Avatar billede stairway_to_heaven Nybegynder
02. april 2009 - 14:33 Der er 3 kommentarer

Javascript med Php

Jeg har en fil hvori der et javascript flg:
<script language="javascript">
function loadContent(){
document.forms[0].payment_extrainfo.value = content;
<script type="text/javascript" src="content.js"></script>

Den henter indholdet fra content.js = var content = ''
Men det den henter kan ikke være php fx: (bare et udsnit):
$subject                 = subjecttxt.":".$db->f("order_id");                       
// Your unique order ID.

$customerOrderId         = $db->f("order_id");                                       
// Transaction currency. Currently "DKK" is only accepted.

$currency                 = $_SESSION['vendor_currency'];                               
// Link to your product. Visible for the customer.

$itemURL                 = "";   
// Transaction amount in danish "Øre". Ex. DKK 20,00 is written as "2000".
$amount                    = $db->f("order_total") *100;
$annonymousPayerAllowed = annonymousPayerAllowed;
$expireDays             = expireDays;



Den skal hente det og updatere et textarea med det, nogen der kan hjælpe?
Avatar billede olebole Juniormester
02. april 2009 - 15:06 #1

Din js-fil kan sagtens være en dynamisk fil, skrevet i PHP:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="content.php"></script>

- men så kan du vel ligeså godt lade PHP skrive direkte i textarea'et

Avatar billede stairway_to_heaven Nybegynder
02. april 2009 - 15:23 #2
Jeg skal bare have et textarea, allerede eksisterende der automatisk bliver udfyldt med flg:

/* ewirePayment class. Contains support functions for handling payments through ewire */

class ewirePayment {
    public $companyId;
    public $companyPrivateKey;
    public $ewirePaymentBaseURL;
    public $ewirePaymentChangeBaseURL;

function __construct() {
        // Do not change theese
        $this->ewirePaymentBaseURL = "https://secure.ewire.dk/payment/transaction.ew";       
        $this->ewirePaymentChangeBaseURL = "https://secure.ewire.dk/payment/transaction_change.ew";

// Create instance of ewire class
$EWIRE = new ewirePayment();

// Sets values for form no change needed all is done by Virtuemart<br />
// These values can be defined from admin
// Subject on the payment. Visible for the customer. Do not use "ÆØÅ" letters here.

$subject                 = subjecttxt.":".$db->f("order_id");                       
// Your unique order ID.

$customerOrderId         = $db->f("order_id");                                       
// Transaction currency. Currently "DKK" is only accepted.

$currency                 = $_SESSION['vendor_currency'];                               
// Link to your product. Visible for the customer.

$itemURL                 = "";   
// Transaction amount in danish "Øre". Ex. DKK 20,00 is written as "2000".
$amount                    = $db->f("order_total") *100;
$annonymousPayerAllowed = annonymousPayerAllowed;
$expireDays             = expireDays;



$companyPrivateKey         = companyPrivateKey;
$companyId                 = companyId;

$paymentAMD             = md5(EWIRE_VERIFIED_STATUS . EWIRE_ACCEPT);
$paymentDMD             = md5(EWIRE_INVALID_STATUS . EWIRE_DECLINE);

$acceptURL                 = $mosConfig_live_site."/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=checkout.ewire&statusMd=".$paymentAMD."&order_id=".$customerOrderId;
$declineURL             = $mosConfig_live_site."/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=checkout.ewire&statusMd=".$paymentDMD."&order_id=".$customerOrderId;       
//$declineURL                 = "netpayment.php";

// Calculates MD5 value of all values
$validateMD = md5($companyPrivateKey . $companyId . $subject . $customerOrderId . $amount . $currency . $expireDays . $annonymousPayerAllowed . $acceptURL . $declineURL);

<form action="<? echo $EWIRE->ewirePaymentBaseURL ?>" target="_blank" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="companyId" value="<? echo companyId ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<? echo lang ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="<? echo $subject ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="customerOrderId" value="<? echo $customerOrderId ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<? echo $amount ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="currency" value="<? echo $currency ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="itemURL" value="<? echo $itemURL ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="expireDays" value="<? echo expireDays ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="annonymousPayerAllowed" value="<? echo annonymousPayerAllowed ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="acceptURL" value="<? echo $acceptURL ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="declineURL" value="<? echo $declineURL ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="validateMD" value="<? echo $validateMD ?>" />
  <input type="image" title="Start betaling" src="<? echo $mosConfig_live_site ?>/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/ps_image/ewire_images/ewire_btn.gif" value="Start betaling" />
Avatar billede olebole Juniormester
02. april 2009 - 15:48 #3
Jeg forstår ikke dit spørgsmål
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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