Avatar billede borup110 Nybegynder
11. december 2009 - 15:52 Der er 7 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Login i databasen


Jeg har fået et lille problem.  Jeg skal have lavet et login i min db , men jeg får hele tiden den samme meddelelse uanset hvad jeg gør.

Du skal åbne db med udelt adgang for at angive eller fjerne adgangskoden til db.

Luk db og åbn igen ved at klikke på Microsoft office-knappen og bruge komandoen åbn, hvis du vil have udelt adgang. I dialogboksen åbn skal du klikke på pilen ved siden af knappen åbn og derefter vælge med udelt adgang.

Men der er ingen pil bruger Access 2007

Håber der er en der kan hjælpe, ellers bliver jeg skør

Lars en nybegynder i db
Avatar billede ksoren Nybegynder
11. december 2009 - 16:00 #1

Altså, din "open"-knap har ingen pil?
Avatar billede borup110 Nybegynder
11. december 2009 - 16:29 #2
Nej det har den ikke, jeg har prøvet at ændre indstillingerne til åbn med udelt , men det hjælper ikke, samme fejlmelding.
Avatar billede mugs Novice
11. december 2009 - 16:43 #3
Hvordan åbner du db. I Access 2000 skal du starte Access > flere filer > find din db og vælg med udelæt adgang.
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
11. december 2009 - 16:48 #4
Open Access (not the dB) then you should be able to see a list of recently opened databases. And also a "More" button which allows you to browse to another dB. Press this button and you should see an Open file dialiog with a "Pil" on the open button.

First find your dB you want to open and then press th ePil so you can choose "OPen Exclusive"
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
11. december 2009 - 16:48 #5
That was for 2007
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
11. december 2009 - 16:52 #6
From Microsoft (

Open an existing Access database
Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Open.
Click a shortcut in the Open dialog box — or, in the Look in box, click the drive or folder that contains the database that you want.
In the folder list, double-click folders until you open the folder that contains the database.
When you find the database, do one of the following:
To open the database in default open mode, double-click it.
To open the database for shared access in a multiuser (multiuser (shared) database: A database that permits more than one user to access and modify the same set of data at the same time.) environment, so that both you and other users can both read and write to the database at the same time, click Open.
To open the database for read-only access, so that you can view it but cannot edit it, click the arrow next to the Open button, and then click Open Read-Only.
To open the database for exclusive access, so that no one else can open it while you have it open, click the arrow next to the Open button, and then click Open Exclusive.
To open the database for read-only access, click the arrow next to the Open button, and then click Open Exclusive Read-Only Other users can still open the database, but they only have read-only access.
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
11. december 2009 - 16:52 #7
>>>>To open the database for exclusive access
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
11. december 2009 - 22:33 #8
I assume you got it working?
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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