Jeg har forsøgt at forbinde Access til en Oracle database via en ODBC driver. Det virker også fint nok men den vil ikke åbne i tabeller der indenholder æ, ø eller å i navnet er der nogen der kan hjælpe mig?
It's not possible for me to change the name of the tables, because I'am getting the tables from our oracle datawarehouse. But shouldn't it be possible to get an ODBC connection that can handle æøå?
When you link a table via ODBC you can alter the alias name by right clicking on the name in the database window (in Access) and choosing rename. The ODBC connection should, I would have thought, have no problem with æøå, but its never a good idea to use special characters in object names.
Nothing seems to help, and I know it's a bad idea to use speciel characters, but it's not my choose. Do you have any other ideas? I have seen your link and that didn't seem to be the problem.
Jeg har klaret den, det viste sig at være en miljøvariabel der ikke var sat rigtig.
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