Avatar billede Cheguevilla Nybegynder
30. juli 2010 - 12:45 Der er 8 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Own modem with TDC

Good day,
I still have some problems with danish language, so it's better if I write english.
I have a TDC connection at home (erhverv) and I think that the modem/router provided is quite useless, as I cannot enter the configuration page.
Then I bought a modem/router myself and tried to connect it.
Unfortunately, when I try to connect, I cannot establish a connection.
I called TDC about that and they say that I have to use their own equipment only.
Is it true?
That sounds totally weird to me.
Does anyone know how can I connect with my own modem?

Thanks to anyone replying!
30. juli 2010 - 13:01 #1
Wellcome til Eksperten.dk

That's normal procedure when having an "TDC erhverv" connection; sorry...
I this way TDC 100% can access your Router remote and check/change 'stuff' ...
And you cant NOT use any other Router; the line is 'locked' from TDC ...
Avatar billede Blandy Praktikant
30. juli 2010 - 13:04 #2
the modem i set up to TDC parameters. You'll have to know them to do so. But rememeber that there is a difference between a modem and a router.

You have to use TDC modem, but you can use your own router. (If both are not the same all-in-one hardware).

What is the name of the device that TDC has givin you? Is it a combo solution with modem and router all in one?
Avatar billede ksoren Nybegynder
30. juli 2010 - 13:52 #3
Have you checked vpi/vci?

Avatar billede Cheguevilla Nybegynder
30. juli 2010 - 14:20 #4
Thank you for all your swift replies.
I will try using the setup suggested by ksoren, even though I am seriously afraid karise_larry is right.
I personally can say that I don't see any point with this choice from TDC, other than ripping money to make configuration changes under request.
Blandy, TDC provided me with a Netopia modem-router, which is a totally locked box, and I cannot access the configuration page.
I have to admit I am seriously thinking on rejecting the company paid ADSL and have a different provider.
Thanks again!
Avatar billede claes57 Ekspert
30. juli 2010 - 14:26 #5
why not connect your router to the tdc-router/modem - then use your router as an accespoint.
Avatar billede Cheguevilla Nybegynder
30. juli 2010 - 14:28 #6
Yes, that is what I am doing right now, but it is quite ridiculous to use two routers to do the job of one.
Avatar billede Dan Hansen Juniormester
19. august 2010 - 12:47 #7
I have asked Cheguevilla to call me in a private msg.
It is possible to use your own modem on a TDC line.
Though some lines are delivered with a build-in services like MPLS (VPN) connection, QOS and others - wich requires the use of the TDC equipment to fully function.

Cheguevilla can write in the question, what solutions we find.
Avatar billede Cheguevilla Nybegynder
19. august 2010 - 13:29 #8
It worked.
Fortunately, my line has no VPN built in, then now I am able to connect directly with my own equipment (D-Link DSL-2640B).
This is the setup that worked in my case:
Connection through Dinamic IP address (even though it is fixed, it is assigned by the DHCP, hence the modem needs to be set up as dinamic IP).
Connection type 1483 Bridged IP LLC.
VPI: 0
VCI: 101
MTU: 1500

Thank you very much esbweb for your great availability and your valid support.
Avatar billede ksoren Nybegynder
19. august 2010 - 13:35 #9
It usually works :)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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