Jeg ønsker at lave et histogram over en kolonne med en lang række tal (3000+) der befinder sig inden for intervallet 1-40. X-aksen skal være tallet (minutter) og Y-aksen skal være antallet af gange tallet gentages i denne talrække.
Talrækken ser fx sådan her ud: 0 2 1 3 4 8 31 35 2 5 7 2 1
Når jeg forsøger at markere alle tallene og vælge indsæt diagram -> kolonne illustrerer den bare alle 3000+ resultater i stedet for at vise det summerede antal af de enkelte værdier.
Hvordan gør jeg det i Microsoft Excel 2008? (Mac) - går ud fra det er det samme i Excel 2007.
I can't find the Analysis ToolPak Cause: Excel 2008 does not include the Analysis ToolPak. Solution: Download StatPlus:mac LE for free from AnalystSoft, and then use StatPlus:mac LE with Excel 2008. You can use StatPlus:mac LE to perform many of the functions that were previously available in the Analysis ToolPak, such as regressions, histograms, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and t-tests. Visit the AnalystSoft Web site, and then follow the instructions on the download page. After you have downloaded and installed StatPlus:mac LE, open the workbook that contains the data that you want to analyze. Open StatPlus:mac LE. From the StatPlus:mac LE menu, select the function that you want. In StatPlus:mac LE, select the workbook data you want to work with, set your parameters and any options that you want, and then click OK. Note Excel 2008 does not include Help for StatPlus:mac LE. Help for StatPlus:mac LE is provided by AnalystSoft.
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