

  'If it is, Show that the current version is found
  If searchCurVer > 0 Then
  CurVerFound = True

  ElseIf strJREUninstallString <> "" Then
      '# JRE 1 found
      strJREUninstallStringNEW = Replace(strJREUninstallString," -f"," -s -a /s /f")
  redim Preserve arrayJREDisplayName(strArrayCount)
  redim Preserve arrayJREUninstallString(strArrayCount)
      arrayJREDisplayName(strArrayCount) = " - Found Old JRE: " & strDisplayName & "  - Version: " & strDisplayVersion & ", Uninstalling..."
  arrayJREUninstallString(strArrayCount) = strJREUninstallStringNEW
  strArrayCount = strArrayCount + 1

  ElseIf search7 = 0 And search1 > 0 Or search3 > 0 And search2 > 0 Then
      strUninstCMD = "msiexec.exe /x " & CLSID & " /norestart /qn"

      If search4 > 0 Then
          '# Old InstallShield setup found
          Set tsISS = fso.OpenTextFile(strTempISS & "\" & CLSID & ".iss", 2, True)

          'Create Response file for any Java Version
          tsISS.WriteLine "[InstallShield Silent]"
          tsISS.WriteLine "Version=v6.00.000"
          tsISS.WriteLine "File=Response File"
          tsISS.WriteLine "[File Transfer]"
          tsISS.WriteLine "OverwrittenReadOnly=NoToAll"
          tsISS.WriteLine "[" & CLSID & "-DlgOrder]"
          tsISS.WriteLine "Dlg0=" & CLSID & "-SprintfBox-0"
          tsISS.WriteLine "Count=2"
          tsISS.WriteLine "Dlg1=" & CLSID & "-File Transfer"
          tsISS.WriteLine "[" & CLSID & "-SprintfBox-0]"
          tsISS.WriteLine "Result=1"
          tsISS.WriteLine "[Application]"
          tsISS.WriteLine "Name=Java 2 Runtime Environment, SE v1.4.0_01"
          tsISS.WriteLine "Version=1.4.0_01"
          tsISS.WriteLine "Company=JavaSoft"
          tsISS.WriteLine "Lang=0009"
          tsISS.WriteLine "[" & CLSID & "-File Transfer]"
          tsISS.WriteLine "SharedFile=YesToAll"

          strSetupexe = Left(strUninstallString, search4 + 9)
          strUninstCMD =  strSetupexe & strUnString & Chr(34) & strTempISS & "\" & CLSID & ".iss" & Chr(34)
      End If

  redim Preserve arrayJREDisplayName(strArrayCount)
  redim Preserve arrayJREUninstallString(strArrayCount)
  arrayJREDisplayName(strArrayCount) = " - Found Old JRE: " & strDisplayName & "    - Version: " & strDisplayVersion & ", Uninstalling..."
  arrayJREUninstallString(strArrayCount) = strUninstCMD
  strArrayCount = strArrayCount + 1
  End If



Dim I
If CurVerFound AND strArrayCount > 0 Then
  ts.Writeline Now() & " - Current Version: " & strCurrentVersion & " found, continuing with uninstalls..."
  For I = LBOUND(arrayJREDisplayName) to UBOUND(arrayJREDisplayName)
      ts.WriteLine Now() & arrayJREDisplayName(I)
      ts.WriteLine Now() & " - Uninstall String sent: " & arrayJREUninstallString(I)
      ret = wshShell.Run(arrayJREUninstallString(I) , 0, True)
      ts.WriteLine Now() & " - Return: " & ret
      If ret <> 0 And ret <> 3010 Then qVal = 1

ElseIf CurVerFound AND strArrayCount = 0 Then
  ts.WriteLine Now() & " - Current version, " & strCurrentVersion & ", found." 
  ts.WriteLine Now() & " - No Old Java Runtime versions are installed."
  qVal = 99

ElseIf Not CurVerFound Then
  ts.WriteLine Now() & " - Current Java version, " & strCurrentVersion & ", not found, installing it."
  ts.WriteLine Now() & " - Running Command: " & strInstallCMD
  ret = wshShell.Run(strInstallCMD , 0, True)
  If ret <> 0 AND ret<> 3010 Then
      ts.WriteLine Now() & " - Failed to Install Java, see " & strInstallLog & " for more details.  Exiting Script."
      qVal = 1
  ElseIf strArrayCount > 0 Then
      ts.WriteLine Now() & " - Successfully installed " & strCurrentVersion & ", and logged to " & strInstallLog & "."
      For I = LBOUND(arrayJREDisplayName) to UBOUND(arrayJREDisplayName)
      ts.WriteLine Now() & arrayJREDisplayName(I)
      ts.WriteLine Now() & " - Uninstall String sent: " & arrayJREUninstallString(I)
      ret = wshShell.Run(arrayJREUninstallString(I) , 0, True)
      ts.WriteLine Now() & " - Return: " & ret
      If ret <> 0 And ret <> 3010 Then qVal = 1
  ElseIf strArrayCount = 0 Then
      ts.WriteLine Now() & " - Successfully installed " & strCurrentVersion & ", and logged to " & strInstallLog & "."
  ts.WriteLine Now() & " - No Old Java Runtime versions are installed."
      qVal = 99
  End If
End If

ts.WriteLine String(120, "_")
ts.WriteLine String(120, "¯")
fso.DeleteFile(strTempDir & "\uninstall.tmp")


Sub PreFlight()
  '# Creates temp files containing extracts from registry 'Uninstall' keys.
  Dim wshShell, fso, sTemp
  Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  sTemp = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%")
  wshShell.Run "REGEDIT /E %temp%\registry.tmp HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall", 0, True
  wshShell.Run "cmd /c type %temp%\registry.tmp | find /i ""{"" | find /i ""}]"" > %temp%\uninstall.tmp ", 0, True
  wshShell.Run "cmd /c type %temp%\registry.tmp | find /i ""JRE 1"" >> %temp%\uninstall.tmp ", 0, True
  If Not fso.FileExists(sTemp & "\uninstall.tmp") Then
      ts.WriteLine Now() & " - No input - %temp%\uninstall.tmp Reg extract not created."
      ts.WriteLine String(120, "_")
      ts.WriteLine String(120, "¯")
  End If
End Sub

Sub KillProc()
  '# kills jusched.exe and jqs.exe if they are running.  These processes will cause the installer to fail.
  Dim wshShell
  Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  wshShell.Run "Taskkill /F /IM jusched.exe /T", 0, True
  wshShell.Run "Taskkill /F /IM jqs.exe /T", 0, True
End Sub
Avatar billede mortenmoss Nybegynder
12. april 2012 - 07:18 #1
kunne man forestille sig at du kun installere Java x64 og ikke java x86, man skal installere begge versioner på x64 OS.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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