<% firstChar = "" Do While Not Rs.Eof If firstChar = UCase(Left(Rs("navn"), 1)) Then Response.Write(Rs("navn") & "<br>") Else If Not (firstchar = "") Then Response.Write("<br>") End If firstChar = UCase(Left(Rs("navn"), 1)) Response.Write(firstChar & "<br>" & Rs("navn") & "<br>") End If Loop Rs.MoveNext %>
rsCommon.Open "SELECT tblClub.Club_ID, Club_Name, AVG((Rating1 + Rating2 + Rating3 + Rating4) / 4) AS Rating FROM tblClub LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM tblClubReview WHERE Status = 1) tblCR ON tblClub.Club_ID = tblCR.Club_ID GROUP BY tblClub.Club_ID, Club_Name order by Club_Name", adoCon
Dim strRating
Do While Not rsCommon.EOF
dblRating = rsCommon("Rating")
'strRating = FormatRating(dblRating)
If (IsNull(dblRating)) Then strRating = "Ingen bedømmelser" Else strRating = FormatRating(dblRating) End If
Execution of the ASP page caused the Response Buffer to exceed its configured limit.
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