HTML mail virker ikke
Hej Jeg har prøvet at sende min mail, som bliverlavet af i en form, men hvis jeg sætter den op med HTML koder som <body> og ligende bliver bare vist i mailen, har prøvet at bruge mail funktionen fra, men det virker stadig ikke.den sender mailen men kommer med en fejl inden den springer videre til en anden side.
MIME-Version:... List:; syntax illegal for recipient addresses Content-type:... List:; syntax illegal for recipient addresses /home/sites/ Saved message in /home/sites/
Her er koden jeg har brugt:
$mailto = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email'];
$mailfrom = "From:";
$subject = "Wedding Invitation";
$body = "<body bgcolor='#33CCFF'> WEDDING INVITATION \n\n$HTTP_POST_VARS[InviText]\n\nWe would like to invite the family of $HTTP_POST_VARS[Family] to our wedding on the 12th of February 2010, at Mlalo in Lushot, Tanzania. The Cermoni will take place at Irente ViewPoint lodge, and the reception will take place at Gilliards lodge, in Mlalo.\n\nLog in at and use this username $HTTP_POST_VARS[username].\nYour password is $HTTP_POST_VARS[password].\nWhen you have logged in please fill out the form to let us know if you are are coming and how many will attend. Notice only invited people will be granted access to the cermony and reception.\nWe are looking forward to seeing you at the wedding.\n </body>";
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";