22. juli 2001 - 14:43Der er
11 kommentarer og 1 løsning
Satellit problemer
Jeg har lige fået satellit op at køre, men det virker ikke helt som det skal! Jeg har abonnement ved Europe Online.
Når det hele er installeret lægger der sig et program der hedder Fazzt Recieve eller lign. som skulle være det program som modtager alle de filer man har valgt at hente (fra Europe Onlines Download Centre)
Men problemet er bare at den ikke henter noget overhovedet. Filerne lægger sig godt nok ind under \"Selective Reception\" men de bliver aldrig overført...
Er der nogen der har et forslag til hvad jeg kunne have gjort galt??
Jeg har forsøgt mig med 3 af dem, men det nytter ikke. Men jeg ved heller ikke om Fazzt Reciever programmet \"ved\" at jeg skifter transponder inde på hjemmesiden...
Europe Online uses several transponders on the ASTRA satellite fleet at 19,2° East. The table below provides a good starting point to receive the service.
Satellite position 19,2 ° East 19,2 ° East 19,2 ° East 19,2 ° East Receive frequency 12.63325 GHz, Transponder 113 ASTRA 1G 12.640 GHz, Transponder 114 ASTRA 1G 12.66275 GHz, Transponder 115 ASTRA 1G 12.461 GHz, Transponder 103 ASTRA 1F Polarization Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Decoding rate 5/6 5/6 5/6 3/4 Symbol rate 22 MS 22 MS 22 MS 27,5 MS Active PIDs 0x200 IP unicast, 0x311, 0x312, 0x411 IP multicast (Hex) 0x200 IP unicast, 0x311, 0x312, 0x411 IP multicast (Hex) 0x200 IP unicast, 0x311, 0x312, 0x411 IP multicast (Hex) 0x200 IP unicast, 0x311, 0x312, 0x411 IP multicast (Hex) LNB LO 10.6 GHz 10.6 GHz 10.6 GHz 10.6 GHz
You need a system prepared to receive ASTRA\'s higher band (11,70 GHz - 12,75 GHz). This is normally achieved by a digital LNB with local oscillator switching capabilities (9,75 GHz or 10,60 GHz). You could also use a standard LNB as long as the L-Band frequency matches the input frequency range of the receiver (normally 950 MHz - 2150 MHz, i.e. LNB LO = 10.0 GHz -> L-Band frequency = 1836,50 MHz).
2. How do I know my receiver is tuned to the right satellite channel ?
Check the lock information provided by your receiver or receiver board. You must NOT continue in setting up the receiver details (i.e. IP address, active PIDs) until you do receive the satellite signal properly.
3. How do I set up the system to receive data ?
The Europe Online Broadband service sends IP-unicast information via one specific program identifier (PID) on all transponders. PID value 0x200 (hex) or 512 (dec) is used to carry data inside the MPEG II transport stream. The transport mechanism complies with standard EN 301 192, multiprotocol encapsulation (MPE). Make sure MPE is enabled for this PID. Channels (streams and downloads) are provided via IP-multicast. The system will recognize the necessary address settings at IP level. For card setting please refer to our card specific settings.
4. How do I access the Internet ?
To acces the internet you need a connection by an Internet Service Provider (ISP). In general this will be done via your telephone line.
5. How do I switch from one transponder to the other?
You\'ll find all information here, with a detailed example.
If you use the Europe Online card delivered with the Europe Online Entertainment box please select the transponder at the TV application (EuroTV).
6. Important information for trouble free downloads (Fazzt Remote Station Driver Configuration).
Please bear in mind and follow these settings when you have downloaded the Fazzt Remote Station Software and Key:
Close all communication software. Press the START button. Select Programs, then Fazzt Remote Station --> Configuration Click Permanent Channel. Set multicast address to Select IP (Multicast High Performance). Make sure the port address is set to 9000. Click OK to save changes. Now you are able to enjoy our service and get any downloads we offer.
Hej Mantadoktor ! Jeg står også selv og overvejer at købe satellit internet. Har du tjecket at din LNB er digital og kan modtage digitale signaler over 10.600 Ghz ?
Hej igen ! Ja, undskyld jeg sådan ævler, men jeg ville gerne høre om du fik det til at virke, da jeg selv skal til at have det. Så send bare en mail: Peter.Hjorth@Get2net.dk !!
Du misforstod mig ! Det var ikke fordi jeg ville have de snollede points ! Dem er jeg ligeglad med.
Faktisk ville jeg gerne tale med en der har fået satellit internet og få en seriøs snak om fordele og ulemper, og om det er værd at købe.
Så skriv bare til : Peter.Hjorth@Get2net.dk eller på ICQ: 62132781 .
H. Peter
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