Avatar billede Trinh Nybegynder
13. oktober 2010 - 23:04

Flash CS3 - Drop Down Menu with AS 3.0 and Layer Controlling

Hello experts,
I load a SWF file (as a header) in my FLASH file with the following code, and it works :-)
var loader:Loader=new Loader();
var mcExternal:MovieClip;
loader.load(new URLRequest("header.swf"));
function swfIn(e:Event):void {

Now I have two questions.
Question 1:
I want to create a simple drop down menu. When I click on one button there should drop down three links. Is there a simple code to create such a drop down menu (maybe some code lines in action script 3.0).
Question 2:
I have tried a not so elegant drop down menu (by creating 3 buttons and put it in the second frame of the time line). But there I have already seen that the drop down menu is behind the SWF file wich I have loaded with the code above. But of course the drop down menu has to be in front of the SWF file.

Thank you very much!

(I kan ogsaa gerne svare paa dansk)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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