Avatar billede shoofixmafi Nybegynder
14. juli 2010 - 10:09 Der er 5 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Email kopi til admin


her er en fil der hedder (showad.php)



    $captcha = new captcha();

$msg = "";
$err = "";



if (!$_GET['adid'])
    header("Location: $script_url/?view=main&cityid=$xcityid&lang=$xlang");

$adtable = ($_GET['view'] == "showevent") ? $t_events : $t_ads;
$adid_prefix = (($xview == "events") ? "E" : "A");
$full_adid = ($adid_prefix . $xadid);
$reported = explode(";", $_COOKIE["reported"]);
$is_reported = in_array($full_adid, $reported);

// Make up search query
$qsA = $_GET; $qs = "";
unset($qsA['do'], $qsA['reported'], $qsA['mailed'], $qsA['mailerr'], $qsA['msg'], $qsA['err'], $qsA['loginerr'], $qsA['registererr'], $qsA['forgoterr'], $qsA['forgotsucc']);
foreach ($qsA as $k=>$v) $qs .= "$k=$v&";

if ($_GET['do'] == "reportabuse")
    if (!$is_reported) {

        /* Begin Version 5.0 */
        $sql = "UPDATE $adtable
                SET abused = abused + 1
                WHERE adid = $_GET[adid]
                    AND abused < " . ($spam_indicator - 1);
        /* End Version 5.0 */
        mysql_query($sql) or die($sql);

            echo "<div class=\"msg\">$lang[MESSAGE_ABUSE_REPORT]</div>";

                /* Begin Version 5.0 */
                $sql = "UPDATE $adtable
                        SET enabled = '0'
                        WHERE adid = $_GET[adid]
                            AND abused >= $max_abuse_reports";
                /* End Version 5.0 */

            header("Location: $script_url/?{$qs}reported=y");


if ($xview == "showevent")
    // Get the event
    $sql = "SELECT a.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.timestamp) AS timestamp, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.createdon) AS createdon, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.expireson) AS expireson, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(feat.featuredtill) AS featuredtill,
            UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.starton) AS starton, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.endon) AS endon
        FROM $t_events a
            LEFT OUTER JOIN $t_featured feat ON a.adid = feat.adid AND feat.adtype = 'E'
        WHERE a.adid = $xadid
            AND $visibility_condn_admin";
    $ad = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));

    $isevent = 1;

    /* Begin Version 5.0 */
    $thisurl = buildURL($xview, array($xcityid, $xdate, $xadid, $ad['adtitle']));
    /* End Version 5.0 */

    // List of extra fields
    $xfieldsql = "";
        for($i=1; $i<=$xfields_count; $i++)    $xfieldsql .= ", axf.f$i";

    // Get the ad
    $sql = "SELECT a.*, ct.cityname as cityname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.timestamp) AS timestamp, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.createdon) AS createdon, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.expireson) AS expireson, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(feat.featuredtill) AS featuredtill $xfieldsql
            FROM $t_ads a
                INNER JOIN $t_subcats scat ON scat.subcatid = a.subcatid
                INNER JOIN $t_cities ct ON a.cityid = ct.cityid
                LEFT OUTER JOIN $t_adxfields axf ON a.adid = axf.adid
                LEFT OUTER JOIN $t_featured feat ON a.adid = feat.adid AND feat.adtype = 'A'
            WHERE a.adid = $xadid
                AND $visibility_condn_admin";
    $ad = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));

    $isevent = 0;
    /* Begin Version 5.0 */
    $thisurl = buildURL($xview, array($xcityid, $xcatid, $xcatname, $xsubcatid, $xsubcatname,
        $xadid, $ad['adtitle']));
    /* End Version 5.0 */


if (!$ad)
    /* Begin Version 5.0 */
    header("Location: $script_url/index.php?view=post404&cityid=$xcityid&lang=$xlang");
    /* End Version 5.0 */

if(isset($_REQUEST['mode']) && ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'register')){
    $email = $_REQUEST['email'];
    $password = md5($_REQUEST['password']);
    $sql_usr_chk = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT count(*) AS counter FROM members WHERE email = '".$email."'"));
    if($sql_usr_chk['counter'] <= '0'){
        $add_user = mysql_query("INSERT INTO members SET email = '".$email."',password = '".$password."'");
        $insert_id = mysql_insert_id();
        $_SESSION['user'] = $insert_id;
        $to  = $email;
        // subject
        $subject = 'Your account have been created at EC Arabia';
        // message
        $message = '
          <title>New Account</title>
          <p>Your account have been created at EC Arabia.You can now login to the website.</p>
        // To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set
        $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
        $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
        // Additional headers
        $headers .= 'From: EC Arabia <info@ecarabia.com>' . "\r\n";
        // Mail it
        mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
    } else {
        header("Location: $script_url/?$qs&registererr=1");

if(isset($_REQUEST['mode']) && ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'login')){
    $email = $_REQUEST['email'];
    $password = md5($_REQUEST['password']);
    $sql_usr_chk = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT count(*) AS counter FROM members WHERE email = '".$email."' AND password = '".$password."'"));
    if($sql_usr_chk['counter'] == 1){
        $sql_usr_chk1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM members WHERE email = '".$email."' AND password = '".$password."'"));
        $_SESSION['user'] = $sql_usr_chk1['userid'];
    } else {
        header("Location: $script_url/?$qs&loginerr=1");
if(isset($_REQUEST['mode']) && ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'forgot')){
    $email = $_REQUEST['email'];
    $pass = rand(9999,99999);
    $password = md5($pass);
    $sql_usr_chk = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT count(*) AS counter FROM members WHERE email = '".$email."'"));
    if($sql_usr_chk['counter'] == 1){
        $to  = $email;
        // subject
        $subject = 'New Password From EC Arabia';
        // message
        $message = '
          <title>New Password</title>
          <p>Here is the new password! : '.$pass.'</p>
        // To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set
        $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
        $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
        // Additional headers
        $headers .= 'From: EC Arabia <info@ecarabia.com>' . "\r\n";
        // Mail it
        mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
        $sql_usr_chk1 = mysql_query("UPDATE members SET password = '".$password."' WHERE email = '".$email."'");
        header("Location: $script_url/?$qs&forgotsucc=1");
    } else {
        header("Location: $script_url/?$qs&forgoterr=1");

if ($_POST['email'] && $_POST['mail'] && $ad['showemail'] == EMAIL_USEFORM)
    $err = "";

// BEGIN FuNEnD3R contact limit
$res_query = "SELECT sender_ip FROM $t_contact_temp
              WHERE time_sent > '".(time()-$ad_contact_limit)."'
              AND sender_ip = '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."'";

$res_count = "SELECT COUNT(sender_ip) AS max_count FROM $t_contact_temp
              WHERE sender_ip = '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."'";

$res = mysql_query($res_query);
$resa = mysql_query($res_count);
$count = mysql_fetch_array($resa);

//echo $res_query . '<br>' . $res_count . '<br>'; // testing
//$go_back_ad = '<br><br><a href="java script:history.go(-1)">'.$lang['ERROR_CONTACT_GO_BACK'].'</a>';

if ($image_verification && !$captcha->verify($_POST['captcha']))
        $err = $lang['ERROR_IMAGE_VERIFICATION_FAILED'];

elseif(mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
      $mailerr = '<font color="red">' .$lang['ERROR_CONTACT_FORM_FLOOD']. '</font><br><br>';
      echo $mailerr;
elseif($count['max_count'] >= $ad_contact_max_count )
      $mailerr = '<font color="red">' .$lang['ERROR_CONTACT_FORM_MAX']. '</font><br><br>';
      echo $mailerr;
// END FuNEnD3R contact limit   
  if (!ValidateEmail($_POST['email']))
        $err .= $lang['ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL'] . "<br>";

    if (preg_match("/[\\000-\\037]/", $_POST['email']))
    else if (!$err)
        $thismail_header = file_get_contents("mailtemplates/contact_header.txt");
        $thismail_header = str_replace("{@SITENAME}", $site_name, $thismail_header);
        $thismail_header = str_replace("{@ADTITLE}", $ad['adtitle'], $thismail_header);
        $thismail_header = str_replace("{@ADURL}", "{$script_url}/{$thisurl}", $thismail_header);
        $thismail_header = str_replace("{@FROM}", $_POST['email'], $thismail_header);

        $thismail_footer = file_get_contents("mailtemplates/contact_footer.txt");
        $thismail_footer = str_replace("{@SITENAME}", $site_name, $thismail_footer);
        $thismail_footer = str_replace("{@ADTITLE}", $ad['adtitle'], $thismail_footer);
        $thismail_footer = str_replace("{@ADURL}", "{$script_url}/{$thisurl}", $thismail_footer);
        $thismail_footer = str_replace("{@FROM}", $_POST['email'], $thismail_footer);

        $msg = $thismail_header . "\n" .
                stripslashes($_POST['mail']) . "\n" .
        /* Begin Version 5.1 - Send mail using SMTP */
        $xtraheaders = array("Reply-To: " . $_POST['email']);

        $mailerr = sendMail($ad['email'], $lang['MAILSUBJECT_CONTACT_FORM'], $msg,
            $site_email, $langx['charset'], "attach", $xtraheaders);
        /* End Version 5.1 - Send mail using SMTP */

        if ($mailerr)
            $mailresult = "n";
            if ($mailerr == "FAILED") $mailerr = "";
            $mailresult = "y";
        // update members
        $sql_chk = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT points FROM members WHERE userid = '".$_SESSION['user']."'"));
        $final_points = ($sql_chk['points'] - 1);
        $update_sql = mysql_query("UPDATE members SET points = '".$final_points."' WHERE userid = '".$_SESSION['user']."'");
        //update members
        header("Location: $script_url/?$qs&mailed=$mailresult&mailerr=$mailerr");


$sql = "SELECT *
        FROM $t_adpics p
        WHERE p.adid = $xadid
            AND isevent = '$isevent'";
$pres = mysql_query($sql);


<script language="javascript">
function confirmAbuseReport()
    if (confirm('<?php echo addslashes($lang['REPORT_ABUSE_CONFIRM']); ?>'))
        /* Begin Version 5.0 */
        eval("location.href = '?' + '<?php echo $qs; ?>' + 'do=reportabuse'");
        /* End Version 5.0 */


if ($_GET['reported']) {
    $reported[] = $full_adid;
    setcookie("reported", implode(";", $reported), time()+90*24*60*60, "/");
    $is_reported = true;



        if($_GET['mailed'] == "y")
            $msg .= $lang['MESSAGE_MAIL_SENT']."<br>";
            $contact_sql = "INSERT INTO $t_contact_temp (sender_ip, time_sent)
                            VALUES ('".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."', '".time()."')";

    elseif ($_GET['mailed'] == "n")    { $err .= $lang['ERROR_MAIL_NOT_SENT']."<br>".$_GET['mailerr']."<br>"; }

    if($_GET['reported'] == "y")    { $msg .= $lang['MESSAGE_ABUSE_REPORT']."<br>"; }

if($_GET['msg'])                { $msg .= nl2br(htmlentities($_GET['msg']))."<br>"; }
if($_GET['err'])                { $err .= nl2br(htmlentities($_GET['err']))."<br>"; }



if($err) echo "<div class=\"err\">$err</div>";
if($msg) echo "<div class=\"msg\">$msg</div>";


<?php if($ad['featuredtill'] && $ad['featuredtill'] > time()) { ?>
<div class="msg">
<img src="images/featured.gif" align="absmiddle">
<b><?php echo $lang['THIS_AD_IS_FEATURED']; ?></b>
<?php } ?>

<table class="postheader" width="100%"> <!-- Version 5.0 -->

<div align="right">
<!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->
<a href="printad_box.inc.php?cityid=<?php echo $xcityid; ?>&amp;adid=<?php echo $xadid; ?>&amp;printview=<?php echo $xview; ?>" onclick="printpopup(this.href);return false"><?php echo $lang['PRINT_THIS_AD']; ?></a> |
<?php if(!$is_reported) { ?><a href="java script:confirmAbuseReport();"><?php echo $lang['REPORT_ABUSE']; ?></a> | <?php } ?>
<a href="?view=mailad&cityid=<?php echo $xcityid; ?>&adid=<?php echo $xadid; ?>&adtype=<?php echo $xadtype; ?><?php if($xdate) echo "&date={$xdate}"; ?>"><?php echo $lang['EMAIL_THIS_AD_LINK']; ?></a>

<?php if(!$debug) { ?>

<script type="text/javascript">var addthis_pub="4a1806ae49a62752";</script>
<a href="http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=20" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '[URL]', '[TITLE]')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()" style="text-decoration:none;"><img src="http://s7.addthis.com/static/btn/sm-plus.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="Bookmark and Share" style="border:0; align:middle;"/> Share</a>

<?php } ?>

<!-- End Version 5.0 -->
<?php echo $lang['POST_ID']; ?> <?php echo ($xview=="showevent"?"E":"A"); ?><?php echo $ad['adid']; ?><br><br>
if ($xview == "showevent")
    <b><?php echo date("d", $ad['starton'])." ".$langx['months_short'][date("n", $ad['starton'])-1] . ", " . date("y", $ad['starton']); ?>
    <?php if($ad['starton'] != $ad['endon']) echo " - " . date("d", $ad['endon']) . " " . $langx['months_short'][date("n", $ad['endon'])-1] . ", " . date("y", $ad['endon']); ?></b>


<div class="posttitle"> <!-- Version 5.0 -->
<?php echo $ad['adtitle']; ?>
$loc = "";
if($ad['area']) $loc = $ad['area'];
if($xcityid < 0) $loc .= ($loc ? ", " : "") . $ad['cityname'];
if($loc) echo " <span class=\"adarea\">($loc)</span>";

<b><?php echo $lang['AD_DATE']; ?></b>:
<?php echo QuickDate($ad['createdon']); ?>

<?php if($ad['createdon'] != $ad['timestamp']) { ?>
<b><?php echo $lang['AD_LAST_UPDATE']; ?></b>:
<?php echo QuickDate($ad['timestamp']); ?>
<?php } ?>

<b><?php echo $lang['AD_EXPIRES_ON']; ?></b>:
<?php echo QuickDate($ad['expireson']); ?>

<!--<b><?php echo $lang['REPLY_TO']; ?></b>:
<?php if ($ad['showemail'] == EMAIL_SHOW) { ?>
    <a href="mailto:<?php echo $ad['email']; ?>"><?php echo $ad['email']; ?></a>

<?php } elseif ($ad['showemail'] == EMAIL_USEFORM) { ?>
    <i><?php echo $lang['USE_CONTACT_FORM']; ?></i>

<?php } else { ?>
    <i><?php echo $lang['EMAIL_NOT_SHOWN']; ?></i>

<?php } ?>


if(($xsubcathasprice && $ad['price']) || count($xsubcatfields))
    /* Begin Version 5.0 */
    $actualfields = $xsubcathasprice ? 1 : 0;

<?php if($xsubcathasprice) { ?><tr><td><b><?php echo $xsubcatpricelabel; ?></b></td><td>: <?php if(($xsubcathasprice && $ad['price'] != 0.00)) { ?><?php echo $currency . $ad['price']; ?><?php } else { echo $lang['AD_PRICE_NOT_PROVIDED']; } ?></td></tr><?php } ?>

<?php if(count($xsubcatfields)) { ?>

<?php if($_SESSION['user']){?>
$sql_chk = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT points FROM members WHERE userid = '".$_SESSION['user']."'"));
if($sql_chk['points'] > '0'){
foreach ($xsubcatfields as $fldnum=>$fld) { if(($fld['TYPE'] == "N" && $ad["f$fldnum"] > 0) || ($fld['TYPE'] != "N" && $ad["f$fldnum"])) { $actualfields++; ?>
<tr><td><b><?php echo $fld['NAME']; ?></b></td><td>: <?php echo $ad["f$fldnum"]; ?></td></tr>
<?php }}
} ?>
<?php if ($actualfields) { ?>
<div style="border-bottom:1px solid #E0E0E0;">&nbsp;</div>
<?php } ?>
    /* End Version 5.0 */

<table class="post" width="100%"><tr><td> <!-- Version 5.0 -->

<!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->
<?php echo generateHtml($ad['addesc'], $ad['createdon']); ?>
<!-- End Version 5.0 -->



if (@mysql_num_rows($pres))
    $i = 0;

    <table class="postpics" width="100%"><tr><td> <!-- Version 5.0 -->

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($pres))

        $imgsize = GetThumbnailSize("{$datadir[adpics]}/{$row[picfile]}", $images_max_width, $images_max_height);


        <img src="<?php echo "{$datadir[adpics]}/{$row[picfile]}"; ?>" id="adimg<?php echo $i; ?>" width="<?php echo $imgsize[0]; ?>" height="<?php echo $imgsize[1]; ?>"><br><br>




    $imgcnt = $i;


if($ad['othercontactok']) echo "<p class=\"disclosure_yes\">$lang[COMMERCIAL_CONTACT_OK]</p>";
else echo "<p class=\"disclosure_no\">$lang[COMMERCIAL_CONTACT_NOT_OK]</p>";

$hits = $ad['hits'];
$already_hit = explode(";", $_COOKIE["hits"]);
if (!in_array($full_adid, $already_hit)) {
    $sql = "update $adtable set hits = hits + 1, timestamp = timestamp where adid = $xadid";
    $already_hit[] = $full_adid;
    setcookie("hits", implode(";", $already_hit), 0, "/");

<!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->
<?php if (!$debug) { ?>
<div style="float:left;">

<script type="text/javascript">var addthis_pub="4a1806ae49a62752";</script>
<a href="http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=20" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '[URL]', '[TITLE]')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()" style="text-decoration:none;"><img src="http://s7.addthis.com/static/btn/sm-plus.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="Bookmark and Share" style="border:0; align:middle;"/> Share</a>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/200/addthis_widget.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
function popupWindow(url) {

<?php } ?>
<div class="hits"><?php echo $hits; ?> hits<br><br></div>
<br style="clear:both">
<!-- End Version 5.0 -->

<?php if($_SESSION['user']){?>
$sql_chk = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT points FROM members WHERE userid = '".$_SESSION['user']."'"));
if($sql_chk['points'] > '0'){
<?php if ($ad['showemail'] == EMAIL_USEFORM) {

/*$qs = ""; $qsA = $_GET; unset($qsA['syndicate']);
foreach ($qsA as $k=>$v) $qs .= "$k=$v&";*/


    <form action="<?php echo "$script_url/?$qs"; ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <table class="contactform">
        <th colspan="2"><?php echo $lang['CONTACT_USER']; ?>:<a name="contactform">&nbsp;</a>
    <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
    $sql_email = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT email FROM members WHERE userid = '".$_SESSION['user']."'"));
        <td><?php echo $lang['YOUR_EMAIL']; ?>: <span class="marker">*</span></td>
        <input type="text" size="65" name="email" value="<?=$sql_email['email']?>" readonly="readonly">
        <td valign="top"><?php echo $lang['YOUR_MESSAGE']; ?>: <span class="marker">*</span></td>
        <textarea cols="64" rows="10" name="mail"></textarea>
        <td valign="top"><?php echo $lang['ATTACHMENT']; ?>:</td>
        <input type="file" size="55" name="attach"><br>
        <span class="hint"><?php echo $lang['UNSUPPORTED_ATTACHEMNTS']; ?>: <?php echo implode(", ", $contactmail_attach_wrongfiles); ?><br>
        <?php echo $lang['MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE']; ?>: <?php echo $contactmail_attach_maxsize; ?>KB</span>


            <td valign="top"><?php echo $lang['POST_VERIFY_IMAGE']; ?>: <span class="marker">*</span></td>
            <img src="captcha.png.php?<?php echo rand(0,999); ?>"><br>
            <span class="hint"><?php echo $lang['POST_VERIFY_IMAGE_HINT']; ?></span><br>
            <input type="text" name="captcha" value="">


        <td><button type="submit"><?php echo $lang['BUTTON_SEND_MAIL']; ?></button></td>

<?php }} else {
<table class="contactform">
        <tr><td colspan="2"><a href="java script:void(0);" onclick="popupWindow('buy_credits.php');"><?php echo $lang['BUY_CREDIT']; ?></a></td></tr>
}} else { ?>
<table class="contactform">
        <td width="50%" valign="top">
            <table width="100%">
                  <script language="javascript">
                  function echeck(str) {

                    var at="@"
                    var dot="."
                    var lat=str.indexOf(at)
                    var lstr=str.length
                    var ldot=str.indexOf(dot)
                    if (str.indexOf(at)==-1){
                      alert("Invalid E-mail ID")
                      return false
                    if (str.indexOf(at)==-1 || str.indexOf(at)==0 || str.indexOf(at)==lstr){
                      alert("Invalid E-mail ID")
                      return false
                    if (str.indexOf(dot)==-1 || str.indexOf(dot)==0 || str.indexOf(dot)==lstr){
                        alert("Invalid E-mail ID")
                        return false
                    if (str.indexOf(at,(lat+1))!=-1){
                        alert("Invalid E-mail ID")
                        return false
                    if (str.substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str.substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){
                        alert("Invalid E-mail ID")
                        return false
                    if (str.indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){
                        alert("Invalid E-mail ID")
                        return false
                    if (str.indexOf(" ")!=-1){
                        alert("Invalid E-mail ID")
                        return false
                    return true                   
                  function login(){
                  if(document.loginform.email.value == ''){
                      alert("Please enter your email.");
                    return false
                  if (echeck(document.loginform.email.value)==false){
                    return false
                  if(document.loginform.password.value == ''){
                      alert("Please enter your password.");
                    return false
                  return true
                  function forgot(){
                  if(document.forgotform.email.value == ''){
                      alert("Please enter your email.");
                    return false
                  if (echeck(document.forgotform.email.value)==false){
                    return false
                  return true
                  function register(){
                  if(document.registerform.email.value == ''){
                      alert("Please enter your email.");
                    return false
                  if (echeck(document.registerform.email.value)==false){
                    return false
                  if(document.registerform.password.value == ''){
                      alert("Please enter your password.");
                    return false
                  if(document.registerform.rpassword.value == ''){
                      alert("Please enter your password again.");
                    return false
                  if(document.registerform.rpassword.value != document.registerform.password.value){
                      alert("Please enter same password.");
                    return false
                  return true
                  <form action="<?php echo "$script_url/?$qs"; ?>" method="post" name="loginform" onsubmit="return login();">
                        <th colspan="2"><?php echo $lang['LOGIN']; ?>:<a name="contactform">&nbsp;</a>
                    <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
                    <tr><td colspan="2"><font color="#FF0000"><?php echo $lang['LOGIN_ERROR']; ?></font></td></tr>
                        <td><?php echo $lang['YOUR_EMAIL']; ?>: <span class="marker">*</span></td>
                        <input type="text" size="30" name="email">
                        <td valign="top"><?php echo $lang['YOUR_PASSWORD']; ?>: <span class="marker">*</span></td>
                        <input type="password" size="30" name="password">
                        <td colspan="2">
                        <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang['LOGIN_BUTTON']; ?>"><input type="hidden" name="mode" value="login" />
                  <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
                  <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
                  <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
                  <form action="<?php echo "$script_url/?$qs"; ?>" method="post" name="forgotform" onsubmit="return forgot();">
                        <th colspan="2"><?php echo $lang['FORGOT']; ?>:<a name="contactform">&nbsp;</a>
                    <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
                    <tr><td colspan="2"><font color="#FF0000"><?php echo $lang['FORGOT_ERROR']; ?></font></td></tr>
                    <tr><td colspan="2"><font color="#006600"><?php echo $lang['FORGOT_SUCCESS']; ?></font></td></tr>
                        <td><?php echo $lang['YOUR_EMAIL']; ?>: <span class="marker">*</span></td>
                        <input type="text" size="30" name="email">
                        <td colspan="2">
                        <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang['FORGOT_BUTTON']; ?>"><input type="hidden" name="mode" value="forgot" />
        <td width="50%" valign="top">
            <table width="100%">
                  <form action="<?php echo "$script_url/?$qs"; ?>" method="post" name="registerform" onsubmit="return register();">
                        <th colspan="2"><?php echo $lang['REGISTER']; ?>:<a name="contactform">&nbsp;</a>
                    <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
                    <tr><td colspan="2"><font color="#FF0000"><?php echo $lang['REGISTER_ERROR']; ?></font></td></tr>
                        <td><?php echo $lang['YOUR_EMAIL']; ?>: <span class="marker">*</span></td>
                        <input type="text" size="30" name="email">
                        <td valign="top"><?php echo $lang['YOUR_PASSWORD']; ?>: <span class="marker">*</span></td>
                        <input type="password" size="30" name="password">
                        <td valign="top"><?php echo $lang['RETYPE_YOUR_PASSWORD']; ?>: <span class="marker">*</span></td>
                        <input type="password" size="30" name="rpassword">
                        <td colspan="2">
                        <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang['REGISTER_BUTTON']; ?>"><input type="hidden" name="mode" value="register" />

<?php } ?>

Jeg vil gerne at webside admins email (admin@webside.dk) faa et kopi at alle email kommer from kontak boksen

Paa forhaand Tak
Avatar billede repox Seniormester
14. juli 2010 - 10:12 #1
Sæt denne linie:
mail("admin@webside.dk", $subject, $message, $headers);

lige under
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
Avatar billede shoofixmafi Nybegynder
14. juli 2010 - 10:19 #2
men jeg har brugt en anden kopi af filen
give mig lige en loesning til denne fil



    $captcha = new captcha();

$msg = "";
$err = "";



if (!$_GET['adid'])
    header("Location: $script_url/?view=main&cityid=$xcityid&lang=$xlang");

$adtable = ($_GET['view'] == "showevent") ? $t_events : $t_ads;
$adid_prefix = (($xview == "events") ? "E" : "A");
$full_adid = ($adid_prefix . $xadid);
$reported = explode(";", $_COOKIE["reported"]);
$is_reported = in_array($full_adid, $reported);

// Make up search query
$qsA = $_GET; $qs = "";
unset($qsA['do'], $qsA['reported'], $qsA['mailed'], $qsA['mailerr'], $qsA['msg'], $qsA['err']);
foreach ($qsA as $k=>$v) $qs .= "$k=$v&";

if ($_GET['do'] == "reportabuse")
    if (!$is_reported) {

        /* Begin Version 5.0 */
        $sql = "UPDATE $adtable
                SET abused = abused + 1
                WHERE adid = $_GET[adid]
                    AND abused < " . ($spam_indicator - 1);
        /* End Version 5.0 */
        mysql_query($sql) or die($sql);
            echo "<div class=\"msg\">$lang[MESSAGE_ABUSE_REPORT]</div>";
                /* Begin Version 5.0 */
                $sql = "UPDATE $adtable
                        SET enabled = '0'
                        WHERE adid = $_GET[adid]
                            AND abused >= $max_abuse_reports";
                /* End Version 5.0 */
            header("Location: $script_url/?{$qs}reported=y");


if ($xview == "showevent")
    // Get the event
    $sql = "SELECT a.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.timestamp) AS timestamp, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.createdon) AS createdon, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.expireson) AS expireson, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(feat.featuredtill) AS featuredtill,
            UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.starton) AS starton, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.endon) AS endon
        FROM $t_events a
            LEFT OUTER JOIN $t_featured feat ON a.adid = feat.adid AND feat.adtype = 'E'
        WHERE a.adid = $xadid
            AND $visibility_condn_admin";
    $ad = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));

    $isevent = 1;

    /* Begin Version 5.0 */
    $thisurl = buildURL($xview, array($xcityid, $xdate, $xadid, $ad['adtitle']));
    /* End Version 5.0 */

    // List of extra fields
    $xfieldsql = "";
        for($i=1; $i<=$xfields_count; $i++)    $xfieldsql .= ", axf.f$i";

    // Get the ad
    $sql = "SELECT a.*, ct.cityname as cityname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.timestamp) AS timestamp, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.createdon) AS createdon, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.expireson) AS expireson, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(feat.featuredtill) AS featuredtill $xfieldsql
            FROM $t_ads a
                INNER JOIN $t_subcats scat ON scat.subcatid = a.subcatid
                INNER JOIN $t_cities ct ON a.cityid = ct.cityid
                LEFT OUTER JOIN $t_adxfields axf ON a.adid = axf.adid
                LEFT OUTER JOIN $t_featured feat ON a.adid = feat.adid AND feat.adtype = 'A'
            WHERE a.adid = $xadid
                AND $visibility_condn_admin";
    $ad = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));

    $isevent = 0;
    /* Begin Version 5.0 */
    $thisurl = buildURL($xview, array($xcityid, $xcatid, $xcatname, $xsubcatid, $xsubcatname,
        $xadid, $ad['adtitle']));
    /* End Version 5.0 */


if (!$ad)
    /* Begin Version 5.0 */
    header("Location: $script_url/index.php?view=post404&cityid=$xcityid&lang=$xlang");
    /* End Version 5.0 */

if ($_POST['email'] && $_POST['mail'] && $ad['showemail'] == EMAIL_USEFORM)
    $err = "";
    if ($image_verification && !$captcha->verify($_POST['captcha']))
        $err .= $lang['ERROR_IMAGE_VERIFICATION_FAILED'] . "<br>";
    if (!ValidateEmail($_POST['email']))
        $err .= $lang['ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL'] . "<br>";

    if (preg_match("/[\\000-\\037]/", $_POST['email']))
    else if (!$err)
        $thismail_header = file_get_contents("mailtemplates/contact_header.txt");
        $thismail_header = str_replace("{@SITENAME}", $site_name, $thismail_header);
        $thismail_header = str_replace("{@ADTITLE}", $ad['adtitle'], $thismail_header);
        $thismail_header = str_replace("{@ADURL}", "{$script_url}/{$thisurl}", $thismail_header);
        $thismail_header = str_replace("{@FROM}", $_POST['email'], $thismail_header);

        $thismail_footer = file_get_contents("mailtemplates/contact_footer.txt");
        $thismail_footer = str_replace("{@SITENAME}", $site_name, $thismail_footer);
        $thismail_footer = str_replace("{@ADTITLE}", $ad['adtitle'], $thismail_footer);
        $thismail_footer = str_replace("{@ADURL}", "{$script_url}/{$thisurl}", $thismail_footer);
        $thismail_footer = str_replace("{@FROM}", $_POST['email'], $thismail_footer);

        $msg = $thismail_header . "\n" .
                stripslashes($_POST['mail']) . "\n" .
        /* Begin Version 5.1 - Send mail using SMTP */
        $xtraheaders = array("Reply-To: " . $_POST['email']);

        $mailerr = sendMail($ad['email'], $lang['MAILSUBJECT_CONTACT_FORM'], $msg,
            $site_email, $langx['charset'], "attach", $xtraheaders);
        /* End Version 5.1 - Send mail using SMTP */
        if ($mailerr)
            $mailresult = "n";
            if ($mailerr == "FAILED") $mailerr = "";
            $mailresult = "y";

        header("Location: $script_url/?$qs&mailed=$mailresult&mailerr=$mailerr");


$sql = "SELECT *
        FROM $t_adpics p
        WHERE p.adid = $xadid
            AND isevent = '$isevent'";
$pres = mysql_query($sql);


<script language="javascript">
function confirmAbuseReport()
    if (confirm('<?php echo addslashes($lang['REPORT_ABUSE_CONFIRM']); ?>'))
        /* Begin Version 5.0 */
        eval("location.href = '?' + '<?php echo $qs; ?>' + 'do=reportabuse'");
        /* End Version 5.0 */


if ($_GET['reported']) {
    $reported[] = $full_adid;
    setcookie("reported", implode(";", $reported), time()+90*24*60*60, "/");
    $is_reported = true;



    if($_GET['mailed'] == "y")        { $msg .= $lang['MESSAGE_MAIL_SENT']."<br>"; }
    elseif ($_GET['mailed'] == "n")    { $err .= $lang['ERROR_MAIL_NOT_SENT']."<br>".$_GET['mailerr']."<br>"; }

    if($_GET['reported'] == "y")    { $msg .= $lang['MESSAGE_ABUSE_REPORT']."<br>"; }

if($_GET['msg'])                { $msg .= nl2br(htmlentities($_GET['msg']))."<br>"; }
if($_GET['err'])                { $err .= nl2br(htmlentities($_GET['err']))."<br>"; }



if($err) echo "<div class=\"err\">$err</div>";
if($msg) echo "<div class=\"msg\">$msg</div>";


<?php if($ad['featuredtill'] && $ad['featuredtill'] > time()) { ?>
<div class="msg">
<img src="images/featured.gif" align="absmiddle">
<b><?php echo $lang['THIS_AD_IS_FEATURED']; ?></b>
<?php } ?>

<table class="postheader" width="100%"> <!-- Version 5.0 -->

<div align="right">
<!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->
<?php if(!$is_reported) { ?><a href="java script:confirmAbuseReport();"><?php echo $lang['REPORT_ABUSE']; ?></a> | <?php } ?>
<a href="?view=mailad&cityid=<?php echo $xcityid; ?>&adid=<?php echo $xadid; ?>&adtype=<?php echo $xadtype; ?><?php if($xdate) echo "&date={$xdate}"; ?>"><?php echo $lang['EMAIL_THIS_AD_LINK']; ?></a>

<?php if(!$debug) { ?>

<script type="text/javascript">var addthis_pub="4a1806ae49a62752";</script>
<a href="http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=20" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '[URL]', '[TITLE]')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()" style="text-decoration:none;"><img src="http://s7.addthis.com/static/btn/sm-plus.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="Bookmark and Share" style="border:0; align:middle;"/> Share</a>

<?php } ?>

<!-- End Version 5.0 -->
<?php echo $lang['POST_ID']; ?> <?php echo ($xview=="showevent"?"E":"A"); ?><?php echo $ad['adid']; ?><br><br>
if ($xview == "showevent")
    <b><?php echo date("d", $ad['starton'])." ".$langx['months_short'][date("n", $ad['starton'])-1] . ", " . date("y", $ad['starton']); ?>
    <?php if($ad['starton'] != $ad['endon']) echo " - " . date("d", $ad['endon']) . " " . $langx['months_short'][date("n", $ad['endon'])-1] . ", " . date("y", $ad['endon']); ?></b>


<div class="posttitle"> <!-- Version 5.0 -->
<?php echo $ad['adtitle']; ?>
$loc = "";
if($ad['area']) $loc = $ad['area'];
if($xcityid < 0) $loc .= ($loc ? ", " : "") . $ad['cityname'];
if($loc) echo " <span class=\"adarea\">($loc)</span>";

<b><?php echo $lang['AD_DATE']; ?></b>:
<?php echo QuickDate($ad['createdon']); ?>

<?php if($ad['createdon'] != $ad['timestamp']) { ?>
<b><?php echo $lang['AD_LAST_UPDATE']; ?></b>:
<?php echo QuickDate($ad['timestamp']); ?>
<?php } ?>

<b><?php echo $lang['AD_EXPIRES_ON']; ?></b>:
<?php echo QuickDate($ad['expireson']); ?>

<b><?php echo $lang['REPLY_TO']; ?></b>:
<?php if ($ad['showemail'] == EMAIL_SHOW) { ?>
    <a href="mailto:<?php echo $ad['email']; ?>"><?php echo $ad['email']; ?></a>

<?php } elseif ($ad['showemail'] == EMAIL_USEFORM) { ?>
    <i><?php echo $lang['USE_CONTACT_FORM']; ?></i>

<?php } else { ?>
    <i><?php echo $lang['EMAIL_NOT_SHOWN']; ?></i>

<?php } ?>


if(($xsubcathasprice && $ad['price']) || count($xsubcatfields))
    /* Begin Version 5.0 */
    $actualfields = $xsubcathasprice ? 1 : 0;

<?php if($xsubcathasprice) { ?><tr><td><b><?php echo $xsubcatpricelabel; ?></b></td><td>: <?php if(($xsubcathasprice && $ad['price'] != 0.00)) { ?><?php echo $currency . $ad['price']; ?><?php } else { echo $lang['AD_PRICE_NOT_PROVIDED']; } ?></td></tr><?php } ?>

<?php if(count($xsubcatfields)) { foreach ($xsubcatfields as $fldnum=>$fld) { if(($fld['TYPE'] == "N" && $ad["f$fldnum"] > 0) || ($fld['TYPE'] != "N" && $ad["f$fldnum"])) { $actualfields++; ?>
<tr><td><b><?php echo $fld['NAME']; ?></b></td><td>: <?php echo $ad["f$fldnum"]; ?></td></tr>
<?php }}} ?>
<?php if ($actualfields) { ?>
<div style="border-bottom:1px solid #E0E0E0;">&nbsp;</div>
<?php } ?>
    /* End Version 5.0 */

<table class="post" width="100%"><tr><td> <!-- Version 5.0 -->

<!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->
<?php echo generateHtml($ad['addesc'], $ad['createdon']); ?>
<!-- End Version 5.0 -->



if (@mysql_num_rows($pres))
    $i = 0;

    <table class="postpics" width="100%"><tr><td> <!-- Version 5.0 -->

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($pres))

        $imgsize = GetThumbnailSize("{$datadir[adpics]}/{$row[picfile]}", $images_max_width, $images_max_height);


        <img src="<?php echo "{$datadir[adpics]}/{$row[picfile]}"; ?>" id="adimg<?php echo $i; ?>" width="<?php echo $imgsize[0]; ?>" height="<?php echo $imgsize[1]; ?>"><br><br>




    $imgcnt = $i;


if($ad['othercontactok']) echo "<p class=\"disclosure_yes\">$lang[COMMERCIAL_CONTACT_OK]</p>";
else echo "<p class=\"disclosure_no\">$lang[COMMERCIAL_CONTACT_NOT_OK]</p>";

$hits = $ad['hits'];
$already_hit = explode(";", $_COOKIE["hits"]);
if (!in_array($full_adid, $already_hit)) {
    $sql = "update $adtable set hits = hits + 1, timestamp = timestamp where adid = $xadid";
    $already_hit[] = $full_adid;
    setcookie("hits", implode(";", $already_hit), 0, "/");

<!-- Begin Version 5.0 -->
<?php if (!$debug) { ?>
<div style="float:left;">

<script type="text/javascript">var addthis_pub="4a1806ae49a62752";</script>
<a href="http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=20" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '[URL]', '[TITLE]')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()" style="text-decoration:none;"><img src="http://s7.addthis.com/static/btn/sm-plus.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="Bookmark and Share" style="border:0; align:middle;"/> Share</a>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/200/addthis_widget.js"></script>

<?php } ?>
<div class="hits"><?php echo $hits; ?> hits<br><br></div>
<br style="clear:both">
<!-- End Version 5.0 -->

<?php if ($ad['showemail'] == EMAIL_USEFORM) {

/*$qs = ""; $qsA = $_GET; unset($qsA['syndicate']);
foreach ($qsA as $k=>$v) $qs .= "$k=$v&";*/


    <form action="<?php echo "$script_url/?$qs"; ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <table class="contactform">
        <th colspan="2"><?php echo $lang['CONTACT_USER']; ?>:<a name="contactform">&nbsp;</a>
    <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
        <td><?php echo $lang['YOUR_EMAIL']; ?>: <span class="marker">*</span></td>
        <input type="text" size="65" name="email">
        <td valign="top"><?php echo $lang['YOUR_MESSAGE']; ?>: <span class="marker">*</span></td>
        <textarea cols="64" rows="10" name="mail"></textarea>
        <td valign="top"><?php echo $lang['ATTACHMENT']; ?>:</td>
        <input type="file" size="55" name="attach"><br>
        <span class="hint"><?php echo $lang['UNSUPPORTED_ATTACHEMNTS']; ?>: <?php echo implode(", ", $contactmail_attach_wrongfiles); ?><br>
        <?php echo $lang['MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE']; ?>: <?php echo $contactmail_attach_maxsize; ?>KB</span>


            <td valign="top"><?php echo $lang['POST_VERIFY_IMAGE']; ?>: <span class="marker">*</span></td>
            <img src="captcha.png.php?<?php echo rand(0,999); ?>"><br>
            <span class="hint"><?php echo $lang['POST_VERIFY_IMAGE_HINT']; ?></span><br>
            <input type="text" name="captcha" value="">


        <td><button type="submit"><?php echo $lang['BUTTON_SEND_MAIL']; ?></button></td>

<?php } ?>

Avatar billede shoofixmafi Nybegynder
14. juli 2010 - 10:31 #3
send ig lige et svar
du fortjener points

og hvis du gider loeser den anden kopi af filen
er jeg meget taknemlig
Avatar billede repox Seniormester
14. juli 2010 - 11:15 #4
Du skulle kunne gøre noget ala:
sendMail("admin@website.dk", $lang['MAILSUBJECT_CONTACT_FORM'], $msg, $site_email, $langx['charset'], "attach", $xtraheaders);

lige under
$mailerr = sendMail($ad['email'], $lang['MAILSUBJECT_CONTACT_FORM'], $msg,
            $site_email, $langx['charset'], "attach", $xtraheaders);
Avatar billede shoofixmafi Nybegynder
27. juli 2010 - 08:39 #5
smid lige et svar
Avatar billede repox Seniormester
27. juli 2010 - 12:16 #6
Det fik du her
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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