3D Studio Max er ikke kendt for den måde den render på! Hvorfor tror du der findes så mange \'eksterne\' renders til Max!!!(Brazil, FinalRender og MentalRay)
LightWave’s render laver ikke grovere resultater end max’s render!!!
LightWave’s render er meget bedre end Max’s render.
LightWave’s render er en raytracer, mens Max’s er en scanline render!
What is a scanline renderer vs a raytracer?
The key difference with raytracing vs. scanline rendering is that scanline rendering only gets one bounce. That is, when a ray is traced back into the scene from the virtual \'film\' of the virtual 3d camera, with a scanline renderer as soon as that ray hits the first object it stops. With raytracing, the ray may bounce or be spawn new rays, as in reflective and refractive surfaces. The ray will ping-pong through the scene to accumulate the pixel\'s color from all the reflective surfaces. You may recall that reflective and other surface effects can be done by 3ds max without using the raytrace material. But the scanline renderer is doing a trick - you will notice when you render with automatic reflections that the renderer makes several passes before starting the rendering of the actual scene. It is pre-rendering from the viewpoint of the reflective object to create a local environment map that is then applied to the object when it is later scanline rendered. Obviously, as scenes get more and more reflective objects, raytracing becomes a better choice.
Kilde: er Toy Story og A Bugs Life ikke lavet med Max! Pixar har brugt deres eget software kaldet ’Renderman’!
Renderman er den allerbedste render der overhovedet findes! Alle (næsten) film med 3d sekvenser er lavet med Renderman.
Maya er ikke kendt for sin uhyre realisme!!! Maya ’render’ ikke specielt godt! Firmaerne i Hollywood plejer at animere i Maya og bagefter render med Pixar’s Renderman!