Avatar billede traceur0812 Nybegynder
19. august 2010 - 13:58 Der er 2 kommentarer

rear sync på 450d

hej alle. jeg har siddet og læst scott kelby bog digital fotografering, og der omtaler han blandt andet en funtion i kameraet som hedder rear sync. men jeg har været alt i gennem på mit og jeg kan simpelthen ikke finde det. kan det evt. hedde noget andet?

jeg var ude og fotografere til et bryllup, og jeg fotograferet inde i kirken og udenfor med iso 400, men der kom (synes jeg) faktisk meget støj på. mig der gør noget forkert eller er den model bare ikke særlig lysstærk. det skal lige siges at det er et canon 450d.

håber i vil hjælpe mig.
Avatar billede lars_computerworld Seniormester
19. august 2010 - 14:06 #1
Er det ikke rear curtain sync det vist hedder?

Jeg faldt over denne beskrivelse af flash og EOS for et stykke tid siden (http://photonotes.org/articles/eos-flash/index2.html) og tænker den måske kan hjælpe. Har selv et 1D, men det ser ud til at du ikke kan indstille det medmindre du kører i Av / Tv modes...kan det være det?

Slow shutter sync.

There are two basic ways in which a camera can take a flash photo when light levels are low. The camera can either use a short shutter speed to minimize camera motion blur and have the flash blast out enough light to illuminate the foreground objects whilst leaving the background dark, or the camera can extend the shutter time to allow more of the background to show up and flash-illuminate the foreground subject. This latter technique is called slow sync, slow shutter sync or "dragging" the shutter.

It's only possible in Tv, Av and M modes - you can't use it in P mode or most of the PIC (icon) modes. The one exception is the night scene PIC mode on many EOS cameras, which uses slow shutter exposure with first-curtain flash.

A typical example is a tourist snapshot of someone standing in front of a famous landmark at night. If you keep the shutter speed fast then you'll have a nice flash-illuminated photo of your friend against a pitch black backdrop, unless the landmark is extremely brightly lit or unless you're using very fast film or a high digital ISO. However, by slowing down the shutter speed you can take a photo of the person standing against a properly exposed background.

The drawback is obvious, of course. By slowing the shutter speed you're going to need a tripod to avoid blur induced by camera movement, especially with long shutter speeds like 1/15 second or slower.

Sometimes slow shutter sync is used to provide a dynamic motion effect in flash photos. A photo taken with flash and a slow shutter speed can provide an interesting mix of flash-illuminated subject and ambient-light-illuminated motion blur. The effect is difficult to predict, but can be very striking and exciting when it works.

Take my photo of fire performers for example - the flash freezes the motion of the performers but the slow shutter captures the swirling motion of their fire chains. Have a look at the discussion of colour temperature theory to find out why the right-hand flash-illuminated performer has a bluish tinge to his skin whereas the rest of the photo is illuminated with very yellow-orange light.
Avatar billede traceur0812 Nybegynder
19. august 2010 - 15:35 #2
jo det kan godt være at det er det det hedder. men det skulle gøre at jeg kunne tage billeder i forholdsvis mørke rum og fx personen jeg skulle skyde på var mere oplyst uden at det var nødvendigt at skrue isoen op. jeg skyder som regl alligevel i AV så det burde ikke være et problem. men mange tak for hjælpen. iøvrigt en ret god arktitel.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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