Jeg kunne godt lige bruge en skarp hjerne til at gennemskue sorteringsfejlen i dette script.product er ok men id & pris sortere ikke rigtigt.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Sortering af data - client side</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
f_sort: Performs a client side sort of the contents of a HTML Table.
args: ao_table, The object reference to the table to be sorted.
ai_sortcol, The zero based column number to be sorted.
ab_header, Bool to indicate if the table have a header
row to be ignored.
vars: lastcol, used to store the last column sorted.
lastseq, used to store the sequence the last column was sorted by.
var lastcol, lastseq;
function f_sort( ao_table, ai_sortcol, ab_header )
var ir, ic, is, ii, id;
ir = ao_table.rows.length;
if( ir < 1 ) return;
ic = ao_table.rows[1].cells.length;
// if we have a header row, ignore the first row
if( ab_header == true ) is=1; else is=0;
// take a copy of the data to shuffle in memory
var row_data = new Array( ir );
for( i=is; i < ir; i++ )
var col_data = new Array( ic );
for( j=0; j < ic; j++ )
col_data[j] = ao_table.rows[i].cells[j].innerText;
row_data[ ii++ ] = col_data;
// sort the data
var bswap = false;
var row1, row2;
if( ai_sortcol != lastcol )
lastseq = 'A';
if( lastseq == 'A' ) lastseq = 'D'; else lastseq = 'A';
// if we have a header row we have one less row to sort
if( ab_header == true ) id=ir-1; else id=ir;
for( i=0; i < id; i++ )
bswap = false;
for( j=0; j < id - 1; j++ )
// test the current value + the next and
// swap if required.
row1 = row_data[j];
row2 = row_data[j+1];
if( lastseq == "A" )
if( row1[ ai_sortcol ] > row2[ ai_sortcol ] )
row_data[j+1] = row1;
row_data[j] = row2;
if( row1[ ai_sortcol ] < row2[ ai_sortcol ] )
row_data[j+1] = row1;
row_data[j] = row2;
if( bswap == false ) break;
// load the data back into the table
ii = is;
for( i=0; i < id; i++ )
row1 = row_data[ i ];
for( j=0; j < ic; j++ )
ao_table.rows[ii].cells[j].innerText = row1[j];
lastcol = ai_sortcol;
<table NAME="A" ID="A" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1">
<th><a href="java script:f_sort(document.all.A, 0, true);">ID</a></th>
<th><a href="java script:f_sort(document.all.A, 1, true);">Produkt</th>
<th><a href="java script:f_sort(document.all.A, 2, true);">Pris</th>