Parse error: syntax error
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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/eca2010/public_html/admin00/editad.php on line 231
min fil siger ud sådan:
| |
| File: edit.php |
| Edit an ad |
| |
| |
| |
+--------------------------[ Mon, Sep 05, 2005 ]---*/
$xsubcatfields = array();
$adid = $_REQUEST['adid'];
$isevent = 0+$_REQUEST['isevent'];
$ad_section = "Events";
$adtype = "E";
$table = $t_events;
$ad_section = "Ads";
$adtype = "A";
$table = $t_ads;
header("Location: ads.php");
if ($_POST['do'] == "post")
$data = $_POST;
recurse($data, 'stripslashes');
if($_POST['subcatid'] > 0)
$xsubcatid = $_POST['subcatid'];
list($xsubcathasprice, $xsubcatpricelabel, $xsubcatfields) = GetCustomFields($xsubcatid);
/* Begin Version 5.0 */
$expireson_temp = "{$data['exp_y']}-{$data['exp_m']}-{$data['exp_d']}" . substr($data['expireson_orig'], 10);
$data['expireson'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($expireson_temp));
/* End Version 5.0 */
// Assume values
$data['adtitle'] = substr($data['addesc'], 0, $generated_adtitle_length) . ((strlen($data['addesc']) > $generated_adtitle_length) ? $generated_adtitle_append : "");
if(!$data['email']) $data['showemail'] = EMAIL_HIDE;
// Check errors
if (!$_POST['addesc'])
$err .= "• The ad title, description and poster email are mandatory";
$numerr = "";
if($_POST['price'] && !preg_match("/^[0-9\.]*$/", $_POST['price']))
$numerr .= "- $xsubcatpricelabel<br>";
foreach ($data['x'] as $fldnum=>$val)
if($xsubcatfields[$fldnum]['TYPE'] == "N" && !preg_match("/^-?[0-9]*$/", $val))
$fldname = $xsubcatfields[$fldnum]['NAME'];
$numerr .= " - {$fldname}<br>";
if($numerr) $err .= "• The following fields must be numbers<br>$numerr";
if ($_POST['do'] == "post" && !$err)
$data_mysql = $data;
foreach ($data_mysql as $k=>$v)
if ($k == "addesc") {
recurse($data_mysql[$k], 'htmlspecialchars');
recurse($data_mysql[$k], 'mysql_escape_string');
else {
recurse($data_mysql[$k], 'htmlspecialchars');
recurse($data_mysql[$k], 'mysql_escape_string');
foreach ($data_mysql['x'] as $fldnum=>$val)
if($xsubcatfields[$fldnum]['TYPE'] == "N") $data_mysql['x'][$fldnum]=0+$val;
$data_mysql['price'] = 0 + str_replace(",", "", $data_mysql['price']);
$data_mysql['othercontactok'] = 0 + $data_mysql['othercontactok'];
$sql = "SET adtitle = '$data_mysql[adtitle]',
addesc = '$data_mysql[addesc]',
area ='$data_mysql[area]',
email = '$data_mysql[email]',
showemail = '$data_mysql[showemail]',
#password = '$data_mysql[password]',
cityid = $data_mysql[cityid],
othercontactok = '$data_mysql[othercontactok]',
newsletter = '$data_mysql[newsletter]',
expireson = '$data_mysql[expireson]',
timestamp = NOW(),";
$sql = "UPDATE $table " . $sql .
" starton = '$data_mysql[fy]-$data_mysql[fm]-$data_mysql[fd]',
endon = '$data_mysql[ty]-$data_mysql[tm]-$data_mysql[td]'";
$sql = "UPDATE $table " . $sql .
" subcatid = $data_mysql[subcatid],
price = $data_mysql[price]";
$sql .= " WHERE adid = $adid";
mysql_query($sql) or die($sql.mysql_error());
if ($_POST['edit_gmap'] == "edit_gmap"){
$sql_updategmap = "UPDATE $t_markers
SET address ='$data_mysql[address_gmap]',
lat = '$data_mysql[latitude]',
lng = '$data_mysql[longitude]',
type = 'bar',
zoom = '$data_mysql[zoom_lvl]'
WHERE id = $adid";
mysql_query($sql_updategmap) or print($sql_updategmap);
// Save extra fields
if (is_array($data_mysql['x']) && count($data_mysql['x']))
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $t_adxfields WHERE adid = $adid";
list($hasrecord) = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
if($hasrecord) $sql = "UPDATE $t_adxfields SET ";
else $sql = "INSERT INTO $t_adxfields SET ";
foreach ($data_mysql['x'] as $fldnum=>$val)
if($xsubcatfields[$fldnum]['TYPE'] == "N")
/*if($val == "") $val = -1;
$val = 0+$val;
$sql .= "f{$fldnum} = '$val',";
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -1);
if($hasrecord) $sql .= " WHERE adid = $adid";
else $sql .= ", adid = $adid";
mysql_query($sql) or print($sql);
$msg = "The ad has been updated";
//module on /off
if ($_POST['mmd'] == "on") {
mysql_query("UPDATE ads SET state = '$_POST[mmd]' WHERE adid='$adid' ");
mysql_query("UPDATE ads SET showemail = '2' WHERE adid = '$adid'");
else {
mysql_query("UPDATE ads SET state = '$_POST[mmd]' WHERE adid='$adid' ");
//mysql_query("UPDATE ads SET showemail = '2' WHERE adid = '$adid'");
$msg = "Module has been updated!";
// Make featured/unfeatured
if ($data_mysql['makefeatured'])
/* Begin Version 5.0 */
$featuredtill_temp = "{$data_mysql['feat_y']}-{$data_mysql['feat_m']}-{$data_mysql['feat_d']}" . substr($data_mysql['featuredtill_orig'], 10);
$data_mysql['featuredtill'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($featuredtill_temp));
/* End Version 5.0 */
$sql = "UPDATE $t_featured SET featuredtill = '$data_mysql[featuredtill]' WHERE featadid = $data_mysql[featadid]";
mysql_query($sql) or die($sql.mysql_error());
$sql = "INSERT INTO $t_featured SET adid = $adid, adtype = '$adtype', featuredtill = '$data_mysql[featuredtill]'";
mysql_query($sql) or die($sql.mysql_error());
$sql = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(featuredtill) AS featuredtill_ts FROM $t_featured WHERE adid = $adid AND adtype = '$adtype'";
list($new_featuredtill_ts) = @mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
if($new_featuredtill_ts > time())
$msg .= "<br>The ad has been made featured";
$msg .= "<br><span class=\"imp\">The ad has been cancelled as featured ad</span>";
else if ($data_mysql['featadid'])
$sql = "UPDATE $t_featured SET featuredtill = NOW() WHERE featadid = $data_mysql[featadid] AND featuredtill > NOW()";
mysql_query($sql) or die($sql.mysql_error());
$msg .= "<br><span class=\"imp\">The ad has been cancelled as featured ad</span>";
// Delete pictures
$delpiccnt = 0;
if (count($data_mysql['delpic']))
foreach($data_mysql['delpic'] as $picid)
$sql = "SELECT picfile FROM $t_adpics WHERE picid = $picid";
list($filename) = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
$sql = "DELETE FROM $t_adpics WHERE picid = $picid";
if($delpiccnt) $msg .= "<br>$delpiccnt picture(s) deleted";
// Upload new pictures
if (count($_FILES['pic']['tmp_name']))
$ipval = ipval();
$uploaderror = 0;
$uploadcount = 0;
foreach ($_FILES['pic']['tmp_name'] as $k=>$tmpfile)
if ($tmpfile)
/* Begin Version 5.2 - Image upload issue */
$thisfile = array("name"=>$_FILES['pic']['name'][$k],
/* End Version 5.2 - Image upload issue */
// Check size
if ($_FILES['pic']['size'][$k] > $pic_maxsize*1000)
/* Begin Version 5.2 - Image upload issue */
elseif (!isValidImage($thisfile))
/* End Version 5.2 - Image upload issue */
/* Begin Version 5.2 - Image upload issue */
// Code Removed //
/* End Version 5.2 - Image upload issue */
$newfile = SaveUploadFile($thisfile, "{$path_escape}{$datadir[adpics]}", TRUE, $images_max_width, $images_max_height);
$sql = "INSERT INTO $t_adpics
SET adid = $adid,
isevent = '$isevent',
picfile = '$newfile'";
if (mysql_error())
$msg .= "<br><span class=\"error\">Error uploading $_FILES[pic][name]</span><br>";
elseif ($_FILES['pic']['name'][$k])
$msg .= "<br>$uploadcount pictures uploaded";
$msg .= "<br>$uploaderror pictures could NOT be uploaded";
header("Location: $_POST[returl]&msg=".urlencode($msg));
$ad_found = false;
$sql = "SELECT a.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.createdon) AS createdon, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.timestamp) AS timestamp,
feat.featadid, feat.featuredtill, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(feat.featuredtill) AS featuredtill_ts
FROM $table a
LEFT OUTER JOIN $t_featured feat ON a.adid = feat.adid AND feat.adtype = '$adtype'
WHERE a.adid = $adid";
$res_orig = mysql_query($sql);
if (mysql_num_rows($res_orig)) {
$data_orig = mysql_fetch_array($res_orig);
$ad_found = true;
recurse($data, 'htmlspecialchars'); // Done before merging with original data as thats already saved as escaped.
if ($_POST['do'] == "post") $data = $data + $data_orig;
else $data = $data_orig;
/* Start Version 5.0 */
// Date lists
$dlist = "";
for($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) $dlist .= "<option value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n";
$mlist = "";
for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) $mlist .= "<option value=\"$i\">".$langx['months'][$i-1]."</option>\n";
$ylist = "";
$thisy = date("Y");
$starty = 2005;
$endy = $thisy + 5;
for ($i=$starty; $i<=$endy; $i++) $ylist .= "<option value=\"".($i)."\">".($i)."</option>";
list($data['exp_y'], $data['exp_m'], $data['exp_d']) = explode("-", substr($data['expireson'], 0, 10));
list($data['feat_y'], $data['feat_m'], $data['feat_d']) = explode("-", substr($data['featuredtill'], 0, 10));
/* End Version 5.0 */
if ($isevent)
$catname = $lang['EVENTS'];
// Split dates
if (!$data['fy'])
preg_match("/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/isU", $data['starton'], $m);
list($dummy, $data['fy'], $data['fm'], $data['fd']) = $m;
preg_match("/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/isU", $data['endon'], $m);
list($dummy, $data['ty'], $data['tm'], $data['td']) = $m;
$xsubcatid = $subcatid = $data['subcatid'];
$sql = "SELECT subcatname FROM $t_subcats WHERE subcatid = $subcatid AND enabled = '1'";
list($catname) = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
list($xsubcathasprice, $xsubcatpricelabel, $xsubcatfields) = GetCustomFields($xsubcatid);
$hasprice = $xsubcathasprice;
$pricelabel = $xsubcatpricelabel;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $t_adxfields WHERE adid = $adid LIMIT 1";
$row = @mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
for($i=1; $i<=$xfields_count; $i++)
$x[$i] = $row["f{$i}"];
if (is_array($data['x'])) $data['x'] = $data['x'] + $x;
else $data['x'] = $x;
<?php include_once(""); ?>
<script language="javascript">
function insertLink(link)
var editpane = document.frmPost.addesc;
var linkcode = "[URL]http://" + link + "[/URL]";
/*if (document.selection)
document.selection.createRange().text = linkcode;
if (editpane.selectionStart || editpane.selectionStart == '0')
var selstart = editpane.selectionStart;
var selend = editpane.selectionEnd;
editpane.value = editpane.value.substring(0, selstart) + linkcode + editpane.value.substring(selend);
editpane.selectionStart = selstart + linkcode.length;
editpane.selectionEnd = editpane.selectionStart;
editpane.value = editpane.value + linkcode;
<?php if (!$ad_found) { ?>
<h2>The specified ad cannot be found in the database!</h2>
<b><a href="<?php echo $_REQUEST['returl']; ?>">Go Back</a></b>
<?php } else { ?>
<h2>Editing: "<?php echo $data['adtitle']; ?>"</h2>
<?php if($err) echo "<div class=\"err\">$err</div>"; ?>
<?php if($msg) echo "<div class=\"msg\">$msg</div>"; ?>
<b><a href="<?php echo $_REQUEST['returl']; ?>">Go Back</a></b>
<form action="" method="post" name="frmPost" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="box">
<table class="postad" border="0" width="100%">
<td><b>Ad ID:</b></td><td><?php echo $isevent?"E":"A"; ?><?php echo $adid; ?></td>
<td><b>Created On:</b></td><td><?php echo date("r", $data['createdon']); ?></td>
<td><b>Last Update:</b></td><td><?php echo date("r", $data['timestamp']); ?></td>
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td><b>Title:</b> <span class="marker">*</span></td><td><input name="adtitle" type="text" id="adtitle" size="75" maxlength="100" value="<?php echo $data['adtitle']; ?>"> </td>
<td><b>Location:</b></td><td><input name="area" type="text" size="40" maxlength="50" value="<?php echo $data['area']; ?>"></td>
<!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->
<td valign="top"><b>Post:</b> <span class="marker">*</span></td><td>
if(richTextAllowed($data['createdon'])) {
$wmd_editor = array("name"=>"addesc", "content"=>$data['addesc']);
} else {
<textarea name="addesc" cols="78" rows="10" id="addesc"><?php echo $data['addesc']; ?></textarea><br>
<!-- End Version 5.0 -->
if ($hasprice)
<td><b><?php echo $pricelabel; ?>:</b></td>
<td><?php echo $currency; ?> <input type="text" name="price" size="5" maxlength="10" value="<?php echo $data['price']; ?>"></td>
<?php foreach($xsubcatfields as $fldnum=>$fld) { ?>
<td valign="top"><b><?php echo $fld['NAME']; ?>: </b></td>
case "N":
<input name="x[<?php echo $fldnum; ?>]" type="text" size="8" value="<?php echo $data['x'][$fldnum]; ?>">
case "D":
<select name="x[<?php echo $fldnum; ?>]">
foreach ($fld['VALUES_A'] as $v)
echo "<option value=\"$v\"";
if ($data['x'][$fldnum] == $v) echo " selected";
echo ">$v</option>";
<input name="x[<?php echo $fldnum; ?>]" type="text" size="30" value="<?php echo $data['x'][$fldnum]; ?>">
<?php } ?>
<td><b>Starts On:</b> <span class="marker">*</span></td>
<select name="fm">
<?php echo $mlist; ?>
<select name="fd">
<?php echo $dlist; ?>
</select> ,
<select name="fy">
<?php echo $ylist; ?>
<td><b>Ends On: </b><span class="marker">*</span></td>
<select name="tm">
<?php echo $mlist; ?>
<select name="td">
<?php echo $dlist; ?>
</select> ,
<select name="ty">
<?php echo $ylist; ?>
if ($data['fm']) // Version 5.0
<script language="javascript">[<?php echo $data['fm']-1; ?>].selected = true;
document.frmPost.fd.options[<?php echo $data['fd']-1; ?>].selected = true;
/* Begin Version 5.0 */
document.frmPost.fy.options[<?php echo $data['fy']-$starty; ?>].selected = true;
/* End Version 5.0 */[<?php echo $data['tm']-1; ?>].selected = true;[<?php echo $data['td']-1; ?>].selected = true;
/* Begin Version 5.0 */
document.frmPost.ty.options[<?php echo $data['ty']-$starty; ?>].selected = true;
/* End Version 5.0 */
<td valign="top" width="20%"><b>Email:</b> <span class="marker">*</span> </td>
<td><input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="30" maxlength="50" value="<?php echo $data['email']; ?>">
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
<td><input name="showemail" type="radio" value="0" <?php if(!$data['showemail'] || $data['showemail']===EMAIL_HIDE) echo "checked"; ?>></td>
<td>Hide Email</td>
<td><input name="showemail" type="radio" value="2" <?php if($data['showemail']==EMAIL_USEFORM) echo "checked"; ?>></td>
<td>Use Contact Form</td>
<td><input name="showemail" type="radio" value="1" <?php if($data['showemail']==EMAIL_SHOW) echo "checked"; ?>> </td>
<td>Show Email</td>
<?php /* ?>
<td valign="top" width="10%"><b>Password:</b> <span class="marker">*</span> </td>
<td><input name="password" type="text" id="password" size="30" maxlength="50" value="<?php echo $data['password']; ?>" class="password_hidden" onfocus="this.className='password_revealed';" onblur="this.className='password_hidden';"><br>
<span class="hint">Click inside the box above to reveal/change the password.</span></td>
<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>
<?php */ ?>
<td valign="top" width="20%"><b>Category:</b> </td>
<?php if(!$isevent) { ?>
<select name="subcatid">
$sql = "SELECT catid, catname
FROM $t_cats
ORDER BY catname";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($res))
$sql = "SELECT subcatid, subcatname
FROM $t_subcats
WHERE catid = $row[catid]
ORDER BY subcatname";
$ress = mysql_query($sql);
if (mysql_num_rows($ress))
while ($s = mysql_fetch_array($ress))
echo "<option value=\"$s[subcatid]\"";
if ($data['subcatid'] == $s['subcatid'])
echo " selected";
$cat = $row['catname'];
$subcat = $s['subcatname'];
echo ">$row[catname] > $s[subcatname]</option>";
<span class="caution"><b>IMPORTANT:</b><br> Changing the category may cause inconsistencies with info in extra fields.</span>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } ?>
<td valign="top" width="20%"><b>City:</b> </td>
<select name="cityid">
$sql = "SELECT countryid, countryname
FROM $t_countries
ORDER BY countryname";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($res))
$sql = "SELECT cityid, cityname
FROM $t_cities ct
WHERE countryid = $row[countryid]
ORDER BY cityname";
$resct = mysql_query($sql);
if (mysql_num_rows($resct))
while ($ct = mysql_fetch_array($resct))
echo "<option value=\"$ct[cityid]\"";
if ($data['cityid'] == $ct['cityid'])
$country = $row['countryname'];
$city = $ct['cityname'];
echo " selected";
echo ">$row[countryname] > $ct[cityname]</option>\r\n";
<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>
<td valign="top" width="10%"><b>Expires On:</b> </td>
<!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->
<td><input name="expireson_orig" type="hidden" id="expireson_orig" value="<?php echo $data['expireson']; ?>">
<select name="exp_m"><?php echo $mlist; ?></select>
<select name="exp_d"><?php echo $dlist; ?></select> ,
<select name="exp_y"><?php echo $ylist; ?></select>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.frmPost.exp_m.options[<?php echo $data['exp_m']-1; ?>].selected = true;
document.frmPost.exp_d.options[<?php echo $data['exp_d']-1; ?>].selected = true;
document.frmPost.exp_y.options[<?php echo $data['exp_y']-$starty; ?>].selected = true;
<!-- End Version 5.0 -->
<table class="postad" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
<input type="checkbox" name="othercontactok" value="1" <?php if($data['othercontactok'] == 1) echo "checked"; ?>> It is OK to contact this user with commercial interests.
<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>
<input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" value="1" <?php if($data['newsletter'] == 1) echo "checked"; ?>> <?php echo $lang['POST_NEWSLETTER_OPTION']; ?>
<tr><td colspan="2"><h3>Featured Ad</h3></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2">
if($data['featuredtill_ts'] > time())
$isfeatured = TRUE;
<span class="msg">This is a featured ad</span>
<!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleFeatured(chk) {
if(chk.checked) {
chk.form.featuredtill_orig.disabled = false;
chk.form.feat_y.disabled = false;
chk.form.feat_m.disabled = false;
chk.form.feat_d.disabled = false;
else {
chk.form.featuredtill_orig.disabled = true;
chk.form.feat_y.disabled = true;
chk.form.feat_m.disabled = true;
chk.form.feat_d.disabled = true;
function defaultFeatured(chk) {
if(chk.checked && !chk.form.featuredtill_orig.value) {
$new_feat_date = time() + 10*24*60*60;
$new_feat_y = date("Y", $new_feat_date);
$new_feat_m = date("m", $new_feat_date);
$new_feat_d = date("d", $new_feat_date);
chk.form.featuredtill_orig.value = '<?php echo "{$new_feat_y}-{$new_feat_m}-{$new_feat_d} 23:59:59"; ?>';
chk.form.feat_m.options[<?php echo $new_feat_m-1; ?>].selected = true;
chk.form.feat_d.options[<?php echo $new_feat_d-1; ?>].selected = true;
chk.form.feat_y.options[<?php echo $new_feat_y-$starty; ?>].selected = true;
<!-- End Version 5.0 -->
<td valign="top">Feature this ad:</td>
$featchkplus = "";
$featchkaction = "toggleFeatured(this); ";
if ($isfeatured)
$featchkplus = " checked";
$featchkaction .= " defaultFeatured(this);";
$feattxtplus = " disabled";
<input type="hidden" name="featadid" value="<?php echo $data['featadid']; ?>">
<input type="checkbox" name="makefeatured" size="30" value="1" onChange="<?php echo $featchkaction; ?>" <?php echo $featchkplus; ?>>
<td valign="top">Run as featured till:</td>
<!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->
<td><input type="hidden" name="featuredtill_orig" value="<?php echo $isfeatured?$data['featuredtill']:""; ?>" <?php echo $feattxtplus; ?>>
<select name="feat_m" <?php echo $feattxtplus; ?>><?php echo $mlist; ?></select>
<select name="feat_d" <?php echo $feattxtplus; ?>><?php echo $dlist; ?></select> ,
<select name="feat_y" <?php echo $feattxtplus; ?>><?php echo $ylist; ?></select>
if ($data['featuredtill']) {
<script type="text/javascript">
document.frmPost.feat_m.options[<?php echo $data['feat_m']-1; ?>].selected = true;
document.frmPost.feat_d.options[<?php echo $data['feat_d']-1; ?>].selected = true;
document.frmPost.feat_y.options[<?php echo $data['feat_y']-$starty; ?>].selected = true;
Note: Entering an old date will cause the ad to be cancelled as a featured ad
<!-- End Version 5.0 -->
<table class="postad" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" border="0">
$sql_gmap = "SELECT gmapsenable FROM $t_subcats WHERE subcatid = $data[subcatid]";
list($gmaps_enabled) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($sql_gmap));
<tr><td colspan="2">
<input name="edit_gmap" type="hidden" id="edit_gmap" value="edit_gmap"/>
<table border="0">
<td>Enable membership module(default=showemail) <?php $rem = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ads WHERE adid = '$_GET[adid]'");
$rowm = mysql_fetch_array($rem); ?></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="mmd" value="on" <?php if ($rowm['state']=="on") {echo 'checked';} else {} ?> /></td></tr>
<td></td><td><input type="hidden" name="mmd1" value="off" /></td></tr>
<table class="postad" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" border="0">
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $t_adpics WHERE adid = $adid AND isevent = '$isevent'";
$pics = mysql_query($sql);
$pics_present = mysql_num_rows($pics);
<tr><td><span class="info">No pictures for this ad</span></td></tr>
while($pic = mysql_fetch_array($pics))
<img src="../<?php echo $datadir['adpics']; ?>/<?php echo $pic['picfile']; ?>">
<input type="checkbox" name="delpic[]" value="<?php echo $pic['picid']; ?>">
<span class="extracaution">DELETE!</span>
<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>
<br> <br>
if($pics_present < $pic_count)
<b>Upload More Pictures:</b><br>
for($i=$pics_present+1; $i<=$pic_count; $i++)
<input type="file" name="pic[]" size="69"><br>
<br> <br>
<input name="isevent" type="hidden" id="isevent" value="1">
<input name="do" type="hidden" id="do" value="post">
<input name="returl" type="hidden" id="do" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['returl']; ?>">
<button type="submit">Update</button>
<button type="button" onclick="location.href='<?php echo $_REQUEST['returl']; ?>';">Cancel</button>
<?php include_once(""); ?>
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