Jeg tror altså at du skal kikke på det her, jeg er ret sikker på at det er der dit problem er.
Logitech has identified certain chipsets as being problematic to the functioning of the QuickCam cameras. The most problematic of the chipsets are any of the VIA® host controllers; Logitech and the USB community at large have seen many issues with VIA host controllers. Before troubleshooting any USB issue when this chipset is used, please make sure you have the latest filter driver and patches available from the You must have the following two updates:
USB Filter driver
4 in 1 driver update
Additionally, the following BIOS Settings have been found to correct many USB issues with the VIA chipsets:
Power Management set to Disabled
Plug and Play Operating System set to Enabled
IRQ\'s Assigned set to Auto or Operating System
USB Keyboard set to DOS or BIOS
Write Pipeline Cache (FIC Motherboards and others) set to disabled
System BIOS Cacheable set to Disabled.
If you have an AMD processor 350mhz or higher, there is a patch available to resolve certain USB issues on computers which have a VIA chipset and an AMD 350mhz or faster processor. The following is a Microsoft Knowledge Base article which addresses the issue and provides the necessary patch: