Mit Metadata eksempel (fra InDesign Developer sitet)
//An InDesign CS5 JavaScript
//Adds metadata to an example document.
function main(){
//function mySetup(){
// app.documents.add();
function mySnippet(){
//Adds metadata to an example document.
var myDocument = app.documents.item(0);
with (myDocument.metadataPreferences){
author = "Adobe";
copyrightInfoURL = ""; copyrightNotice = "This document is copyrighted.";
copyrightStatus = CopyrightStatus.yes;
description = "Example of xmp metadata scripting in Adobe InDesign CS4";
documentTitle = "XMP Example";
jobName = "XMP_Example_2008";
keywords = ["animal", "mineral", "vegetable"];
//The metadata preferences object also includes the read-only
//creator, format, creationDate, modificationDate, and serverURL
//properties that are automatically entered and maintained by InDesign.
//Create a custom XMP container, "email"
var myString = ""; var myNewContainer = createContainerItem(myString, "email");
setProperty(myString, "email/*[1]", "");
function myTeardown(){
Du kunne så ligge denne funktion ind også. Husk at ligge en reference til "myExport()" i øverste kode.
Du skal jo alligevel eksportere en pdf, så du kan ligeså godt koble metadata på og eksportere i et go.
function myExport(){
var myDocument = app.documents.item(0);
//The document.export parameters are:
//Format as (use either the ExportFormat.pdfType enumeration
//or the string "Adobe PDF")
//To as File
//ShowingOptions as boolean (setting this option to true displays the
//PDF Export dialog box)
//Using as PDF export preset (or a string that is the name of a
//PDF export preset)
//The default PDF export preset names are surrounded by square breackets
//(e.g., "[High Quality Print], [Press Quality], or [Smallest File Size]").
var myPDFExportPreset = app.pdfExportPresets.item("[Press Quality]");
File(Folder.desktop + "/ExportPDFWithPreset.pdf"),
Hvis du har InDesign Cs5 kan du endvidere koble scriptet op mod dine egne knapper hvis du leger med configurator2 (fra adobe labs -