Avatar billede lunder Nybegynder
18. juli 2001 - 22:29 Der er 5 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Email script

Jeg leder efter et script der sender en email til en bruger - eks. hvis en bruger opretter en bruger vil der blive sendt en email med oplysningerne til hans email!
Avatar billede medions Nybegynder
18. juli 2001 - 22:32 #1
Dim mail

Set mail = Server.CreateObject(\"JMail.SMTPMail\")

With mail
    .Subject = Request.Form(\"emne\")
    .Body = Request.Form(\"message\")
    .Sender = Request.Form(\"mail\")
    .SenderName = \"Forum\" & Request.Form(\"Name\")
    .AddRecipient \"Din emailadresse\"
    .ServerAddress = \"din pop3\"
End With

Set mail = Nothing
Avatar billede lunder Nybegynder
18. juli 2001 - 22:34 #2
Kan jeg ik få en hel side hvor jeg kan se se?
Det der siger ik rigtigt noget - skal det indsættes i <% if mode = \"opret\" then eller hvad?
Avatar billede medions Nybegynder
18. juli 2001 - 22:39 #3
<% If mode = \"opret\" Then
Dim mail

Set mail = Server.CreateObject(\"JMail.SMTPMail\")

With mail
    .Subject = Request.Form(\"emne\")
    .Body = Request.Form(\"message\")
    .Sender = Request.Form(\"mail\")
    .SenderName = \"Forum\" & Request.Form(\"Name\")
    .AddRecipient \"Din emailadresse\"
    .ServerAddress = \"din pop3\"
End With

Set mail = Nothing
End If

hvad vil du da ha\' den til ???
altså hvad skal den hente?
Avatar billede medions Nybegynder
18. juli 2001 - 22:51 #4

<% If mode = \"opret\" Then
Dim mail

Set mail = Server.CreateObject(\"JMail.SMTPMail\")

With mail
    .Subject = Request.Form(\"emne\")
    .Body = Request.Form(\"message\")
    .Sender = Request.Form(\"mail\")
    .SenderName = \"Forum\" & Request.Form(\"Name\")
    .AddRecipient \"Din emailadresse\"
    .ServerAddress = \"din pop3\"
End With

Set mail = Nothing
End If

Avatar billede medions Nybegynder
18. juli 2001 - 23:09 #5

Avatar billede prinsessetoben Nybegynder
19. juli 2001 - 00:07 #6
To resolve this behavior, add the following line to the [386Enh] section of the System.ini file, and then restart your computer:

If the behavior continues to occur, increase the number of spare stack pages in increments of 4 (for example, 8, 12, 16).

NOTE: Each spare stack page requires 4 KB of memory.

To edit the System.ini file for Windows 95, 98 and 98se:
Click Start, click Run, type sysedit in the Open box, and then click OK.

Click System.ini on the Window menu.

In the [386Enh] section, type the following line:

On the File menu, click Exit, and then click Yes to save the changes.

Restart your computer.

To edit the System.ini file for Windows Me:

Click Start, click Search, For files or folders.

In the \"Search for files or folders named\" box type \"System.ini\" (without the quotation marks) and make sure that the \"Look in\" drop-down box lists \"Local Hard Drive (C:). Click on the Search Now button.

When the search results appear in the pane on the right side, be sure to double-click on the System.ini file that is listed \"In Folder\" C:\\Windows. This should open the System.ini file up inside of Notepad.

In the [386Enh] section, add or edit the following line as applicible:

\"MinSPs=4\" (without the quotation marks)
On the File menu, click Save, then click the File menu again and click Exit.

Restart your computer.

Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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