It will be possible if there is a field which can make each row unique and also indicate which order the texts are to be concatentated into one field..
You should also follow upp on other open questions you have!
kolonnen "insp. lot" er entydig. derudover har jeg faktisk en kolonne der hedder "line" som indikerer concatineringsrækkefølgen. værdierne i "line" er 001, 002, 003, osv....
"kolonnen "insp. lot" er entydig" NOT in your example!
I think I need a bit more infromation before I can give a suggestion to an answer.
Are you trying to convert 10 records into a single record?
Which Line number does the record have which is to contain all texts?
The reason why I'm asking is this. If you wanted to convert the records into one then you should use VBA code to convert your data once and for all (permanently)
If you want to keep all recortds and opnly show a single record with the concatenated texts then you should do it with SQL using a number of sub selects.
Den record der skal indeholde al tekst har altid "line number" 001
Jeg vil gerne beholde alle records, så det må være SQL vi er ude efter.
Men der er i virkeligheden mange rækker, med forskellige "insp. lot" numre, hvor hvert "insp lot" nummer har en række records med "line number" 001-00X
Alle disse mange "insp. lot" skal have deres tekst samlet under hver deres line 001.
x betyder et eller andet tal. Der kan være alt fra 2 til 30 "line number" rækker. X indikerer bare at antallet at rækker varierer fra "insp lot" til "insp lot".
I can give you some ideas but I dont think I'll have much time for a while to do it for you.
And if this problem has anything to do with your newest question then I would consider finding a better solution.
I have a feeling that this is going to be too much for you, but here goes anyway.
You need to make a function which openes a recordset with the records with line number = "001" (The ones which are to contain all texts)
Loop through the recordset and for each record you now open another recordset which contains the matching records appart from the one where Line number = "001" You need to select these sorted on Line number so that you have them in the correct order.
Now loop through these records appending the text followed by a space to the record inthe first recordset.
SELECT [tblData].[ID], Conc("Field1","ID",[ID],"tblData") AS Field1, Conc("Field2","ID",[ID],"tblData") AS Field2 FROM tblData GROUP BY [tblData].[ID];
Public Function Conc(Fieldx, Identity, Value, Source) As Variant Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim SQL As String Dim vFld As Variant
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset vFld = Null
SQL = "SELECT [" & Fieldx & "] as Fld" & _ " FROM [" & Source & "]" & _ " WHERE [" & Identity & "]=" & Value
' open recordset. rs.Open SQL, cnn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
' concatenate the field. Do While Not rs.EOF If Not IsNull(rs!Fld) Then vFld = vFld & ", " & rs!Fld End If rs.MoveNext Loop ' remove leading comma and space. vFld = Mid(vFld, 3)
Havent had much time to answer, off on a short holiday tomorrow.
Glad to hear you found a solution.
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