24. januar 2011 - 20:25 Der er 5 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Simpelt Opgave :)

Hej jeg har dette script som jeg gerne vil ha sat ind i det store script :) nogen der kan hjælpe :)
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7572355586468162";
/* Pu Flash Games */
google_ad_slot = "3446020419";
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 90;
<script type="text/javascript"


* @version        $Id$
* @package        PU Arcade - A Joomla Arcade Component
* @copyright    Copyright (C) 2003 - 2009 Pragmatic Utopia. All rights reserved.
* @license        GNU/GPL
* @notes        This software product is a community supported product hosted at www.puarcade.com.
*                 Please refer to this sites forums should you have any issues regarding this product.
*                 Security issues with this product can be contacted at security@puarcade.com

# PUA Arcade - Template File                    #
# Template    : Game Page Layout                    #
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

// ~cXc~ get template - Game Page Header: Open Tags
if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_open.php')){
    require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_open.php');
} else{
    require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_header_open.php');
// Game Page Header: Open Tags - end ~cXc~
echo $game->title;

// ~cXc~ get template - Game Page Header: Close Tags
if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_close.php')){
    require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_close.php');
} else{
    require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_header_close.php');
// Game Page Header: Close Tags - end ~cXc~

** Plugin-event: onPUABeforeFlashGame
clsPUArcade::triggerCustomEvent( 'onPUABeforeFlashGame', array( $game->id, $game->title, $my->id, $uname ) );
** End of Plugin-event

* Scoring messages logic
puarcade_html::showScoreText( $my->id, $config->allow_gsave, $game->id );
* End of scoring messages logic

//Show the rater
if ($config->rate == 1) {
    // ~cXc~ get template - Game Rating
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_rate.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_rate.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_rate.php');
    // Game Rating - end ~cXc~

if ($game->mochi == 1){
<div class="pu_MediaObject">
if (stristr($game->filename, '.swf')) {

    // ~cXc~ get template - Flash Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_flash.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_flash.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_flash.php');
    // Flash Game - end ~cXc~

else if(stristr($game->filename, '.dcr')) {

    // ~cXc~ get template - Director Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_director.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_director.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_director.php');
    // Director Game - end ~cXc~

else if(stristr($game->filename, '.nes')) {
    // NES Emulation for playing NES ROMS courtesy of vNES http://www.virtualnes.com/index.html
    $gamepath = JPATH_SITE.$config->games_dir.$game->filename;
    $gamesize = @filesize($gamepath);
    if ($gamesize < 1000) {
        $gamesize = 24592;

    // ~cXc~ get template - Nintendo Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_vnes.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_vnes.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_vnes.php');
    // Nintendo Game - end ~cXc~

else if(stristr($game->filename, '.gb') || stristr($game->filename, '.gbc')) {
    // GameBoy emulation for playing GB ROMS courtesy of JavaBoy http://www.millstone.demon.co.uk/download/javaboy/

    // ~cXc~ get template - Gameboy Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_javaboy.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_javaboy.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_javaboy.php');
    // Gameboy Game - end ~cXc~

else if(stristr($game->filename, '.htm') || strstr($game->filename, '.html') || strstr($game->filename, '.txt')) {
    // Use this for javascript games and such
else if(stristr($game->filename, '.bin')) {
    // Atari 2600 emulation for playing Atari 2600 ROMS courtesy of JStella http://jstella.sourceforge.net/

    // ~cXc~ get template - Atari Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_jstella.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_jstella.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_jstella.php');
    // Atari Game - end ~cXc~

// end MediaObject

// ~cXc~ get template - Social Bookmarks
if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_social.php')){
    require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_social.php');
} else{
    require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_social.php');
// Social Bookmarks - end ~cXc~



    ** Plugin-event: onPUAAfterFlashGame
    clsPUArcade::triggerCustomEvent( 'onPUAAfterFlashGame', array( $game->id, $game->title, $my->id, $uname ) );
    * End of Plugin-event

    if ($config->scoreundergame == 1 && $game->scoring != 0 && $NumScores != 0 ) {
<div class="pu_ScoreUnderGame"><?php
if ($game->reverse_score == 1) {
    $orderdir = "ASC";
} else {
    $orderdir = "DESC";
?> <script type="text/javascript">
                var uplight = new Image();
                uplight.src = "<?php echo $imagepath; ?>up1.gif";
                var downlight = new Image();
                downlight.src = "<?php echo $imagepath; ?>down1.gif";
                var upoff = new Image();
                upoff.src = "<?php echo $imagepath; ?>up.gif";
                var downoff = new Image();
                downoff.src = "<?php echo $imagepath; ?>down.gif";
        </script> <?php
        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Page Header: Open Tags
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_open.php')){
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_open.php');
        } else{
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_header_open.php');
        // Game Page Header: Open Tags - end ~cXc~
        echo $game->title." ".PUA_SCORES;
        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Page Header: Close Tags
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_close.php')){
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_close.php');
        } else{
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_header_close.php');
        // Game Page Header: Close Tags - end ~cXc~

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Scores
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_scores.php')){
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_scores.php');
        } else{
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_scores.php');
        // Game Scores - end ~cXc~
<div id="FlashTable"><?php clsPUArcade::WriteScoresTable($game->id,"score",$orderdir,10,0); ?></div>
<!-- ??? end pu_block_container ??? --> <!-- end pu_ScoreUnderGame I think ~cXc~ -->
    } //end scoreundergame and has score
    //Show a tag cloud if we are supposed to
    if ($config->tagcloud == 1) {

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Cloud, Tag Cloud
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_cloud.php')){
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_cloud.php');
        } else{
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_cloud.php');
        // Game Cloud, Tag Cloud - end ~cXc~

    //If showing both stats and tag, insert a margin
    if ($config->showstats == 1 && $config->tagcloud == 1) {
<div class="pu_AddMargin"></div>
    //Show the stats block if we are supposed to
    if ($config->showstats == 1) {

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Stats
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_stats.php')){
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_stats.php');
        } else{
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_stats.php');
        // Game Stats - end ~cXc~

<!-- end pu_block_container I think ~cXc~ -->
    if ($config->faves == 1) {

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Faves
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_faves.php')){
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_faves.php');
        } else{
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_faves.php');
        // Game Faves - end ~cXc~

    * User reporting functions about game functionality
    if ($my->id && $config->report == 1) {

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Faves
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_report.php')){
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_report.php');
        } else{
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_report.php');
        // Game Faves - end ~cXc~

    if ($config->comments == 1) {
    }elseif ($config->comments == 2) {
    }elseif ($config->comments == 3){
    // why is this here?
    ?> <!-- Not sure what this closes out, or rather where this is being opened. -->
<!-- end pu_GamePageBottomLinks I think ~cXc~ -->
<!-- END puarcade.html::writeflashgame -->
Avatar billede repox Seniormester
24. januar 2011 - 20:36 #1
Prøv eventuelt at sætte det ind lige før
<!-- end pu_GamePageBottomLinks I think ~cXc~ -->
24. januar 2011 - 21:12 #2
Min fejl :(
Jeg vil meget gerne ha den lige før //Show the rater

Hvis du vil se hvad jeg mener kan jeg vise dig det her...

Det skal være lige over de stjerner...
Avatar billede repox Seniormester
25. januar 2011 - 02:01 #3
Så skal du jo bare sætte dette ind lige før:
echo '<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7572355586468162";
/* Pu Flash Games */
google_ad_slot = "3446020419";
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 90;
<script type="text/javascript"

lige før //Show the rater
25. januar 2011 - 08:24 #4
Now it look like this and it don´t show up.

* @version        $Id$
* @package        PU Arcade - A Joomla Arcade Component
* @copyright    Copyright (C) 2003 - 2009 Pragmatic Utopia. All rights reserved.
* @license        GNU/GPL
* @notes        This software product is a community supported product hosted at www.puarcade.com.
*                 Please refer to this sites forums should you have any issues regarding this product.
*                 Security issues with this product can be contacted at security@puarcade.com

# PUA Arcade - Template File                    #
# Template    : Game Page Layout                    #
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

// ~cXc~ get template - Game Page Header: Open Tags
if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_open.php')){
    require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_open.php');
} else{
    require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_header_open.php');
// Game Page Header: Open Tags - end ~cXc~
echo $game->title;

// ~cXc~ get template - Game Page Header: Close Tags
if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_close.php')){
    require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_close.php');
} else{
    require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_header_close.php');
// Game Page Header: Close Tags - end ~cXc~

** Plugin-event: onPUABeforeFlashGame
clsPUArcade::triggerCustomEvent( 'onPUABeforeFlashGame', array( $game->id, $game->title, $my->id, $uname ) );
** End of Plugin-event

* Scoring messages logic
puarcade_html::showScoreText( $my->id, $config->allow_gsave, $game->id );
* End of scoring messages logic

//Google Adsense Code start
echo '<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7572355586468162";
/* Pu Flash Games 2 */
google_ad_slot = "6149612719";
google_ad_width = 336;
google_ad_height = 280;
<script type="text/javascript"
//Google Adsense Code stop

//Show the rater
if ($config->rate == 1) {
    // ~cXc~ get template - Game Rating
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_rate.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_rate.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_rate.php');
    // Game Rating - end ~cXc~

if ($game->mochi == 1){
<div class="pu_MediaObject">
if (stristr($game->filename, '.swf')) {

    // ~cXc~ get template - Flash Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_flash.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_flash.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_flash.php');
    // Flash Game - end ~cXc~

else if(stristr($game->filename, '.dcr')) {

    // ~cXc~ get template - Director Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_director.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_director.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_director.php');
    // Director Game - end ~cXc~

else if(stristr($game->filename, '.nes')) {
    // NES Emulation for playing NES ROMS courtesy of vNES http://www.virtualnes.com/index.html
    $gamepath = JPATH_SITE.$config->games_dir.$game->filename;
    $gamesize = @filesize($gamepath);
    if ($gamesize < 1000) {
        $gamesize = 24592;

    // ~cXc~ get template - Nintendo Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_vnes.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_vnes.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_vnes.php');
    // Nintendo Game - end ~cXc~

else if(stristr($game->filename, '.gb') || stristr($game->filename, '.gbc')) {
    // GameBoy emulation for playing GB ROMS courtesy of JavaBoy http://www.millstone.demon.co.uk/download/javaboy/

    // ~cXc~ get template - Gameboy Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_javaboy.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_javaboy.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_javaboy.php');
    // Gameboy Game - end ~cXc~

else if(stristr($game->filename, '.htm') || strstr($game->filename, '.html') || strstr($game->filename, '.txt')) {
    // Use this for javascript games and such
else if(stristr($game->filename, '.bin')) {
    // Atari 2600 emulation for playing Atari 2600 ROMS courtesy of JStella http://jstella.sourceforge.net/

    // ~cXc~ get template - Atari Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_jstella.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_jstella.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_jstella.php');
    // Atari Game - end ~cXc~


<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7572355586468162";
/* Pu Flash Games */
google_ad_slot = "3446020419";
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 90;
<script type="text/javascript"

// end MediaObject

// ~cXc~ get template - Social Bookmarks
if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_social.php')){
    require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_social.php');
} else{
    require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_social.php');
// Social Bookmarks - end ~cXc~



    ** Plugin-event: onPUAAfterFlashGame
    clsPUArcade::triggerCustomEvent( 'onPUAAfterFlashGame', array( $game->id, $game->title, $my->id, $uname ) );
    * End of Plugin-event

    if ($config->scoreundergame == 1 && $game->scoring != 0 && $NumScores != 0 ) {
<div class="pu_ScoreUnderGame"><?php
if ($game->reverse_score == 1) {
    $orderdir = "ASC";
} else {
    $orderdir = "DESC";
?> <script type="text/javascript">
                var uplight = new Image();
                uplight.src = "<?php echo $imagepath; ?>up1.gif";
                var downlight = new Image();
                downlight.src = "<?php echo $imagepath; ?>down1.gif";
                var upoff = new Image();
                upoff.src = "<?php echo $imagepath; ?>up.gif";
                var downoff = new Image();
                downoff.src = "<?php echo $imagepath; ?>down.gif";
        </script> <?php
        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Page Header: Open Tags
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_open.php')){
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_open.php');
        } else{
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_header_open.php');
        // Game Page Header: Open Tags - end ~cXc~
        echo $game->title." ".PUA_SCORES;
        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Page Header: Close Tags
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_close.php')){
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_close.php');
        } else{
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_header_close.php');
        // Game Page Header: Close Tags - end ~cXc~

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Scores
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_scores.php')){
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_scores.php');
        } else{
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_scores.php');
        // Game Scores - end ~cXc~
<div id="FlashTable"><?php clsPUArcade::WriteScoresTable($game->id,"score",$orderdir,10,0); ?></div>
<!-- ??? end pu_block_container ??? --> <!-- end pu_ScoreUnderGame I think ~cXc~ -->
    } //end scoreundergame and has score
    //Show a tag cloud if we are supposed to
    if ($config->tagcloud == 1) {

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Cloud, Tag Cloud
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_cloud.php')){
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_cloud.php');
        } else{
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_cloud.php');
        // Game Cloud, Tag Cloud - end ~cXc~

    //If showing both stats and tag, insert a margin
    if ($config->showstats == 1 && $config->tagcloud == 1) {
<div class="pu_AddMargin"></div>
    //Show the stats block if we are supposed to
    if ($config->showstats == 1) {

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Stats
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_stats.php')){
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_stats.php');
        } else{
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_stats.php');
        // Game Stats - end ~cXc~

<!-- end pu_block_container I think ~cXc~ -->
    if ($config->faves == 1) {

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Faves
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_faves.php')){
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_faves.php');
        } else{
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_faves.php');
        // Game Faves - end ~cXc~

    * User reporting functions about game functionality
    if ($my->id && $config->report == 1) {

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Faves
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_report.php')){
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_report.php');
        } else{
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_report.php');
        // Game Faves - end ~cXc~

    if ($config->comments == 1) {
    }elseif ($config->comments == 2) {
    }elseif ($config->comments == 3){
    // why is this here?
    ?> <!-- Not sure what this closes out, or rather where this is being opened. -->
<!-- end pu_GamePageBottomLinks I think ~cXc~ -->
<!-- END puarcade.html::writeflashgame -->
25. januar 2011 - 23:16 #5
Rettelse det er sådan det ser ud nu og nu den viser bare ingen reklame på siden meget underligt...

* @version        $Id$
* @package        PU Arcade - A Joomla Arcade Component
* @copyright    Copyright (C) 2003 - 2009 Pragmatic Utopia. All rights reserved.
* @license        GNU/GPL
* @notes        This software product is a community supported product hosted at www.puarcade.com.
*                 Please refer to this sites forums should you have any issues regarding this product.
*                 Security issues with this product can be contacted at security@puarcade.com

# PUA Arcade - Template File                    #
# Template    : Game Page Layout                    #
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

// ~cXc~ get template - Game Page Header: Open Tags
if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_open.php')){
    require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_open.php');
} else{
    require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_header_open.php');
// Game Page Header: Open Tags - end ~cXc~
echo $game->title;

// ~cXc~ get template - Game Page Header: Close Tags
if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_close.php')){
    require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_close.php');
} else{
    require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_header_close.php');
// Game Page Header: Close Tags - end ~cXc~

** Plugin-event: onPUABeforeFlashGame
clsPUArcade::triggerCustomEvent( 'onPUABeforeFlashGame', array( $game->id, $game->title, $my->id, $uname ) );
** End of Plugin-event

* Scoring messages logic
puarcade_html::showScoreText( $my->id, $config->allow_gsave, $game->id );
* End of scoring messages logic

//Google Adsense Code start
echo '<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7572355586468162";
/* Pu Flash Games */
google_ad_slot = "6149612719";
google_ad_width = 336;
google_ad_height = 280;
<script type="text/javascript"
//Google Adsense Code stop

//Show the rater
if ($config->rate == 1) {
    // ~cXc~ get template - Game Rating
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_rate.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_rate.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_rate.php');
    // Game Rating - end ~cXc~

if ($game->mochi == 1){
<div class="pu_MediaObject">
if (stristr($game->filename, '.swf')) {

    // ~cXc~ get template - Flash Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_flash.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_flash.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_flash.php');
    // Flash Game - end ~cXc~

else if(stristr($game->filename, '.dcr')) {

    // ~cXc~ get template - Director Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_director.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_director.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_director.php');
    // Director Game - end ~cXc~

else if(stristr($game->filename, '.nes')) {
    // NES Emulation for playing NES ROMS courtesy of vNES http://www.virtualnes.com/index.html
    $gamepath = JPATH_SITE.$config->games_dir.$game->filename;
    $gamesize = @filesize($gamepath);
    if ($gamesize < 1000) {
        $gamesize = 24592;

    // ~cXc~ get template - Nintendo Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_vnes.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_vnes.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_vnes.php');
    // Nintendo Game - end ~cXc~

else if(stristr($game->filename, '.gb') || stristr($game->filename, '.gbc')) {
    // GameBoy emulation for playing GB ROMS courtesy of JavaBoy http://www.millstone.demon.co.uk/download/javaboy/

    // ~cXc~ get template - Gameboy Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_javaboy.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_javaboy.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_javaboy.php');
    // Gameboy Game - end ~cXc~

else if(stristr($game->filename, '.htm') || strstr($game->filename, '.html') || strstr($game->filename, '.txt')) {
    // Use this for javascript games and such
else if(stristr($game->filename, '.bin')) {
    // Atari 2600 emulation for playing Atari 2600 ROMS courtesy of JStella http://jstella.sourceforge.net/

    // ~cXc~ get template - Atari Game
    if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_jstella.php')){
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_jstella.php');
    } else{
        require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_jstella.php');
    // Atari Game - end ~cXc~

// end MediaObject

// ~cXc~ get template - Social Bookmarks
if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_social.php')){
    require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_social.php');
} else{
    require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_social.php');
// Social Bookmarks - end ~cXc~



    ** Plugin-event: onPUAAfterFlashGame
    clsPUArcade::triggerCustomEvent( 'onPUAAfterFlashGame', array( $game->id, $game->title, $my->id, $uname ) );
    * End of Plugin-event

    if ($config->scoreundergame == 1 && $game->scoring != 0 && $NumScores != 0 ) {
<div class="pu_ScoreUnderGame"><?php
if ($game->reverse_score == 1) {
    $orderdir = "ASC";
} else {
    $orderdir = "DESC";
?> <script type="text/javascript">
                var uplight = new Image();
                uplight.src = "<?php echo $imagepath; ?>up1.gif";
                var downlight = new Image();
                downlight.src = "<?php echo $imagepath; ?>down1.gif";
                var upoff = new Image();
                upoff.src = "<?php echo $imagepath; ?>up.gif";
                var downoff = new Image();
                downoff.src = "<?php echo $imagepath; ?>down.gif";
        </script> <?php
        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Page Header: Open Tags
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_open.php')){
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_open.php');
        } else{
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_header_open.php');
        // Game Page Header: Open Tags - end ~cXc~
        echo $game->title." ".PUA_SCORES;
        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Page Header: Close Tags
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_close.php')){
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_header_close.php');
        } else{
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_header_close.php');
        // Game Page Header: Close Tags - end ~cXc~

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Scores
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_scores.php')){
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_scores.php');
        } else{
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_scores.php');
        // Game Scores - end ~cXc~
<div id="FlashTable"><?php clsPUArcade::WriteScoresTable($game->id,"score",$orderdir,10,0); ?></div>
<!-- ??? end pu_block_container ??? --> <!-- end pu_ScoreUnderGame I think ~cXc~ -->
    } //end scoreundergame and has score
    //Show a tag cloud if we are supposed to
    if ($config->tagcloud == 1) {

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Cloud, Tag Cloud
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_cloud.php')){
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_cloud.php');
        } else{
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_cloud.php');
        // Game Cloud, Tag Cloud - end ~cXc~

    //If showing both stats and tag, insert a margin
    if ($config->showstats == 1 && $config->tagcloud == 1) {
<div class="pu_AddMargin"></div>
    //Show the stats block if we are supposed to
    if ($config->showstats == 1) {

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Stats
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_stats.php')){
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_stats.php');
        } else{
            require_once ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_stats.php');
        // Game Stats - end ~cXc~

<!-- end pu_block_container I think ~cXc~ -->
    if ($config->faves == 1) {

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Faves
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_faves.php')){
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_faves.php');
        } else{
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_faves.php');
        // Game Faves - end ~cXc~

    * User reporting functions about game functionality
    if ($my->id && $config->report == 1) {

        // ~cXc~ get template - Game Faves
        if (file_exists('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_report.php')){
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/'.$config->template.'/pua_game_report.php');
        } else{
            require ('components/com_puarcade/templates/default/pua_game_report.php');
        // Game Faves - end ~cXc~

    if ($config->comments == 1) {
    }elseif ($config->comments == 2) {
    }elseif ($config->comments == 3){
    // why is this here?
    ?> <!-- Not sure what this closes out, or rather where this is being opened. -->
<!-- end pu_GamePageBottomLinks I think ~cXc~ -->
<!-- END puarcade.html::writeflashgame -->
27. januar 2011 - 09:05 #6
Hej det virkede :)
Har bare et problem at jeg ikke kan se reklamer der kommer fra google meget mystisk :)
Men laver du lige et svar så du kan få dine point?
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