Avatar billede 4u2x Nybegynder
15. august 2010 - 12:48 Der er 4 kommentarer

Paypal - SetExpressCheckout API call failed

Her er den besked jeg får når jeg trykker på knappen fra kode nr 1:
SetExpressCheckout API call failed. Detailed Error Message: ReturnURL is invalid.Short Error Message: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.Error Code: 10471Error Severity Code: Error

kode nr 1:
<form action='expresscheckout.php' METHOD='POST'>
<input type='image' name='submit' src='https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif' border='0' align='top' alt='Check out with PayPal'/>

kode nr 2 (expresscheckout.php) :

require_once ("paypalfunctions.php");
// ==================================
// PayPal Express Checkout Module
// ==================================

//' The paymentAmount is the total value of
//' the shopping cart, that was set
//' earlier in a session variable
//' by the shopping cart page
$paymentAmount = $_SESSION["Payment_Amount"];

//' The currencyCodeType and paymentType
//' are set to the selections made on the Integration Assistant
$currencyCodeType = "DKK";
$paymentType = "Sale";

//' The returnURL is the location where buyers return to when a
//' payment has been succesfully authorized.
//' This is set to the value entered on the Integration Assistant
$returnURL = "bestil_done.php?paypalresult=ok";

//' The cancelURL is the location buyers are sent to when they hit the
//' cancel button during authorization of payment during the PayPal flow
//' This is set to the value entered on the Integration Assistant
$cancelURL = "bestil_done.php?paypalresult=error";

//' Calls the SetExpressCheckout API call
//' The CallShortcutExpressCheckout function is defined in the file PayPalFunctions.php,
//' it is included at the top of this file.
$resArray = CallShortcutExpressCheckout ($paymentAmount, $currencyCodeType, $paymentType, $returnURL, $cancelURL);
$resArray = CallShortcutExpressCheckout ("123", "DKK", "Sale", "return.php", "cancel.php");
$ack = strtoupper($resArray["ACK"]);
echo "<script language='javascript'>alert('".$ack."');</script>";
    RedirectToPayPal ( $resArray["TOKEN"] );
    //Display a user friendly Error on the page using any of the following error information returned by PayPal
    $ErrorCode = urldecode($resArray["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
    $ErrorShortMsg = urldecode($resArray["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"]);
    $ErrorLongMsg = urldecode($resArray["L_LONGMESSAGE0"]);
    $ErrorSeverityCode = urldecode($resArray["L_SEVERITYCODE0"]);
    echo "SetExpressCheckout API call failed. ";
    echo "Detailed Error Message: " . $ErrorLongMsg;
    echo "Short Error Message: " . $ErrorShortMsg;
    echo "Error Code: " . $ErrorCode;
    echo "Error Severity Code: " . $ErrorSeverityCode;

kode nr 3 (paypalfunctions.php) :

    PayPal API Module
    Defines all the global variables and the wrapper functions
    $PROXY_HOST = '';
    $PROXY_PORT = '808';

    $SandboxFlag = true;

    //' PayPal API Credentials
    //' Replace <API_USERNAME> with your API Username
    //' Replace <API_PASSWORD> with your API Password
    //' Replace <API_SIGNATURE> with your Signature
    // BN Code     is only applicable for partners
    $sBNCode = "PP-ECWizard";
    ' Define the PayPal Redirect URLs. 
    '     This is the URL that the buyer is first sent to do authorize payment with their paypal account
    '     change the URL depending if you are testing on the sandbox or the live PayPal site
    ' For the sandbox, the URL is      https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/webscr&cmd=_express-checkout&token=
    ' For the live site, the URL is        https://www.paypal.com/webscr&cmd=_express-checkout&token=
    if ($SandboxFlag == true)
        $API_Endpoint = "https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp";
        $PAYPAL_URL = "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=";
        $API_Endpoint = "https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp";
        $PAYPAL_URL = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=";

    $USE_PROXY = false;

    if (session_id() == "")

    /* An express checkout transaction starts with a token, that
      identifies to PayPal your transaction
      In this example, when the script sees a token, the script
      knows that the buyer has already authorized payment through
      paypal.  If no token was found, the action is to send the buyer
      to PayPal to first authorize payment

    ' Purpose:     Prepares the parameters for the SetExpressCheckout API Call.
    ' Inputs: 
    '        paymentAmount:      Total value of the shopping cart
    '        currencyCodeType:     Currency code value the PayPal API
    '        paymentType:         paymentType has to be one of the following values: Sale or Order or Authorization
    '        returnURL:            the page where buyers return to after they are done with the payment review on PayPal
    '        cancelURL:            the page where buyers return to when they cancel the payment review on PayPal
    function CallShortcutExpressCheckout( $paymentAmount, $currencyCodeType, $paymentType, $returnURL, $cancelURL)
        // Construct the parameter string that describes the SetExpressCheckout API call in the shortcut implementation
        $nvpstr="&Amt=". $paymentAmount;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&PAYMENTACTION=" . $paymentType;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&ReturnUrl=" . $returnURL;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&CANCELURL=" . $cancelURL;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&CURRENCYCODE=" . $currencyCodeType;
        $_SESSION["currencyCodeType"] = $currencyCodeType;     
        $_SESSION["PaymentType"] = $paymentType;

        //' Make the API call to PayPal
        //' If the API call succeded, then redirect the buyer to PayPal to begin to authorize payment. 
        //' If an error occured, show the resulting errors
        $resArray=hash_call("SetExpressCheckout", $nvpstr);
        $ack = strtoupper($resArray["ACK"]);
        if($ack=="SUCCESS" || $ack=="SUCCESSWITHWARNING")
            $token = urldecode($resArray["TOKEN"]);
        return $resArray;

    ' Purpose:     Prepares the parameters for the SetExpressCheckout API Call.
    ' Inputs: 
    '        paymentAmount:      Total value of the shopping cart
    '        currencyCodeType:     Currency code value the PayPal API
    '        paymentType:         paymentType has to be one of the following values: Sale or Order or Authorization
    '        returnURL:            the page where buyers return to after they are done with the payment review on PayPal
    '        cancelURL:            the page where buyers return to when they cancel the payment review on PayPal
    '        shipToName:        the Ship to name entered on the merchant's site
    '        shipToStreet:        the Ship to Street entered on the merchant's site
    '        shipToCity:            the Ship to City entered on the merchant's site
    '        shipToState:        the Ship to State entered on the merchant's site
    '        shipToCountryCode:    the Code for Ship to Country entered on the merchant's site
    '        shipToZip:            the Ship to ZipCode entered on the merchant's site
    '        shipToStreet2:        the Ship to Street2 entered on the merchant's site
    '        phoneNum:            the phoneNum  entered on the merchant's site
    function CallMarkExpressCheckout( $paymentAmount, $currencyCodeType, $paymentType, $returnURL,
                                      $cancelURL, $shipToName, $shipToStreet, $shipToCity, $shipToState,
                                      $shipToCountryCode, $shipToZip, $shipToStreet2, $phoneNum
        // Construct the parameter string that describes the SetExpressCheckout API call in the shortcut implementation
        $nvpstr="&Amt=". $paymentAmount;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&PAYMENTACTION=" . $paymentType;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&ReturnUrl=" . $returnURL;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&CANCELURL=" . $cancelURL;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&CURRENCYCODE=" . $currencyCodeType;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&ADDROVERRIDE=1";
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&SHIPTONAME=" . $shipToName;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&SHIPTOSTREET=" . $shipToStreet;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&SHIPTOSTREET2=" . $shipToStreet2;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&SHIPTOCITY=" . $shipToCity;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&SHIPTOSTATE=" . $shipToState;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE=" . $shipToCountryCode;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&SHIPTOZIP=" . $shipToZip;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&PHONENUM=" . $phoneNum;
        $_SESSION["currencyCodeType"] = $currencyCodeType;     
        $_SESSION["PaymentType"] = $paymentType;

        //' Make the API call to PayPal
        //' If the API call succeded, then redirect the buyer to PayPal to begin to authorize payment. 
        //' If an error occured, show the resulting errors
        $resArray=hash_call("SetExpressCheckout", $nvpstr);
        $ack = strtoupper($resArray["ACK"]);
        if($ack=="SUCCESS" || $ack=="SUCCESSWITHWARNING")
            $token = urldecode($resArray["TOKEN"]);
        return $resArray;
    ' Purpose:     Prepares the parameters for the GetExpressCheckoutDetails API Call.
    ' Inputs: 
    '        None
    ' Returns:
    '        The NVP Collection object of the GetExpressCheckoutDetails Call Response.
    function GetShippingDetails( $token )
        //' At this point, the buyer has completed authorizing the payment
        //' at PayPal.  The function will call PayPal to obtain the details
        //' of the authorization, incuding any shipping information of the
        //' buyer.  Remember, the authorization is not a completed transaction
        //' at this state - the buyer still needs an additional step to finalize
        //' the transaction
        //' Build a second API request to PayPal, using the token as the
        //'  ID to get the details on the payment authorization
        $nvpstr="&TOKEN=" . $token;

        //' Make the API call and store the results in an array. 
        //'    If the call was a success, show the authorization details, and provide
        //'     an action to complete the payment. 
        //'    If failed, show the error
        $ack = strtoupper($resArray["ACK"]);
        if($ack == "SUCCESS" || $ack=="SUCCESSWITHWARNING")
            $_SESSION['payer_id'] =    $resArray['PAYERID'];
        return $resArray;
    ' Purpose:     Prepares the parameters for the GetExpressCheckoutDetails API Call.
    ' Inputs: 
    '        sBNCode:    The BN code used by PayPal to track the transactions from a given shopping cart.
    ' Returns:
    '        The NVP Collection object of the GetExpressCheckoutDetails Call Response.
    function ConfirmPayment( $FinalPaymentAmt )
        /* Gather the information to make the final call to
          finalize the PayPal payment.  The variable nvpstr
          holds the name value pairs

        //Format the other parameters that were stored in the session from the previous calls   
        $token                 = urlencode($_SESSION['TOKEN']);
        $paymentType         = urlencode($_SESSION['PaymentType']);
        $currencyCodeType     = urlencode($_SESSION['currencyCodeType']);
        $payerID             = urlencode($_SESSION['payer_id']);

        $serverName         = urlencode($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);

        $nvpstr  = '&TOKEN=' . $token . '&PAYERID=' . $payerID . '&PAYMENTACTION=' . $paymentType . '&AMT=' . $FinalPaymentAmt;
        $nvpstr .= '&CURRENCYCODE=' . $currencyCodeType . '&IPADDRESS=' . $serverName;

        /* Make the call to PayPal to finalize payment
            If an error occured, show the resulting errors

        /* Display the API response back to the browser.
          If the response from PayPal was a success, display the response parameters'
          If the response was an error, display the errors received using APIError.php.
        $ack = strtoupper($resArray["ACK"]);

        return $resArray;
    ' Purpose:     This function makes a DoDirectPayment API call
    ' Inputs: 
    '        paymentType:        paymentType has to be one of the following values: Sale or Order or Authorization
    '        paymentAmount:      total value of the shopping cart
    '        currencyCode:        currency code value the PayPal API
    '        firstName:            first name as it appears on credit card
    '        lastName:            last name as it appears on credit card
    '        street:                buyer's street address line as it appears on credit card
    '        city:                buyer's city
    '        state:                buyer's state
    '        countryCode:        buyer's country code
    '        zip:                buyer's zip
    '        creditCardType:        buyer's credit card type (i.e. Visa, MasterCard ... )
    '        creditCardNumber:    buyers credit card number without any spaces, dashes or any other characters
    '        expDate:            credit card expiration date
    '        cvv2:                Card Verification Value
    ' Returns:
    '        The NVP Collection object of the DoDirectPayment Call Response.

    function DirectPayment( $paymentType, $paymentAmount, $creditCardType, $creditCardNumber,
                            $expDate, $cvv2, $firstName, $lastName, $street, $city, $state, $zip,
                            $countryCode, $currencyCode )
        //Construct the parameter string that describes DoDirectPayment
        $nvpstr = "&AMT=" . $paymentAmount;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&CURRENCYCODE=" . $currencyCode;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&PAYMENTACTION=" . $paymentType;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&CREDITCARDTYPE=" . $creditCardType;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&ACCT=" . $creditCardNumber;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&EXPDATE=" . $expDate;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&CVV2=" . $cvv2;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&FIRSTNAME=" . $firstName;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&LASTNAME=" . $lastName;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&STREET=" . $street;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&CITY=" . $city;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&STATE=" . $state;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&COUNTRYCODE=" . $countryCode;
        $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&IPADDRESS=" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

        $resArray=hash_call("DoDirectPayment", $nvpstr);

        return $resArray;

      * hash_call: Function to perform the API call to PayPal using API signature
      * @methodName is name of API  method.
      * @nvpStr is nvp string.
      * returns an associtive array containing the response from the server.
    function hash_call($methodName,$nvpStr)
        //declaring of global variables
        global $API_Endpoint, $version, $API_UserName, $API_Password, $API_Signature;
        global $USE_PROXY, $PROXY_HOST, $PROXY_PORT;
        global $gv_ApiErrorURL;
        global $sBNCode;

        //setting the curl parameters.
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$API_Endpoint);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);

        //turning off the server and peer verification(TrustManager Concept).
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        //if USE_PROXY constant set to TRUE in Constants.php, then only proxy will be enabled.
      //Set proxy name to PROXY_HOST and port number to PROXY_PORT in constants.php
            curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $PROXY_HOST. ":" . $PROXY_PORT);

        //NVPRequest for submitting to server
        $nvpreq="METHOD=" . urlencode($methodName) . "&VERSION=" . urlencode($version) . "&PWD=" . urlencode($API_Password) . "&USER=" . urlencode($API_UserName) . "&SIGNATURE=" . urlencode($API_Signature) . $nvpStr . "&BUTTONSOURCE=" . urlencode($sBNCode);

        //setting the nvpreq as POST FIELD to curl
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $nvpreq);

        //getting response from server
        $response = curl_exec($ch);

        //convrting NVPResponse to an Associative Array

        if (curl_errno($ch))
            // moving to display page to display curl errors
              $_SESSION['curl_error_no']=curl_errno($ch) ;

              //Execute the Error handling module to display errors.
            //closing the curl

        return $nvpResArray;

    Purpose: Redirects to PayPal.com site.
    Inputs:  NVP string.
    function RedirectToPayPal ( $token )
        global $PAYPAL_URL;
        // Redirect to paypal.com here
        $payPalURL = $PAYPAL_URL . $token;
        header("Location: ".$payPalURL);

    * This function will take NVPString and convert it to an Associative Array and it will decode the response.
      * It is usefull to search for a particular key and displaying arrays.
      * @nvpstr is NVPString.
      * @nvpArray is Associative Array.
    function deformatNVP($nvpstr)
        $nvpArray = array();

            //postion of Key
            $keypos= strpos($nvpstr,'=');
            //position of value
            $valuepos = strpos($nvpstr,'&') ? strpos($nvpstr,'&'): strlen($nvpstr);

            /*getting the Key and Value values and storing in a Associative Array*/
            //decoding the respose
            $nvpArray[urldecode($keyval)] =urldecode( $valval);
        return $nvpArray;

Avatar billede 4u2x Nybegynder
15. august 2010 - 12:49 #1
koden er genereret ud fra denne side af PayPal:
Avatar billede 4u2x Nybegynder
15. august 2010 - 12:50 #2
API error codes:

Min tolkning af error coden er at min return-url er forkert, men jeg kan ikke lige se hvad der er ugyldigt i min return-url værdi.
Avatar billede repox Seniormester
16. august 2010 - 09:54 #3
Du har ikke selv skrevet koden, koden er lang og API integration af PayPal er en omsonst process. Hvad gør at du har behov for at bruge API'et frem for Cart Upload som typisk kan dække de flestes behov?
Avatar billede 4u2x Nybegynder
18. august 2010 - 11:39 #4
Var for at integrere paypal-delen direkte i eget webdesign, men det kan godt være at jeg må nøjes med den mere simple metode hvis jeg ikke kan få løst problemet.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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