Har hurtigt kigget lidt på dette.
Umiddelbart er det ikke en virus men en phisingmail, som du egentligt bare bør slette. Du skal ikke svare på den eller åbne den.
Se venligst linket for mere.
http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=917415.emlx files are simply individual Mail messages. They are not malware.
Heuristics.Phishing.Email.SpoofedDomain and HTML.Phishing.Acc-4 refer to phishing emails. They are not viruses or trojans. They are simply emails designed to trick you into giving out information. If you don't reply to the emails or click the links, you have nothing to worry about.
Some Google searching for "Heuristics.Phishing.Email.SpoofedDomain" reveals many instances where ClamXav appears to be giving false positives. In other words, it thinks you're infected, but you're not.
Unless you are doing things like installing pirated software or installing codecs from porn sites, you have very little chance of having your Mac infected by anything.
While you may choose to run ClamXav or another AV app, it's quite unnecessary for the protection of your Mac.