Avatar billede rallylarsen Nybegynder
15. oktober 2009 - 17:38

Problemer med Hobbit overvågning

Hej Eksperter.

Den her er sgu lidt tricky (for mig hvertfald =))

Har Hobbit overvågning på en remote W2003server, som holder øje med CPU, diske osv. Denne server kører en BBWin client. Nu vil jeg gerne overvåge om F.eks. en mappe bliver tømt, og til dette har jeg hentet et script fsmon.vbs som skal køres som et "externals" kald. Men har ingen ide om hvordan jeg laver dette kald fra min hobbitserver(i cfg-filen tilhørende serveren)

Har modded i BBWin.cfg som jeg har læst mig til :

    <setting name="timer" value="3m" />
    <setting name="logstimer" value="60s" />
        <load value="cscript.exe c:\Program Files\BBWin\ext\fsmon.vbs" />

Hvornår bliver dette script kørt ?
Er der nogen der har erfaring med dette =) ?

Hilfe bitte.

fsmon.vbs :

' use explicit declaration

' use resume next
On Error Resume Next

'* Globals
Dim     shello ' Shell object to get registry value
Dim     fso ' file system object to open the file
Dim     extPath ' Path to save the result
Dim        regTmp, regConf ' registry keys for BBWin
Dim        debugFlag ' debug flag
Dim        columnName ' BB name column

columnName = "fsmon"

regTmp = "C:\Program Files\BBWin\tmp"
regConf = "C:\Program Files\BBWin\etc"

'* Debug Flag
debugFlag = false

'* Consts

'* RegExp Pattern
Dim C_PatternConfig
C_PatternConfig = "^\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)\s*"

'* BB Syntax
Const         GREEN = 0, YELLOW = 1, RED = 2
BBCOLORS = Array("green", "yellow", "red")

'*  Lines config

Dim BBLines
Set BBLines = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

'*  Dir Module Variables and Class
Dim C_DirPatternConfig ' directory configuration
C_DirPatternConfig = "^\s*(\S+)\s*""(.*)"" (\S+) (\S+) ""(.*)""\s*"

Set     shello = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set     fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'* Sub Debug()
'* Purpose: Debug function
'* Input: 
'* Output: 
Sub            Debug(msg)
    If debugFlag = true Then
        WScript.Echo msg
    End If
End Sub

'* Sub ExecDirRule()
'* Purpose: exec the directory directive rule to check validity
'* Input:  value to compare
'*              rule value
'* Output:  true is ok (false if rule not validated)
Function         ExecDirRule(value, rule)
    Dim            ruleValue
    Dim            op
    Dim            res
    ExecDirRule = true
    ruleValue = Mid(rule, 2)
    op = Mid(rule, 1, 1)
    ruleValue = CInt(ruleValue)
    res = false
    Select Case op
        Case "<"         res = CBool(value < ruleValue)
        Case ">"         res = CBool(value > ruleValue)
        Case Else         res = CBool(value = ruleValue)
    End Select
    ExecDirRule = res
End Function

'* Sub ReadDirConfig()
'* Purpose: read dir config file
'* Input:          rule id (unique number used to insert in the hash table)
'*             line to parse
'* Output: 
Sub             ReadExecDirConfig(id, line)
    Dim         regEx ' regexp object
    Dim         match ' match results
    Set regEx = New RegExp
    Const         C_name = 0, C_path = 1, C_warnrule = 2, C_panicrule = 3, C_desc = 4
    Dim         dir

    regEx.Pattern = C_DirPatternConfig
    regEx.IgnoreCase = True
    regEx.Global = True
    If regEx.test(line) = True Then
        Dim     color, res, str
        color = GREEN
        Set match = regEx.Execute(line)
        Err.Number = 0
        Set dir = fso.GetFolder(match(0).SubMatches(C_path))
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        res = ExecDirRule(dir.Files.Count, match(0).SubMatches(C_warnrule))
        If res = false Then
            color = YELLOW
        End If
        res = ExecDirRule(dir.Files.Count, match(0).SubMatches(C_panicrule))
        If res = false Then
            color = RED
        End If
        str = "&" & BBCOLORS(color) & " checking directory " & match(0).SubMatches(C_name) & " '" _
            & match(0).SubMatches(C_path) & "' - Rules are " & match(0).SubMatches(C_warnrule) & " and " & match(0).SubMatches(C_panicrule) _
            & " - Actually " &  dir.Files.Count & " file(s)"
        If color <> GREEN Then
            str = str & " - " & match(0).SubMatches(C_desc)
        End If
        call BBLines.Add("directory" & id, str)
    End If
End Sub

'* Sub ReadConfig()
'* Purpose: read config file
'* Input: 
'* Output: 
Sub                ReadExecConfig()
    Dim         regEx ' regexp object
    Dim         match ' match results
    Dim            fconf ' file object
    Dim            line ' line
    Dim            etcPath
    Dim            id
    On Error Resume Next
    etcPath = shello.RegRead(regConf)
    Err.Number = 0
    Set fconf = fso.OpenTextFile(etcPath & "\fsmon.cfg", 1)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        Debug("Can't OpenTextFile " & etcPath & "\fsmon.cfg")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    On Error goto 0
    Set regEx = New RegExp
    regEx.Pattern = C_PatternConfig
    regEx.IgnoreCase = True
    regEx.Global = True
    id = 0
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        Do While fconf.AtEndOfStream <> True
            line = fconf.ReadLine
            Dim comPos
            comPos = InStr(line, "#")
            If comPos > 0 Then
                line = Left(line, comPos - 1)
            End If
            If Len(line) > 0 Then
                If regEx.test(line) = True Then
                    Set match = regEx.Execute(line)
                    '* Here add the other modules configuration loading procedure calls
                    If match(0).SubMatches(0) = "DIR" Then
                        call ReadExecDirConfig(id, match(0).SubMatches(1))
                    End If
                    id = id + 1
                End If
            End If
    End If
    Set regEx = nothing
End Sub

'* Sub GenerateReport()
'* Purpose: Entry point to generate BB Report
'* Input: 
'* Output: 
Sub     GenerateReport()
    Dim        line
    Dim        finalStatus
    Dim        freport
    Dim     WshNetwork
    If BBLines.Count = 0 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
    extPath = shello.RegRead(regTmp)
    Err.Number = 0
    Set freport = fso.OpenTextFile(extPath & "\" & columnName, 2 , True)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    finalStatus = GREEN
    For Each line In BBLines
        If InStr(Left(BBLines.Item(line), 7), BBCOLORS(YELLOW)) <> 0 Then
            finalStatus = YELLOW
        End If
        If InStr(Left(BBLines.Item(line), 7), BBCOLORS(RED)) <> 0 Then
            finalStatus = RED
        End If
    freport.WriteLine(BBCOLORS(finalStatus) & " " & Date & " " & Time & " [" & WshNetwork.ComputerName & "] ")
    For Each line In BBLines
End Sub

'* Sub fsmon()
'* Purpose: fsmon entry point
'* Input: 
'* Output: 
Sub         fsmon()
    Debug("fsmon started")
    call ReadExecConfig()
    Err.Number = 0
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then ' can't get registry
        Debug("Can't RegRead " & C_ConfigPath)
    End If
    Debug("fsmon end")
End Sub

'* Sub Main()
'* Purpose: Entry point for the main function
'* Input:  args      The Arguments object
'* Output: 
Sub            Main(byref args)
    call fsmon()
End Sub

'* Main call


Set shello = nothing
Set fso = nothing
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