"This item cannot be displayed in the reading pane". Outlook 2003 på citrix
HejJeg har én bruger, som med jævne mellemrum får fejlen "This item cannot be displayed in the Reading Pane. Open the item to read its contents". Når man så forsøger at åbne mailen, får man fejlen "The operation failed".
Nogen gange kan problemet løses ved at lukke outlook ned og starte det op igen.
Følgende er allerede prøvet uden held:
1. Reset the Outlook toolbar template. With Outlook close, do a search for and rename outcmd.dat file. Do the same for frmcache.dat and outlprnt files. Restart Outlook.
Outcmd.dat is located in C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook folder. It is a hidden file, so you have to unhide hidden files. Go to any folder and select Tools > Folders Options > View. Check "Show hidden files and folders". Click OK.
2. If no joy, register two important Outlook files. Go to Start > Run and type regsvr32 OLE32.DLL
Do the same for INETCOMM.DLL
3. If no joy, an addin could be interfering. Disable Outlook Addins. Go to Tools > Options > Other > Advanced Options > Addin Manager or COMM/Addins and disable the addins.
If you cannot open Outlook, do a search for and rename extend.dat file.
4. Check if an external program running in the background is interfering with Outlook. Check Firewall, antivirus, antispyware, antispam, and all Norton programs. Disable these programs one at a time.
5. If no joy, create a new Outlook profile.
6. Repair Outlook. With Outlook open, go to Help > Detect and Repair.
Exchange-serveren har været genstartet. Brugeren har fået ny citrix profil. Jeg har clearet form cachen. Jeg har fjernet brugerens mailbox fra outlook og sat den på igen. Intet har hjulpet.
Gode idéer modtages meget gerne. Pft.