Avatar billede fredand Forsker
03. september 2010 - 22:12 Der er 1 løsning

How to tell JPA to queue threads?

Hello guys!

We get a ORA-00054 from Oracle when we stress our application.
The exception looks like:
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified

The code that cause this is this JPA-code:

MyObject myObject =(MyObject)em.find(MyObject.class, id);
em.lock(myObject, LockModeType.WRITE);

What we want is that when several threads access this code they should wait in a nice line until they can set there own lock.
Now it looks like that next thread accessing this code it just get a exception back from oracle.

If I'm not wrong the JPA-code above do some SQL like:
select * from myobject where id = x for update nowait

We of course would like it to do something like:
select * from myobject where id = x for update wait

But how do we send the "wait"-param?

Right now I can not give information of what version of JPA we use. I just know that we use EJB 3.0 with JBoss 5.

Bets regrads
Avatar billede fredand Forsker
18. oktober 2010 - 08:33 #1

It turned out that our version if JPA did not support this.
We had to go to our hibernate (impl of JPA) and do:

    org.hibernate.Session session = (org.hibernate.Session) em.getDelegate();
      OurObject object = (OurObject )session.get(OurObject.class, primaryKey, org.hibernate.LockMode.UPGRADE);
      // Now it is possible to do our operation
      String counter = .. bla bla(object);
      em.merge(object );
      return counter;

Best regards
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