Problemer med Win 7 - Windows Experience Index
Jeg har lige installeret Windows 7 Ultimate, og installeret diverse drivere, men jeg kan ikke klassificere min computer med Windows Experince Index. Når jeg trykker: Klassificer denne computer, skriver den:"Windows experince index for systemet kunne ikke beregnes.
Vurderingen, der blev anmodet om, kan ikke fuldføres. Denne computer har ikke den nødvendige multimediaunderstøttelse til at køre vurderingen, der blev anmodet om"
Er der noget driverhalløj der spiller ind?? har installeret Chipset og grafik driver!
Andre ting??
Min computer:
Intel Pentium T4200 (2.0 GHz, 800Mhz FSB)
Nvidia GeForce G105M - 512MB
500GB HDD (5200 RPM - Mener jeg)
Her er lidt fra WinSat log'en:
18775203 (1852) - winsat\logging.cpp:0815: --- START 2009\11\15 22:54:37 ---
18775203 (1852) - winsat\main.cpp:2861: > no need to restore power state (no saver object).
18775203 (1852) - winsat\main.cpp:2873: > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
18775203 (1852) - winsat\main.cpp:4909: > exit value = 4.
18787871 (3760) - winsat\logging.cpp:0815: --- START 2009\11\15 22:54:50 ---
18787886 (3760) - winsat\main.cpp:4301: Command Line = "C:\Windows\system32\winsat.exe" formal -cancelevent 1d2d0c85-96ba-4db7-858f-cefa54eb67f6
18787886 (3760) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp:0095: ERROR: tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
18788245 (3760) - winsat\main.cpp:4474: > IsFormal=TRUE IsMoobe=FALSE.
18788245 (3760) - winsat\main.cpp:4505: ERROR: no multi-media files, no MM support
18788245 (3760) - winsat\main.cpp:2861: > no need to restore power state (no saver object).
18788245 (3760) - winsat\main.cpp:2873: > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
18788245 (3760) - winsat\main.cpp:4909: > exit value = 10.
18825171 (3548) - winsat\logging.cpp:0815: --- START 2009\11\15 22:55:27 ---
18825171 (3548) - winsat\main.cpp:4301: Command Line = "C:\Windows\system32\winsat.exe" formal -restart clean -cancelevent 1c9b66f1-e2f1-4503-b4f0-2dc86f2be488
18825186 (3548) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp:0095: ERROR: tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
18825373 (3548) - winsat\main.cpp:4474: > IsFormal=TRUE IsMoobe=FALSE.
18825373 (3548) - winsat\main.cpp:4505: ERROR: no multi-media files, no MM support
18825373 (3548) - winsat\main.cpp:2861: > no need to restore power state (no saver object).
18825373 (3548) - winsat\main.cpp:2873: > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
18825373 (3548) - winsat\main.cpp:4909: > exit value = 10.
19245687 (2288) - winsat\logging.cpp:0815: --- START 2009\11\15 23:02:27 ---
19245687 (2288) - winsat\main.cpp:4301: Command Line = winsat formal -v
19245687 (2288) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp:0095: ERROR: tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
19245890 (2288) - winsat\main.cpp:4474: > IsFormal=TRUE IsMoobe=FALSE.
19245890 (2288) - winsat\main.cpp:4505: ERROR: no multi-media files, no MM support
19245905 (2288) - winsat\main.cpp:2861: > no need to restore power state (no saver object).
19245905 (2288) - winsat\main.cpp:2873: > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
19245905 (2288) - winsat\main.cpp:4909: > exit value = 10.
20014647 (1444) - winsat\logging.cpp:0815: --- START 2009\11\15 23:15:16 ---
20014663 (1444) - winsat\main.cpp:2861: > no need to restore power state (no saver object).
20014663 (1444) - winsat\main.cpp:2873: > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
20014663 (1444) - winsat\main.cpp:4909: > exit value = 4.
Please hjælp, forstår ikke et ord af det udover Error.