Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
08. juli 2001 - 00:48 Der er 12 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Email list sign up form !

Hi everyone I sure hope some can help me with this problem....

I got a email list database, called subs.mdb and in there I got a table called \"emails\". I want someone out there to help me make a form like the one on , Ontheminute.com where people can sign up and unsubscribe. But they dont change web sites when they for example write in a email allready subscribing to the list, they just get for example a little message under it , like \"You allready subscribe to the newsletter\"...

is that possible to dp ?  can you make it ?  do you know of scripts that can do that allready ?
Avatar billede okay Nybegynder
08. juli 2001 - 00:51 #1
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
08. juli 2001 - 00:55 #2
thats the newsletter I use but I have experienced some problems with the mailing list.. For example thoose new windows that Ontheminute.com also get.. or they change site...  do you understand ?
Avatar billede okay Nybegynder
08. juli 2001 - 00:58 #3
Send me the database Jamal@web-zone.dk
Avatar billede ellebaek Nybegynder
08. juli 2001 - 13:49 #4
str = \"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=\" & Server.MapPath(\"subs.mdb\")

set rs = server.createobject(\"ADODB.Connection\")
subscribe = request.form(\"subs\")
unsubs = request.form(\"unsubs\")
if send <> \"\" Then
email = request.form(\"email\")
sql = \"Select * from emails where email LIKE \'\"&email&\"\'\"
rs.open sql,str
if rs.EOF then
sql2 = \"Insert into emails(email) Values(\'\"&email&\"\')\"
set rs = rs.execute(sql2)
Alert = \"You are now subscribed to the newsletter\"
Alert = \"You are already subscribed to the newsletter\"
end if

Elseif unsubs <> \"\" Then
email = request.form(\"email\")
sql = \"Select * from Emails where email LIKE \'\"&email&\"\'\"
rs.open sql,str
if rs.eof then
Alert = \"You are not subscribed to the newsletter\"
sql2 = \"DELETE from emails where email = \'\"&email&\"\'\"
set rs = rs.execute(sql2)
Alert = \"You have been unsubscribed\"
end if
End if
<form method=\"post\" action=\"news.asp\">
<b>Your email:<br></b>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"email\"><br><br>
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"subs\" value=\"subscribe\">
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"unsubs\" value=\"unsubscribe\">
Avatar billede ellebaek Nybegynder
08. juli 2001 - 13:50 #5
woups ...
a little bug ...
before the start of the <html> you need a line with
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
08. juli 2001 - 17:27 #6

it doesnt work:

Did you et my email \"okay\" ?
Avatar billede ellebaek Nybegynder
09. juli 2001 - 19:53 #7
you need to name the asp document news.asp

Or you can change the line <form method=\"post\" action=\"news.asp\">

to: <form method=\"post\" action=\"newsletter.asp\">
that might work!
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
09. juli 2001 - 20:15 #8
I changed that line to newsletter.asp. And it still doesnt work.

str = \"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=\" & Server.MapPath(\"news/admin/mailinglist/db/subs.mdb\")

set rs = server.createobject(\"ADODB.Connection\")
subscribe = request.form(\"subs\")
unsubs = request.form(\"unsubs\")
if send <> \"\" Then
email = request.form(\"email\")
sql = \"Select * from emails where email LIKE \'\"&email&\"\'\"
rs.open sql,str
if rs.EOF then
sql2 = \"Insert into emails(email) Values(\'\"&email&\"\')\"
set rs = rs.execute(sql2)
Alert = \"You are now subscribed to the newsletter\"
Alert = \"You are already subscribed to the newsletter\"
end if

Elseif unsubs <> \"\" Then
email = request.form(\"email\")
sql = \"Select * from Emails where email LIKE \'\"&email&\"\'\"
rs.open sql,str
if rs.eof then
Alert = \"You are not subscribed to the newsletter\"
sql2 = \"DELETE from emails where email = \'\"&email&\"\'\"
set rs = rs.execute(sql2)
Alert = \"You have been unsubscribed\"
end if
End if

<form method=\"post\" action=\"newsletter.asp\">
<b>Your email:<br></b>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"email\"><br><br>
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"subs\" value=\"subscribe\">
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"unsubs\" value=\"unsubscribe\">

Avatar billede okay Nybegynder
09. juli 2001 - 23:59 #9
it emails and not email I think !!

I dont have access2000 to view the database...
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
10. juli 2001 - 00:29 #10
Test it yourself, and you will probably see the errors:_
Avatar billede ellebaek Nybegynder
12. juli 2001 - 14:27 #11
Change the entire scriptsource with this scource ...

That might work, the problem is the input area, it has not got the name it should have...

so try this:
str = \"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=\" & Server.MapPath(\"news/admin/mailinglist/db/subs.mdb\")

set rs = server.createobject(\"ADODB.Connection\")
subscribe = request.form(\"subs\")
unsubs = request.form(\"unsubs\")
if send <> \"\" Then
email = request.form(\"email\")
sql = \"Select * from emails where email LIKE \'\"&email&\"\'\"
rs.open sql,str
if rs.EOF then
sql2 = \"Insert into emails(email) Values(\'\"&email&\"\')\"
set rs = rs.execute(sql2)
Alert = \"You are now subscribed to the newsletter\"
Alert = \"You are already subscribed to the newsletter\"
end if

Elseif unsubs <> \"\" Then
email = request.form(\"email\")
sql = \"Select * from Emails where email LIKE \'\"&email&\"\'\"
rs.open sql,str
if rs.eof then
Alert = \"You are not subscribed to the newsletter\"
sql2 = \"DELETE from emails where email = \'\"&email&\"\'\"
set rs = rs.execute(sql2)
Alert = \"You have been unsubscribed\"
end if
End if

<form method=\"post\" action=\"newsletter.asp\">
<b>Your email:<br></b>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"email\"><br><br>
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"subs\" value=\"subscribe\">
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"unsubs\" value=\"unsubscribe\">
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
26. august 2001 - 01:26 #12
It did not work.........
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
26. august 2001 - 01:26 #13
  It did not work......... 
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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