Avatar billede tobiha Nybegynder
08. marts 2011 - 09:32

Permissions på et share - windows 7


jeg har fundet nedenstående kode, som opretter permissions til et share. Jeg kan godt få det til at virke - bortset fra at brugeren alligevel ikke kan tilgå sharet. Brugeren dukker op i listen under *folder*>properties>sharing>advanced sharing>permissions - og med de rigtige afhakninger. Brugeren findes ikke under *folder*>properties>sharing>share - hvilket undre mig lidt.

Nogen gode ideer?

            //Create a new Win32_Ace instance. Please refer to my previous post about creating Win32_Ace.
            NTAccount account = new NTAccount("domain", "username");
            SecurityIdentifier sid = (SecurityIdentifier)account.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier));
            byte[] sidArray = new byte[sid.BinaryLength];
            sid.GetBinaryForm(sidArray, 0);

            ManagementObject Trustee = new ManagementClass(new ManagementPath("Win32_Trustee"), null);
            Trustee["Domain"] = "domain";
            Trustee["Name"]  = "username";
            Trustee["SID"]  = sidArray;

            ManagementObject ACE = new ManagementClass(new ManagementPath("Win32_Ace"), null);
            ACE["AccessMask"] = 1179817;
            ACE["AceFlags"]  = 3;
            ACE["AceType"]    = 0;
            ACE["Trustee"]    = Trustee;

            //After we have the new Win_32Ace, now we need to get the existing Ace instances (DACL).
            //Create an instance of Win32_LogicalSecuritySetting, set the path to the server and the share.
            ManagementObject Win32LogicalSecuritySetting = new ManagementObject(@"\\tobipc\root\cimv2:Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting.Name='tester'");

            //Call the GetSecurityDescriptor method. This method returns one out parameter.
            ManagementBaseObject Return = Win32LogicalSecuritySetting.InvokeMethod("GetSecurityDescriptor", null, null);
            //The return value of that call above has two properties, ReturnValue, which you can use
            //to read the status of the call (failed, success, etc.), and Descriptor, which is an instance
            //of Win32_SecurityDescriptor.
            Int32 ReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(Return.Properties["ReturnValue"].Value);

            if (ReturnValue != 0)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Error when calling GetSecurityDescriptor. Error code : {0}.", ReturnValue));

            //Retrieve the array of DACL from the Security Descriptor.
            ManagementBaseObject SecurityDescriptor = Return.Properties["Descriptor"].Value as ManagementBaseObject;
            ManagementBaseObject[] DACL = SecurityDescriptor["DACL"] as ManagementBaseObject[];

            if (DACL == null)
                DACL = new ManagementBaseObject[] { ACE };
                Array.Resize(ref DACL, DACL.Length + 1);
                DACL[DACL.Length - 1] = ACE;

            //Reassign the new DACL array with the new user Ace back to the Win32_SecurityDescriptor instance, and call the
            //SetSecurityDescriptor method.
            SecurityDescriptor["DACL"] = DACL;
            foreach (ManagementBaseObject mbo in DACL)

                string test = mbo["AccessMask"].ToString();
            ManagementObject Share = new ManagementObject(@"\\tobipc\root\cimv2:Win32_Share.Name='tester'");
            ReturnValue = Convert.ToInt32(Share.InvokeMethod("SetShareInfo", new object[] {Int32.MaxValue, "Dataplatformshare", SecurityDescriptor}));

            if (ReturnValue != 0)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Error when calling GetSecurityDescriptor. Error code : {0}.", ReturnValue));
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