Avatar billede shoofixmafi Nybegynder
16. oktober 2010 - 13:58 Der er 10 kommentarer

Parse error: syntax error


Jeg har dette error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/eca2010/public_html/admin00/editad.php on line 231

min fil siger ud sådan:


|                      |
| File: edit.php                                    |
| Edit an ad                                        |
|              |
|                            |
|                  |
+--------------------------[ Mon, Sep 05, 2005 ]---*/


$xsubcatfields = array();

$adid = $_REQUEST['adid'];
$isevent = 0+$_REQUEST['isevent'];

    $ad_section = "Events";
    $adtype = "E";
    $table = $t_events;
    $ad_section = "Ads";
    $adtype = "A";
    $table = $t_ads;

    header("Location: ads.php");

if ($_POST['do'] == "post")
    $data = $_POST;
    recurse($data, 'stripslashes');

    if($_POST['subcatid'] > 0)
        $xsubcatid = $_POST['subcatid'];
        list($xsubcathasprice, $xsubcatpricelabel, $xsubcatfields) = GetCustomFields($xsubcatid);

    /* Begin Version 5.0 */
    $expireson_temp = "{$data['exp_y']}-{$data['exp_m']}-{$data['exp_d']}" . substr($data['expireson_orig'], 10);
    $data['expireson'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($expireson_temp));
    /* End Version 5.0 */

    // Assume values
        $data['adtitle'] = substr($data['addesc'], 0, $generated_adtitle_length) . ((strlen($data['addesc']) > $generated_adtitle_length) ? $generated_adtitle_append : "");
    if(!$data['email']) $data['showemail'] = EMAIL_HIDE;

    // Check errors
    if (!$_POST['addesc'])
        $err .= "&bull; The ad title, description and poster email are mandatory";

    $numerr = "";
    if($_POST['price'] && !preg_match("/^[0-9\.]*$/", $_POST['price']))
        $numerr .= "- $xsubcatpricelabel<br>";

        foreach ($data['x'] as $fldnum=>$val)
            if($xsubcatfields[$fldnum]['TYPE'] == "N" && !preg_match("/^-?[0-9]*$/", $val))
                $fldname = $xsubcatfields[$fldnum]['NAME'];
                $numerr .= " - {$fldname}<br>";

    if($numerr) $err .= "&bull; The following fields must be numbers<br>$numerr";

if ($_POST['do'] == "post" && !$err)
    $data_mysql = $data;

    foreach ($data_mysql as $k=>$v)
        if ($k == "addesc") {
            recurse($data_mysql[$k], 'htmlspecialchars');
            recurse($data_mysql[$k], 'mysql_escape_string');
        else {
            recurse($data_mysql[$k], 'htmlspecialchars');
            recurse($data_mysql[$k], 'mysql_escape_string');

        foreach ($data_mysql['x'] as $fldnum=>$val)
            if($xsubcatfields[$fldnum]['TYPE'] == "N") $data_mysql['x'][$fldnum]=0+$val;

    $data_mysql['price'] = 0 + str_replace(",", "", $data_mysql['price']);
    $data_mysql['othercontactok'] = 0 + $data_mysql['othercontactok'];

    $sql = "SET adtitle = '$data_mysql[adtitle]',
                addesc = '$data_mysql[addesc]',
                area ='$data_mysql[area]',
                email = '$data_mysql[email]',
                showemail = '$data_mysql[showemail]',
                #password = '$data_mysql[password]',
                cityid = $data_mysql[cityid],
                othercontactok = '$data_mysql[othercontactok]',
                newsletter = '$data_mysql[newsletter]',
                expireson = '$data_mysql[expireson]',
                timestamp = NOW(),";

        $sql = "UPDATE $table " . $sql .
                " starton = '$data_mysql[fy]-$data_mysql[fm]-$data_mysql[fd]',
                endon = '$data_mysql[ty]-$data_mysql[tm]-$data_mysql[td]'";
        $sql = "UPDATE $table " . $sql .
                " subcatid = $data_mysql[subcatid],
                price = $data_mysql[price]";

    $sql .= " WHERE adid = $adid";

    mysql_query($sql) or die($sql.mysql_error());

    if ($_POST['edit_gmap'] == "edit_gmap"){
        $sql_updategmap = "UPDATE $t_markers
                        SET address ='$data_mysql[address_gmap]',
                        lat = '$data_mysql[latitude]',
                        lng = '$data_mysql[longitude]',
                        type = 'bar',
                        zoom = '$data_mysql[zoom_lvl]'
                        WHERE id = $adid";
        mysql_query($sql_updategmap) or print($sql_updategmap);

    // Save extra fields
    if (is_array($data_mysql['x']) && count($data_mysql['x']))
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $t_adxfields WHERE adid = $adid";
        list($hasrecord) = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));

        if($hasrecord) $sql = "UPDATE $t_adxfields SET ";
        else $sql = "INSERT INTO $t_adxfields SET ";

        foreach ($data_mysql['x'] as $fldnum=>$val)
            if($xsubcatfields[$fldnum]['TYPE'] == "N")
                /*if($val == "") $val = -1;
                $val = 0+$val;
            $sql .= "f{$fldnum} = '$val',";

        $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1);

        if($hasrecord) $sql .= " WHERE adid = $adid";
        else $sql .= ", adid = $adid";

        mysql_query($sql) or print($sql);

    $msg = "The ad has been updated";
    //module on /off
    if ($_POST['mmd'] == "on") {
    mysql_query("UPDATE ads SET state = '$_POST[mmd]' WHERE adid='$adid' ");
    mysql_query("UPDATE ads SET showemail = '2' WHERE adid = '$adid'");
    else {
    mysql_query("UPDATE ads SET state = '$_POST[mmd]' WHERE adid='$adid' ");
    //mysql_query("UPDATE ads SET showemail = '2' WHERE adid = '$adid'");
$msg = "Module has been updated!";

    // Make featured/unfeatured
    if ($data_mysql['makefeatured'])
        /* Begin Version 5.0 */
        $featuredtill_temp = "{$data_mysql['feat_y']}-{$data_mysql['feat_m']}-{$data_mysql['feat_d']}" . substr($data_mysql['featuredtill_orig'], 10);
        $data_mysql['featuredtill'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($featuredtill_temp));
        /* End Version 5.0 */

            $sql = "UPDATE $t_featured SET featuredtill = '$data_mysql[featuredtill]' WHERE featadid = $data_mysql[featadid]";
            mysql_query($sql) or die($sql.mysql_error());
            $sql = "INSERT INTO $t_featured SET adid = $adid, adtype = '$adtype', featuredtill = '$data_mysql[featuredtill]'";
            mysql_query($sql) or die($sql.mysql_error());

            $sql = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(featuredtill) AS featuredtill_ts FROM $t_featured WHERE  adid = $adid AND adtype = '$adtype'";
            list($new_featuredtill_ts) = @mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));

            if($new_featuredtill_ts > time())
                $msg .= "<br>The ad has been made featured";
                $msg .= "<br><span class=\"imp\">The ad has been cancelled as featured ad</span>";
    else if ($data_mysql['featadid'])
        $sql = "UPDATE $t_featured SET featuredtill = NOW() WHERE featadid = $data_mysql[featadid] AND featuredtill > NOW()";
        mysql_query($sql) or die($sql.mysql_error());

            $msg .= "<br><span class=\"imp\">The ad has been cancelled as featured ad</span>";

    // Delete pictures
    $delpiccnt = 0;
    if (count($data_mysql['delpic']))
        foreach($data_mysql['delpic'] as $picid)
            $sql = "SELECT picfile FROM $t_adpics WHERE picid = $picid";
            list($filename) = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));

            $sql = "DELETE FROM $t_adpics WHERE picid = $picid";


    if($delpiccnt) $msg .= "<br>$delpiccnt picture(s) deleted";

    // Upload new pictures
    if (count($_FILES['pic']['tmp_name']))
        $ipval = ipval();
        $uploaderror = 0;
        $uploadcount = 0;

        foreach ($_FILES['pic']['tmp_name'] as $k=>$tmpfile)
            if ($tmpfile)
                /* Begin Version 5.2 - Image upload issue */
                $thisfile = array("name"=>$_FILES['pic']['name'][$k],
                /* End Version 5.2 - Image upload issue */

                // Check size
                if ($_FILES['pic']['size'][$k] > $pic_maxsize*1000)
                /* Begin Version 5.2 - Image upload issue */
                elseif (!isValidImage($thisfile))
                /* End Version 5.2 - Image upload issue */
                    /* Begin Version 5.2 - Image upload issue */
                    // Code Removed //
                    /* End Version 5.2 - Image upload issue */

                    $newfile = SaveUploadFile($thisfile, "{$path_escape}{$datadir[adpics]}", TRUE, $images_max_width, $images_max_height);
                        $sql = "INSERT INTO $t_adpics
                                SET adid = $adid,
                                    isevent = '$isevent',
                                    picfile = '$newfile'";

                        if (mysql_error())
                            $msg .= "<br><span class=\"error\">Error uploading $_FILES[pic][name]</span><br>";


            elseif ($_FILES['pic']['name'][$k])

            $msg .= "<br>$uploadcount pictures uploaded";
            $msg .= "<br>$uploaderror pictures could NOT be uploaded";

    header("Location: $_POST[returl]&msg=".urlencode($msg));


$ad_found = false;
$sql = "SELECT a.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.createdon) AS createdon, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.timestamp) AS timestamp,
        feat.featadid, feat.featuredtill, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(feat.featuredtill) AS featuredtill_ts
        FROM $table a
            LEFT OUTER JOIN $t_featured feat ON a.adid = feat.adid AND feat.adtype = '$adtype'
        WHERE a.adid = $adid";
$res_orig = mysql_query($sql);

if (mysql_num_rows($res_orig)) {

$data_orig = mysql_fetch_array($res_orig);
$ad_found = true;

recurse($data, 'htmlspecialchars');    // Done before merging with original data as thats already saved as escaped.
if ($_POST['do'] == "post") $data = $data + $data_orig;
else $data = $data_orig;

/* Start Version 5.0 */

// Date lists
$dlist = "";
for($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) $dlist .= "<option value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n";

$mlist = "";
for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) $mlist .= "<option value=\"$i\">".$langx['months'][$i-1]."</option>\n";

$ylist = "";
$thisy = date("Y");
$starty = 2005;
$endy = $thisy + 5;
for ($i=$starty; $i<=$endy; $i++) $ylist .= "<option value=\"".($i)."\">".($i)."</option>";

list($data['exp_y'], $data['exp_m'], $data['exp_d']) = explode("-", substr($data['expireson'], 0, 10));
list($data['feat_y'], $data['feat_m'], $data['feat_d']) = explode("-", substr($data['featuredtill'], 0, 10));

/* End Version 5.0 */

if ($isevent)
    $catname = $lang['EVENTS'];

    // Split dates
    if (!$data['fy'])
        preg_match("/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/isU", $data['starton'], $m);
        list($dummy, $data['fy'], $data['fm'], $data['fd']) = $m;

        preg_match("/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/isU", $data['endon'], $m);
        list($dummy, $data['ty'], $data['tm'], $data['td']) = $m;
    $xsubcatid = $subcatid = $data['subcatid'];

    $sql = "SELECT subcatname FROM $t_subcats WHERE subcatid = $subcatid AND enabled = '1'";
    list($catname) = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));

    list($xsubcathasprice, $xsubcatpricelabel, $xsubcatfields) = GetCustomFields($xsubcatid);
    $hasprice = $xsubcathasprice;
    $pricelabel = $xsubcatpricelabel;

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $t_adxfields WHERE adid = $adid LIMIT 1";
    $row = @mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));

    for($i=1; $i<=$xfields_count; $i++)
        $x[$i] = $row["f{$i}"];

    if (is_array($data['x'])) $data['x'] = $data['x'] + $x;
    else $data['x'] = $x;




<?php include_once("aheader.inc.php"); ?>

<script language="javascript">

function insertLink(link)
    var editpane = document.frmPost.addesc;
    var linkcode = "[URL]http://" + link + "[/URL]";

    /*if (document.selection)
        document.selection.createRange().text = linkcode;
    if (editpane.selectionStart || editpane.selectionStart == '0')
        var selstart = editpane.selectionStart;
        var selend = editpane.selectionEnd;

        editpane.value = editpane.value.substring(0, selstart) + linkcode + editpane.value.substring(selend);
        editpane.selectionStart = selstart + linkcode.length;
        editpane.selectionEnd = editpane.selectionStart;
        editpane.value = editpane.value + linkcode;




<?php if (!$ad_found) { ?>

<h2>The specified ad cannot be found in the database!</h2>
<b><a href="<?php echo $_REQUEST['returl']; ?>">Go Back</a></b>

<?php } else { ?>

<h2>Editing: "<?php echo $data['adtitle']; ?>"</h2>

<?php if($err) echo "<div class=\"err\">$err</div>"; ?>
<?php if($msg) echo "<div class=\"msg\">$msg</div>"; ?>

<b><a href="<?php echo $_REQUEST['returl']; ?>">Go Back</a></b>


<form action="" method="post" name="frmPost" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="box">

<table class="postad" border="0" width="100%">

        <td><b>Ad ID:</b></td><td><?php echo $isevent?"E":"A"; ?><?php echo $adid; ?></td>

        <td><b>Created On:</b></td><td><?php echo date("r", $data['createdon']); ?></td>

        <td><b>Last Update:</b></td><td><?php echo date("r", $data['timestamp']); ?></td>

        <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>


        <td><b>Title:</b> <span class="marker">*</span></td><td><input name="adtitle" type="text" id="adtitle" size="75" maxlength="100" value="<?php echo $data['adtitle']; ?>">&nbsp;</td>


        <td><b>Location:</b></td><td><input name="area" type="text" size="40" maxlength="50" value="<?php echo $data['area']; ?>"></td>

    <!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->

        <td valign="top"><b>Post:</b> <span class="marker">*</span></td><td>

        if(richTextAllowed($data['createdon'])) {
            $wmd_editor = array("name"=>"addesc", "content"=>$data['addesc']);

        } else {

        <textarea name="addesc" cols="78" rows="10" id="addesc"><?php echo $data['addesc']; ?></textarea><br>



    <!-- End Version 5.0 -->

    if ($hasprice)

        <td><b><?php echo $pricelabel; ?>:</b></td>
        <td><?php echo $currency; ?> <input type="text" name="price" size="5" maxlength="10" value="<?php echo $data['price']; ?>"></td>


    <?php foreach($xsubcatfields as $fldnum=>$fld) { ?>
        <td valign="top"><b><?php echo $fld['NAME']; ?>: </b></td>


            case "N":


            <input name="x[<?php echo $fldnum; ?>]" type="text" size="8" value="<?php echo $data['x'][$fldnum]; ?>">



            case "D":


            <select name="x[<?php echo $fldnum; ?>]">
            foreach ($fld['VALUES_A'] as $v)
                echo "<option value=\"$v\"";
                if ($data['x'][$fldnum] == $v) echo " selected";
                echo ">$v</option>";





            <input name="x[<?php echo $fldnum; ?>]" type="text" size="30" value="<?php echo $data['x'][$fldnum]; ?>">





    <?php } ?>



            <td><b>Starts On:</b> <span class="marker">*</span></td>

            <select name="fm">
            <?php echo $mlist; ?>

            <select name="fd">
            <?php echo $dlist; ?>
            </select> ,

            <select name="fy">
            <?php echo $ylist; ?>


            <td><b>Ends On: </b><span class="marker">*</span></td>

            <select name="tm">
            <?php echo $mlist; ?>

            <select name="td">
            <?php echo $dlist; ?>
            </select> ,

            <select name="ty">
            <?php echo $ylist; ?>


        if ($data['fm'])    // Version 5.0

            <script language="javascript">

            document.frmPost.fm.options[<?php echo $data['fm']-1; ?>].selected = true;
            document.frmPost.fd.options[<?php echo $data['fd']-1; ?>].selected = true;
            /* Begin Version 5.0 */
            document.frmPost.fy.options[<?php echo $data['fy']-$starty; ?>].selected = true;
            /* End Version 5.0 */
            document.frmPost.tm.options[<?php echo $data['tm']-1; ?>].selected = true;
            document.frmPost.td.options[<?php echo $data['td']-1; ?>].selected = true;
            /* Begin Version 5.0 */
            document.frmPost.ty.options[<?php echo $data['ty']-$starty; ?>].selected = true;
            /* End Version 5.0 */




        <td valign="top" width="20%"><b>Email:</b> <span class="marker">*</span> </td>
        <td><input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="30" maxlength="50" value="<?php echo $data['email']; ?>">

        <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
            <td><input name="showemail" type="radio" value="0" <?php if(!$data['showemail'] || $data['showemail']===EMAIL_HIDE) echo "checked"; ?>></td>
            <td>Hide Email</td>
            <td><input name="showemail" type="radio" value="2" <?php if($data['showemail']==EMAIL_USEFORM) echo "checked"; ?>></td>
            <td>Use Contact Form</td>
            <td><input name="showemail" type="radio" value="1" <?php if($data['showemail']==EMAIL_SHOW) echo "checked"; ?>>&nbsp;</td>
            <td>Show Email</td>

    <?php /* ?>
        <td valign="top" width="10%"><b>Password:</b> <span class="marker">*</span> </td>
        <td><input name="password" type="text" id="password" size="30" maxlength="50" value="<?php echo $data['password']; ?>" class="password_hidden" onfocus="this.className='password_revealed';" onblur="this.className='password_hidden';"><br>
        <span class="hint">Click inside the box above to reveal/change the password.</span></td>

    <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>

    <?php */ ?>

        <td valign="top" width="20%"><b>Category:</b> </td>
        <?php if(!$isevent) { ?>
        <select name="subcatid">

        $sql = "SELECT catid, catname
                FROM $t_cats
                ORDER BY catname";
        $res = mysql_query($sql);

        while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($res))
            $sql = "SELECT subcatid, subcatname
                    FROM $t_subcats
                    WHERE catid = $row[catid]
                    ORDER BY subcatname";

            $ress = mysql_query($sql);

            if (mysql_num_rows($ress))
                while ($s = mysql_fetch_array($ress))
                    echo "<option value=\"$s[subcatid]\"";
                    if ($data['subcatid'] == $s['subcatid'])
                        echo " selected";
                        $cat = $row['catname'];
                        $subcat = $s['subcatname'];
                    echo ">$row[catname] > $s[subcatname]</option>";


        <span class="caution"><b>IMPORTANT:</b><br> Changing the category may cause inconsistencies with info in extra fields.</span>
        <?php } else { ?>
        <?php } ?>

        <td valign="top" width="20%"><b>City:</b> </td>
        <select name="cityid">

        $sql = "SELECT countryid, countryname
                FROM $t_countries
                ORDER BY countryname";
        $res = mysql_query($sql);

        while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($res))
            $sql = "SELECT cityid, cityname
                    FROM $t_cities ct
                    WHERE countryid = $row[countryid]
                    ORDER BY cityname";
            $resct = mysql_query($sql);

            if (mysql_num_rows($resct))
                while ($ct = mysql_fetch_array($resct))
                    echo "<option value=\"$ct[cityid]\"";
                    if ($data['cityid'] == $ct['cityid'])
                        $country = $row['countryname'];
                        $city = $ct['cityname'];
                        echo " selected";
                    echo ">$row[countryname] > $ct[cityname]</option>\r\n";


    <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>

        <td valign="top" width="10%"><b>Expires On:</b> </td>
        <!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->
        <td><input name="expireson_orig" type="hidden" id="expireson_orig" value="<?php echo $data['expireson']; ?>">
        <select name="exp_m"><?php echo $mlist; ?></select>
        <select name="exp_d"><?php echo $dlist; ?></select> ,
        <select name="exp_y"><?php echo $ylist; ?></select>

        <script type="text/javascript">

        document.frmPost.exp_m.options[<?php echo $data['exp_m']-1; ?>].selected = true;
        document.frmPost.exp_d.options[<?php echo $data['exp_d']-1; ?>].selected = true;
        document.frmPost.exp_y.options[<?php echo $data['exp_y']-$starty; ?>].selected = true;

        <!-- End Version 5.0 -->


<table class="postad" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">

        <input type="checkbox" name="othercontactok" value="1" <?php if($data['othercontactok'] == 1) echo "checked"; ?>> It is OK to contact this user with commercial interests.

<tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>



        <input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" value="1" <?php if($data['newsletter'] == 1) echo "checked"; ?>> <?php echo $lang['POST_NEWSLETTER_OPTION']; ?>




<tr><td colspan="2"><h3>Featured Ad</h3></td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="2">
    if($data['featuredtill_ts'] > time())
        $isfeatured = TRUE;
<span class="msg">This is a featured ad</span>

<!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->
<script type="text/javascript">

function toggleFeatured(chk) {
    if(chk.checked) {
        chk.form.featuredtill_orig.disabled = false;
        chk.form.feat_y.disabled = false;
        chk.form.feat_m.disabled = false;
        chk.form.feat_d.disabled = false;
    else {
        chk.form.featuredtill_orig.disabled = true;
        chk.form.feat_y.disabled = true;
        chk.form.feat_m.disabled = true;
        chk.form.feat_d.disabled = true;

function defaultFeatured(chk) {
    if(chk.checked && !chk.form.featuredtill_orig.value) {
        $new_feat_date = time() + 10*24*60*60;
        $new_feat_y = date("Y", $new_feat_date);
        $new_feat_m = date("m", $new_feat_date);
        $new_feat_d = date("d", $new_feat_date);
        chk.form.featuredtill_orig.value = '<?php echo "{$new_feat_y}-{$new_feat_m}-{$new_feat_d} 23:59:59"; ?>';
        chk.form.feat_m.options[<?php echo $new_feat_m-1; ?>].selected = true;
        chk.form.feat_d.options[<?php echo $new_feat_d-1; ?>].selected = true;
        chk.form.feat_y.options[<?php echo $new_feat_y-$starty; ?>].selected = true;


<!-- End Version 5.0 -->

<td valign="top">Feature this ad:</td>
$featchkplus = "";
$featchkaction = "toggleFeatured(this); ";
if ($isfeatured)
    $featchkplus = " checked";
    $featchkaction .= " defaultFeatured(this);";
    $feattxtplus = " disabled";
<input type="hidden" name="featadid" value="<?php echo $data['featadid']; ?>">
<input type="checkbox" name="makefeatured" size="30" value="1" onChange="<?php echo $featchkaction; ?>" <?php echo $featchkplus; ?>>

<td valign="top">Run as featured till:</td>
<!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->
<td><input type="hidden" name="featuredtill_orig" value="<?php echo $isfeatured?$data['featuredtill']:""; ?>" <?php echo $feattxtplus; ?>>

<select name="feat_m" <?php echo $feattxtplus; ?>><?php echo $mlist; ?></select>
<select name="feat_d" <?php echo $feattxtplus; ?>><?php echo $dlist; ?></select> ,
<select name="feat_y" <?php echo $feattxtplus; ?>><?php echo $ylist; ?></select>

if ($data['featuredtill']) {
<script type="text/javascript">
document.frmPost.feat_m.options[<?php echo $data['feat_m']-1; ?>].selected = true;
document.frmPost.feat_d.options[<?php echo $data['feat_d']-1; ?>].selected = true;
document.frmPost.feat_y.options[<?php echo $data['feat_y']-$starty; ?>].selected = true;


Note: Entering an old date will cause the ad to be cancelled as a featured ad
<!-- End Version 5.0 -->

<table class="postad" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                    $sql_gmap = "SELECT gmapsenable FROM $t_subcats WHERE subcatid = $data[subcatid]";
                    list($gmaps_enabled) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($sql_gmap));
                        <tr><td colspan="2">
                            <input name="edit_gmap" type="hidden" id="edit_gmap" value="edit_gmap"/>


<table border="0">
<td>Enable membership module(default=showemail) <?php $rem = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ads WHERE adid = '$_GET[adid]'");

$rowm = mysql_fetch_array($rem); ?></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="mmd" value="on" <?php if ($rowm['state']=="on") {echo 'checked';} else {} ?> /></td></tr>
<td></td><td><input type="hidden" name="mmd1" value="off" /></td></tr>



<table class="postad" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" border="0">


$sql = "SELECT * FROM $t_adpics WHERE adid = $adid AND isevent = '$isevent'";
$pics = mysql_query($sql);
$pics_present = mysql_num_rows($pics);


    <tr><td><span class="info">No pictures for this ad</span></td></tr>

    while($pic = mysql_fetch_array($pics))


    <img src="../<?php echo $datadir['adpics']; ?>/<?php echo $pic['picfile']; ?>">
    <input type="checkbox" name="delpic[]" value="<?php echo $pic['picid']; ?>">
    <span class="extracaution">DELETE!</span>

    <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>



<br> <br>

if($pics_present < $pic_count)

<b>Upload More Pictures:</b><br>

    for($i=$pics_present+1; $i<=$pic_count; $i++)

        <input type="file" name="pic[]" size="69"><br>


<br> <br>



    <input name="isevent" type="hidden" id="isevent" value="1">

<input name="do" type="hidden" id="do" value="post">
<input name="returl" type="hidden" id="do" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['returl']; ?>">

<button type="submit">Update</button>
<button type="button" onclick="location.href='<?php echo $_REQUEST['returl']; ?>';">Cancel</button>




<?php include_once("afooter.inc.php"); ?>


Jeg har bruge for dine hjælpe

mang tak
Avatar billede showsource Seniormester
16. oktober 2010 - 14:11 #1
Kunne du ikke bare starte med at finde linien i din editor?
Og hvis du ikke selv kan se en fejl, så prøv at kikke tilbage linie for linie.

Eller paste den linie ind her, i stedet for et langt script.
Avatar billede shoofixmafi Nybegynder
16. oktober 2010 - 14:17 #2
jeg har gjort hvad jeg kunne .. !
Avatar billede michael_stim Ekspert
16. oktober 2010 - 14:34 #3
Læs venligst hvad showsource skriver. Paste linie 230 til 232 eller et par linier før og efter, herind. Som du ser er der ikke linienummer her og vi kan ikke sidde og tælle linier. Der står at du får fejlen i linie 231 og efter fejlmeddelelsen at dømme er det formodentlig en forkert afsluttet linie.
Avatar billede shoofixmafi Nybegynder
16. oktober 2010 - 14:43 #4
229             if($new_featuredtill_ts > time())
230            {a
231                $msg .= "<br>The ad has been made featured";
232            }
233            else
234            {
235                $msg .= "<br><span class=\"imp\">The ad has been cancelled as featured ad</span>";
236            }

disse er de linjer som er omkring 231

hvor fejlen er?

Avatar billede shoofixmafi Nybegynder
16. oktober 2010 - 14:45 #5
problemet at jeg har ikke skiftet noget here

jeg har kun tilføjet ved linje nr: 149 dette

            if ($_POST['save_gmap'] == "save_gmap"){
                $sql_set = "SET id = '$adid',
                        address ='$data[address_gmap]',
                        lat = '$data[latitude]',
                        lng = '$data[longitude]',
                        type = 'bar',
                        zoom = '$data[zoom_lvl]'";
                $sql = "INSERT INTO $t_markers $sql_set";
                mysql_query($sql) or print($sql);
Avatar billede michael_stim Ekspert
16. oktober 2010 - 15:06 #6
if($new_featuredtill_ts > time())
230            {a
231                $msg .= "<br>The ad has been made featured";
232            }
233            else
234            {
235                $msg .= "<br><span class=\"imp\">The ad has been cancelled as featured ad</span>";
236            }

Hvad laver a'et efter { der ;o)
Avatar billede shoofixmafi Nybegynder
16. oktober 2010 - 15:24 #7
spørge mig ikke om!!!!

smid lige et svar
du er genial

mange tak
Avatar billede michael_stim Ekspert
16. oktober 2010 - 16:02 #8
Genial er vel så meget sagt ;o)

Men samler ikke på point, så læg selv et svar og accepter.
Avatar billede shoofixmafi Nybegynder
16. oktober 2010 - 22:26 #9
Avatar billede webweaver Praktikant
17. oktober 2010 - 21:09 #10
Du skal også acceptere det for at lukke tråden! ...
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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