Avatar billede feelslikedk Nybegynder
08. marts 2011 - 19:37 Der er 3 kommentarer

Sitevurdering af webshop


Jeg har webshoppen www.feelslike.dk , i den forbindelse leder jeg efter tiltag der kan være med til at forbedre siden. Det kunne både være designmæssigt, opbygning, funktionsmæssigt etc. Alt er velkomment.

Har du evnerne til samtidig at lave de forbedringer der evt. bliver nævnt vil jeg meget gerne kontaktes på kontakt@feelslike.dk eller bare i denne tråd. Som sagt er jeg åbent for alt, og alt vil blive grundigt overvejet.

På forhånd tak.
Avatar billede mansfield Nybegynder
09. marts 2011 - 21:44 #1
(The reason Im writing in English is because I am an Englishman in Denmark. I understand danish and can write it but I can write faster and more efficiently in English.)

I would like to start off by saying I have great respect for what your attempting, I would love to get a company within e commerce going but just don't have the balls to start up. I have a basic knowledge within web design and user experience and from looking at the design of the site I quickly notice a lack of balance and repetition. Please don't be offended by what I write as I have taken to analyze and write a critique for you with the intention of helping not to act smart. The following comments are based upon what I noticed at first site.

I would say it's a bad idea to use both san serif and serif fonts as they offer a conflicting message. Sarif fonts can be considered slightly older while San Serif modern. If you are going to use more than one font it is important to ensure that they complement each other.

The color, patterns and feel of the site is quite dull considering it is where people are suppose to go and purchase items which are to bring joy to their children's life. If feel your design would be more suited for selling tea or fine china ;-). I fully understand that these are ‘eco' products so can understand why you have taken this direction.
Under your navigation you can remove "Forside" as it is a now a modern day convention that the logo/banner links back to the index page.

The link on the pictures of the teddy bears on the index page requires some form of indication as to where it will take the user. If the user does not know where he/she is going land when clicking it can be regarded as bad usability, this frustrates the user and in extreme cases may force them to go elsewhere. Next to the picture we have the welcome text. I will start by highlighting that it is always a bad idea to align the text to the middle/'center' as this always unbalances weight of the page. An increase in font size and line height and shortening the text will make the text more comprehensible as it is quite hard to read. You would also defiantly want to create a call to action element focusing/reminding why it's good to purchase ‘eco' products.

I love your concept and can tell a lot has work has gone into the project.I would not say that the site needs a complete makeover as the product page seems to be efficient. I hope this helps and if you want to discuss further feel free to contact me.

Best of luck

Avatar billede mobilpriser Nybegynder
29. marts 2011 - 12:41 #2
Super flot webshop, designet harmonere rigtig godt med dine produkter.

Jeg har ikke så meget at sætte på den. Du har gjort det rigtige i mine øjne...

Har du selv opbygget siden, eller har der været andre inde over`
Avatar billede MartinAlb Nybegynder
12. april 2011 - 01:17 #3
Ja, den er virkeligt flot og overskuelig din hjemmeside, så den kan du godt være stolt af!

Hvis du skal være mere synlig i søgemaskinerne, så kræver det dog en del mere tekst. Lav nogle lange tekster omkring Fairtrade, som du optimere, så de bliver synlige i søgemaskinerne.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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