Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
06. juli 2001 - 00:19 Der er 11 kommentarer og
1 løsning

<br> feature... ??

Could anyone please help me get this <br> feature:

function rep(this)
    this = Replace(this, \"\'\", \"\'\'\")
    rep = Replace(this, vbCrLf, \"<br>\")
end function

in this script:


<%@Language=VBScript %>

if Session(\"Login\") <> true then
end if

<!-- #Include file=\"adovbs.inc\" -->
<!-- #Include file=\"dsnAcces.asp\" -->


    id = Request.QueryString(\"id\")
    mode = Request.QueryString(\"mode\")

    If mode = \"add\" Then

    Dim rsNews, strSQL, strCategory, strTitle, strTeaser, strAuthor, strNews

    strCategory = Request.Form(\"Category\")
    strTitle = Request.Form(\"title\")
    strTeaser = Request.Form(\"teaser\")
    strAuthor = Request.Form(\"author\")
    strNews = Request.Form(\"news\")

    Set rs = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.RecordSet\")
        If id = \"\" Then
    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM News WHERE (ID = 0)\"
    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM News WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
        End If

        rs.Open strSQL, Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

        If (rs.BOF Or rs.EOF) Then
        End If
        rs(\"Title\") = strTitle
        rs(\"Category\") = strCategory
        rs(\"Teaser\") = strTeaser
        rs(\"Author\") = strAuthor
        rs(\"News\") = strNews

    Set rs = Nothing

    Response.Redirect \"edit_other.asp\"

    End If

    If request(\"mode\") = \"edit\" Then

    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM News WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
    SET rs = Conn.Execute( strSQL )

        strEditTitle = rs(\"Title\")
        strEditCategory = rs(\"Category\")
        strEditTeaser = rs(\"Teaser\")
        strEditAuthor = rs(\"Author\")
        strEditNews = rs(\"News\")

    SET rs = Nothing

visInput = False

End IF

    If Request(\"mode\") = \"delete\" Then

    strSQL = \"DELETE FROM News WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
    Conn.Execute (strSQL)

    End If


<META NAME=\"GENERATOR\" Content=\"Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0\">
<BODY link=\"#003300\" vlink=\"#006600\" alink=\"#0000CC\">

\'************************************* Start Lister Other

    Dim MyQuote
        MyQuote = Chr(34)

    strSQL = \"SELECT ID, Title, Category, Teaser FROM News WHERE Category = \'Other\' ORDER BY Dated DESC\"
    SET rs = Conn.Execute( strSQL )

Response.Write(\"<TABLE Width=\'500\' cellpadding=\'3\' Cellspacing=\'0\' Border=\'0\'>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD colspan=\'4\'><B>\" & rs(\"Category\") & \":</B><br><br><br></TD>\")

    do while not rs.eof
    on error resume next

Response.Write(\"<TR bgcolor=\'d9dceo\'>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><B><A HREF=\'edit_other.asp?id=\" & rs(\"ID\") & \"&mode=delete\' \" & \"onClick=\" & MyQuote & \"return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete this news ?\');\" & MyQuote & \"><font face=\'verdana, arial, helvetica\' size=\'1\' color=\'#014A65\'>Delete</font></A></B></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><font face=\'verdana, arial, helvetica\' size=\'1\' color=\'#000000\'><b>\" & rs(\"Title\") & \"<b></font></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><font face=\'verdana, arial, helvetica\' size=\'1\' color=\'#000000\'>\" & rs(\"Teaser\") & \"</font></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><B><A HREF=\'edit_other_edit.asp?id=\" & rs(\"ID\") & \"&mode=edit\' \" & \"onClick=\" & MyQuote & \"return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to edit this news ?\');\" & MyQuote & \"><font face=\'verdana, arial, helvetica\' size=\'1\' color=\'#014A65\'>Edit</font></A></B></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TR><TD colspan=\'4\'>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\")




<p> </p><br>
<TR><TD><a href=\"news_edit.asp\"><B><font face=\'verdana, arial, helvetica\' size=\'2\' color=\'#014A65\'>- BACK -</font></B></a></TD></TR>
Avatar billede tdaugaard Nybegynder
06. juli 2001 - 00:22 #1
The way you\'re doing it right now, replacing \' with \'\' is not neccesarry.

The other thing with <br> can be used like this:

Rs(\"category\") = Replace(strCategory, vbCrLf, \"<br>\")

Just an example
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
06. juli 2001 - 00:32 #2
So, could you put that into the script I got there ?

må jeg lage en:
Rs(\"category\") = Replace(strCategory, vbCrLf, \"<br>\")
for hver av de \"Teaser, News etc. som det skal brukes på ?
Avatar billede tdaugaard Nybegynder
06. juli 2001 - 00:36 #3
Like this:
I\'ve put it in a function:

<%@Language=VBScript %>

if Session(\"Login\") <> true then
end if

<!-- #Include file=\"adovbs.inc\" -->
<!-- #Include file=\"dsnAcces.asp\" -->

function fixstr(st)
    fixstr = replace(st, vbCrLf, \"<br>\")
end function


    id = Request.QueryString(\"id\")
    mode = Request.QueryString(\"mode\")

    If mode = \"add\" Then

    Dim rsNews, strSQL, strCategory, strTitle, strTeaser, strAuthor, strNews

    strCategory = Request.Form(\"Category\")
    strTitle = Request.Form(\"title\")
    strTeaser = Request.Form(\"teaser\")
    strAuthor = Request.Form(\"author\")
    strNews = Request.Form(\"news\")

    Set rs = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.RecordSet\")
        If id = \"\" Then
    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM News WHERE (ID = 0)\"
    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM News WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
        End If

        rs.Open strSQL, Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

        If (rs.BOF Or rs.EOF) Then
        End If
        rs(\"Title\") = fixstr(strTitle)
        rs(\"Category\") = fixstr(strCategory)
        rs(\"Teaser\") = fixstr(strTeaser)
        rs(\"Author\") = fixstr(strAuthor)
        rs(\"News\") = fixstr(strNews)

    Set rs = Nothing

    Response.Redirect \"edit_other.asp\"

    End If

    If request(\"mode\") = \"edit\" Then

    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM News WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
    SET rs = Conn.Execute( strSQL )

        strEditTitle = rs(\"Title\")
        strEditCategory = rs(\"Category\")
        strEditTeaser = rs(\"Teaser\")
        strEditAuthor = rs(\"Author\")
        strEditNews = rs(\"News\")

    SET rs = Nothing

visInput = False

End IF

    If Request(\"mode\") = \"delete\" Then

    strSQL = \"DELETE FROM News WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
    Conn.Execute (strSQL)

    End If


<META NAME=\"GENERATOR\" Content=\"Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0\">
<BODY link=\"#003300\" vlink=\"#006600\" alink=\"#0000CC\">

\'************************************* Start Lister Other

    Dim MyQuote
        MyQuote = Chr(34)

    strSQL = \"SELECT ID, Title, Category, Teaser FROM News WHERE Category = \'Other\' ORDER BY Dated DESC\"
    SET rs = Conn.Execute( strSQL )

Response.Write(\"<TABLE Width=\'500\' cellpadding=\'3\' Cellspacing=\'0\' Border=\'0\'>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD colspan=\'4\'><B>\" & rs(\"Category\") & \":</B><br><br><br></TD>\")

    do while not rs.eof
    on error resume next

Response.Write(\"<TR bgcolor=\'d9dceo\'>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><B><A HREF=\'edit_other.asp?id=\" & rs(\"ID\") & \"&mode=delete\' \" & \"onClick=\" & MyQuote & \"return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete this news ?\');\" & MyQuote & \"><font face=\'verdana, arial, helvetica\' size=\'1\' color=\'#014A65\'>Delete</font></A></B></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><font face=\'verdana, arial, helvetica\' size=\'1\' color=\'#000000\'><b>\" & rs(\"Title\") & \"<b></font></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><font face=\'verdana, arial, helvetica\' size=\'1\' color=\'#000000\'>\" & rs(\"Teaser\") & \"</font></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><B><A HREF=\'edit_other_edit.asp?id=\" & rs(\"ID\") & \"&mode=edit\' \" & \"onClick=\" & MyQuote & \"return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to edit this news ?\');\" & MyQuote & \"><font face=\'verdana, arial, helvetica\' size=\'1\' color=\'#014A65\'>Edit</font></A></B></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TR><TD colspan=\'4\'>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\")




<p> </p><br>
<TR><TD><a href=\"news_edit.asp\"><B><font face=\'verdana, arial, helvetica\' size=\'2\' color=\'#014A65\'>- BACK -</font></B></a></TD></TR>
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
06. juli 2001 - 01:00 #4
Er ikke dette rett ?

<%@Language=VBScript %>

if Session(\"Login\") <> true then
end if

<!-- #Include file=\"adovbs.inc\" -->
<!-- #Include file=\"dsnAcces.asp\" -->

function fixstr(st)
fixstr = replace(st, vbCrLf, \"<br>\")
end function


    id = Request.QueryString(\"id\")
    mode = Request.QueryString(\"mode\")

    If mode = \"add\" Then

    Dim rsNews, strSQL, strTitle, strDate, strTeaser, strAuthor, strNews

    strTitle = Request.Form(\"title\")
    strDate = Request.Form(\"Date\")
    strTeaser = Request.Form(\"teaser\")
    strAuthor = Request.Form(\"author\")
    strColumn = Request.Form(\"Column\")

    Set rs = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.RecordSet\")
        If id = \"\" Then
    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE (ID = 0)\"
    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
        End If

        rs.Open strSQL, Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

        If (rs.BOF Or rs.EOF) Then
        End If
        rs(\"Title\") = strTitle
        rs(\"Date\") = strDate
        rs(\"Teaser\") = strTeaser
        rs(\"Author\") = strAuthor
        rs(\"Column\") = strColumn

    Set rs = Nothing

    Response.Redirect \"column_hakon.asp\"

    End If

    If request(\"mode\") = \"edit\" Then

    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
    SET rs = Conn.Execute( strSQL )

        strEditTitle = rs(\"Title\")
        strEditDate = rs(\"Date\")
        strEditTeaser = rs(\"Teaser\")
        strEditAuthor = rs(\"Author\")
        strEditColumn = rs(\"Column\")

    SET rs = Nothing

visInput = False

End IF

    If Request(\"mode\") = \"delete\" Then

    strSQL = \"DELETE FROM Column WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
    Conn.Execute (strSQL)

    End If


<META NAME=\"GENERATOR\" Content=\"Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0\">
<BODY link=\"#003300\" vlink=\"#006600\" alink=\"#0000CC\">

<form action=\'column_hakon.asp?mode=add&id=<%=request(\"id\")%>\' method=\'post\' name=\"FrmNews\">

  <p><b>Håkon Høyland  -  Columns</b></p><br>


Must be in this format: <b>Sunday, April 8, 2001</b><br>
<input type=\'text\' size=\'20\' name=\'date\' Value=\"<% if Not visInput then Response.Write strEditDate end if %>\">

<input type=\'text\' size=\'40\' name=\'title\' Value=\"<% if Not visInput then Response.Write strEditTitle end if %>\">
Should not be more than 25 words or 110 letters !!<br>
<textarea rows=\'5\' cols=\'50\' name=\'teaser\'><% if Not visInput then Response.Write strEditTeaser end if %></textarea>
<textarea rows=\'15\' cols=\'60\' name=\'Column\'><% if Not visInput then Response.Write strEditColumn end if %></textarea>
  <p> <b>Author</b><br>
    <select name=\"author\" value=\"Håkon Høyland\">
<option value=\"Håkon Høyland\">Håkon Høyland</option>
<input type=\'submit\' value=\'Add your Column\' onClick=\"return BekreftInsert();\">


\'************************************* Start Lister Håkon Høyland\'s artikler
    Dim MyQuote
        MyQuote = Chr(34)

    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE Author = \'Håkon Høyland\' ORDER BY ID\"
    SET rs = Conn.Execute( strSQL )

Response.Write(\"<TABLE Width=\'500\' cellpadding=\'3\' Cellspacing=\'0\' Border=\'0\'>\")   

Response.Write(\"<TD colspan=\'4\'><B>Previous columns written by \" & rs(\"Author\") & \":</B><br><br></TD>\")

    do while not rs.eof
    on error resume next

Response.Write(\"<TR bgcolor=\'d9dceo\'>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><B><A HREF=\'column_hakon.asp?id=\" & rs(\"ID\") & \"&mode=delete\' \" & \"onClick=\" & MyQuote & \"return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to Delete this previous written column ? (should not be done)\');\" & MyQuote & \">Delete</A></B></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD>\" & rs(\"Title\") & \"</TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD>\" & rs(\"Teaser\") & \"</TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><B><A HREF=\'column_hakon.asp?id=\" & rs(\"ID\") & \"&mode=edit&formAction=edit\' \" & \"onClick=\" & MyQuote & \"return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to Edit this previous written column ?\');\" & MyQuote & \">Edit</A></B></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TR><TD colspan=\'4\'>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\")


\'************************************* Slutt Lister Håkon Høyland\'s artikler


<TR><TD><a href=\"column_menu.asp\"><B><font face=\'verdana, arial, helvetica\' size=\'2\' color=\'#014A65\'>- Main Column Menu -</font></B></a></TD></TR>



Det virker ikke. Hva er galt ?
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
06. juli 2001 - 01:13 #5
It doesnt work ??
Avatar billede tdaugaard Nybegynder
06. juli 2001 - 01:18 #6
Sorry .. I inserted the function outside of the ASP... here it is:

<%@Language=VBScript %>

if Session(\"Login\") <> true then
end if

<!-- #Include file=\"adovbs.inc\" -->
<!-- #Include file=\"dsnAcces.asp\" -->


function fixstr(st)
  fixstr = replace(st, vbCrLf, \"<br>\")
end function

    id = Request.QueryString(\"id\")
    mode = Request.QueryString(\"mode\")

    If mode = \"add\" Then

    Dim rsNews, strSQL, strTitle, strDate, strTeaser, strAuthor, strNews

    strTitle = Request.Form(\"title\")
    strDate = Request.Form(\"Date\")
    strTeaser = Request.Form(\"teaser\")
    strAuthor = Request.Form(\"author\")
    strColumn = Request.Form(\"Column\")

    Set rs = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.RecordSet\")
        If id = \"\" Then
    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE (ID = 0)\"
    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
        End If

        rs.Open strSQL, Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

        If (rs.BOF Or rs.EOF) Then
        End If
        rs(\"Title\") = strTitle
        rs(\"Date\") = strDate
        rs(\"Teaser\") = strTeaser
        rs(\"Author\") = strAuthor
        rs(\"Column\") = strColumn

    Set rs = Nothing

    Response.Redirect \"column_hakon.asp\"

    End If

    If request(\"mode\") = \"edit\" Then

    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
    SET rs = Conn.Execute( strSQL )

        strEditTitle = rs(\"Title\")
        strEditDate = rs(\"Date\")
        strEditTeaser = rs(\"Teaser\")
        strEditAuthor = rs(\"Author\")
        strEditColumn = rs(\"Column\")

    SET rs = Nothing

visInput = False

End IF

    If Request(\"mode\") = \"delete\" Then

    strSQL = \"DELETE FROM Column WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
    Conn.Execute (strSQL)

    End If


<META NAME=\"GENERATOR\" Content=\"Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0\">
<BODY link=\"#003300\" vlink=\"#006600\" alink=\"#0000CC\">

<form action=\'column_hakon.asp?mode=add&id=<%=request(\"id\")%>\' method=\'post\' name=\"FrmNews\">

  <p><b>Håkon Høyland  -  Columns</b></p><br>


Must be in this format: <b>Sunday, April 8, 2001</b><br>
<input type=\'text\' size=\'20\' name=\'date\' Value=\"<% if Not visInput then Response.Write strEditDate end if %>\">

<input type=\'text\' size=\'40\' name=\'title\' Value=\"<% if Not visInput then Response.Write strEditTitle end if %>\">
Should not be more than 25 words or 110 letters !!<br>
<textarea rows=\'5\' cols=\'50\' name=\'teaser\'><% if Not visInput then Response.Write strEditTeaser end if %></textarea>
<textarea rows=\'15\' cols=\'60\' name=\'Column\'><% if Not visInput then Response.Write strEditColumn end if %></textarea>
  <p> <b>Author</b><br>
    <select name=\"author\" value=\"Håkon Høyland\">
<option value=\"Håkon Høyland\">Håkon Høyland</option>
<input type=\'submit\' value=\'Add your Column\' onClick=\"return BekreftInsert();\">


\'************************************* Start Lister Håkon Høyland\'s artikler
    Dim MyQuote
        MyQuote = Chr(34)

    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE Author = \'Håkon Høyland\' ORDER BY ID\"
    SET rs = Conn.Execute( strSQL )

Response.Write(\"<TABLE Width=\'500\' cellpadding=\'3\' Cellspacing=\'0\' Border=\'0\'>\")   

Response.Write(\"<TD colspan=\'4\'><B>Previous columns written by \" & rs(\"Author\") & \":</B><br><br></TD>\")

    do while not rs.eof
    on error resume next

Response.Write(\"<TR bgcolor=\'d9dceo\'>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><B><A HREF=\'column_hakon.asp?id=\" & rs(\"ID\") & \"&mode=delete\' \" & \"onClick=\" & MyQuote & \"return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to Delete this previous written column ? (should not be done)\');\" & MyQuote & \">Delete</A></B></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD>\" & rs(\"Title\") & \"</TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD>\" & rs(\"Teaser\") & \"</TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><B><A HREF=\'column_hakon.asp?id=\" & rs(\"ID\") & \"&mode=edit&formAction=edit\' \" & \"onClick=\" & MyQuote & \"return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to Edit this previous written column ?\');\" & MyQuote & \">Edit</A></B></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TR><TD colspan=\'4\'>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\")


\'************************************* Slutt Lister Håkon Høyland\'s artikler


<TR><TD><a href=\"column_menu.asp\"><B><font face=\'verdana, arial, helvetica\' size=\'2\' color=\'#014A65\'>- Main Column Menu -</font></B></a></TD></TR>

Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
06. juli 2001 - 01:38 #7
It still doesnt make automaticly <br>.. ???  it still doesnt work as it should. r u sure its the right code to put in ?
Avatar billede tdaugaard Nybegynder
06. juli 2001 - 14:22 #8
It replaces linebreaks (vbCrLf) with <br>\'s, and it works. I\'ve used it thousands of times before myself!

It doesn\'t make linebreaks automatically, it makes linebreaks where YOU\'VE made a linebeak in the text.
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
06. juli 2001 - 17:51 #9
check it out: http://tv.ordigno.com/tst/database/viewcolumn.asp?id=26

here I have:
j k j k j k j

In the form here:

I have pressed ENTER for <br> but they dont come ?

What might be wrong, I have tried the form you sent me, have you tried.. ?

BTW,Håkon told me that he knows who you are, do you know him ?
Avatar billede tdaugaard Nybegynder
06. juli 2001 - 18:59 #10
I know Håkon, yes ... I have him on ICQ.
It seems like you don\'t use the function where it\'s supposed to be used.
This is what I got from a View Source on the adress you wrote:







You should put a fixstr() around every string in this block: (under if .. = \"add\" then)

        rs(\"Title\") = strTitle
        rs(\"Date\") = strDate
        rs(\"Teaser\") = strTeaser
        rs(\"Author\") = strAuthor
        rs(\"Column\") = strColumn
Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
06. juli 2001 - 20:44 #11
This is what I use now, is something wrong with it ?

<%@Language=VBScript %>

<!-- #Include file=\"adovbs.inc\" -->
<!-- #Include file=\"dsnAcces.asp\" -->


function fixstr(st)
fixstr = replace(st, vbCrLf, \"<br>\")
end function

    id = Request.QueryString(\"id\")
    mode = Request.QueryString(\"mode\")

    If mode = \"add\" Then

    Dim rsNews, strSQL, strTitle, strDate, strTeaser, strAuthor, strNews

    strTitle = Request.Form(\"title\")
    strDate = Request.Form(\"Date\")
    strTeaser = Request.Form(\"teaser\")
    strAuthor = Request.Form(\"author\")
    strColumn = Request.Form(\"Column\")

    Set rs = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.RecordSet\")
        If id = \"\" Then
    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE (ID = 0)\"
    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
        End If

        rs.Open strSQL, Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

        If (rs.BOF Or rs.EOF) Then
        End If
        rs(\"Title\") = strTitle
        rs(\"Date\") = strDate
        rs(\"Teaser\") = strTeaser
        rs(\"Author\") = strAuthor
        rs(\"Column\") = strColumn

    Set rs = Nothing

    Response.Redirect \"column_hakon.asp\"

    End If

    If request(\"mode\") = \"edit\" Then

    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
    SET rs = Conn.Execute( strSQL )

        strEditTitle = rs(\"Title\")
        strEditDate = rs(\"Date\")
        strEditTeaser = rs(\"Teaser\")
        strEditAuthor = rs(\"Author\")
        strEditColumn = rs(\"Column\")

    SET rs = Nothing

visInput = False

End IF

    If Request(\"mode\") = \"delete\" Then

    strSQL = \"DELETE FROM Column WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
    Conn.Execute (strSQL)

    End If


<META NAME=\"GENERATOR\" Content=\"Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0\">
<BODY link=\"#003300\" vlink=\"#006600\" alink=\"#0000CC\">

<form action=\'column_hakon.asp?mode=add&id=<%=request(\"id\")%>\' method=\'post\' name=\"FrmNews\">

  <p><b>Håkon Høyland  -  Columns</b></p><br>


Must be in this format: <b>Sunday, April 8, 2001</b><br>
<input type=\'text\' size=\'20\' name=\'date\' Value=\"<% if Not visInput then Response.Write strEditDate end if %>\">

<input type=\'text\' size=\'40\' name=\'title\' Value=\"<% if Not visInput then Response.Write strEditTitle end if %>\">
Should not be more than 25 words or 110 letters !!<br>
<textarea rows=\'5\' cols=\'50\' name=\'teaser\'><% if Not visInput then Response.Write strEditTeaser end if %></textarea>
<textarea rows=\'15\' cols=\'60\' name=\'Column\'><% if Not visInput then Response.Write strEditColumn end if %></textarea>
  <p> <b>Author</b><br>
    <select name=\"author\" value=\"Håkon Høyland\">
<option value=\"Håkon Høyland\">Håkon Høyland</option>
<input type=\'submit\' value=\'Add your Column\' onClick=\"return BekreftInsert();\">


\'************************************* Start Lister Håkon Høyland\'s artikler
    Dim MyQuote
        MyQuote = Chr(34)

    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE Author = \'Håkon Høyland\' ORDER BY ID\"
    SET rs = Conn.Execute( strSQL )

Response.Write(\"<TABLE Width=\'500\' cellpadding=\'3\' Cellspacing=\'0\' Border=\'0\'>\")   

Response.Write(\"<TD colspan=\'4\'><B>Previous columns written by \" & rs(\"Author\") & \":</B><br><br></TD>\")

    do while not rs.eof
    on error resume next

Response.Write(\"<TR bgcolor=\'d9dceo\'>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><B><A HREF=\'column_hakon.asp?id=\" & rs(\"ID\") & \"&mode=delete\' \" & \"onClick=\" & MyQuote & \"return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to Delete this previous written column ? (should not be done)\');\" & MyQuote & \">Delete</A></B></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD>\" & rs(\"Title\") & \"</TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD>\" & rs(\"Teaser\") & \"</TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TD><B><A HREF=\'column_hakon.asp?id=\" & rs(\"ID\") & \"&mode=edit&formAction=edit\' \" & \"onClick=\" & MyQuote & \"return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to Edit this previous written column ?\');\" & MyQuote & \">Edit</A></B></TD>\")
Response.Write(\"<TR><TD colspan=\'4\'>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\")


\'************************************* Slutt Lister Håkon Høyland\'s artikler


<TR><TD><a href=\"column_menu.asp\"><B><font face=\'verdana, arial, helvetica\' size=\'2\' color=\'#014A65\'>- Main Column Menu -</font></B></a></TD></TR>

Avatar billede tdaugaard Nybegynder
06. juli 2001 - 21:54 #12
I told you that you need to put fixstr() around every variable name that you want to replace linebreaks with <br>\'s in.

Like below. This is some of the script from the top ...

<%@Language=VBScript %>

<!-- #Include file=\"adovbs.inc\" -->
<!-- #Include file=\"dsnAcces.asp\" -->


function fixstr(st)
fixstr = replace(st, vbCrLf, \"<br>\")
end function

    id = Request.QueryString(\"id\")
    mode = Request.QueryString(\"mode\")

    If mode = \"add\" Then

    Dim rsNews, strSQL, strTitle, strDate, strTeaser, strAuthor, strNews

    strTitle = fixstr(Request.Form(\"title\"))
    strDate = fixstr(Request.Form(\"Date\"))
    strTeaser = fixstr(Request.Form(\"teaser\"))
    strAuthor = fixstr(Request.Form(\"author\"))
    strColumn = fixstr(Request.Form(\"Column\"))

    Set rs = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.RecordSet\")
        If id = \"\" Then
    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE (ID = 0)\"
    strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM Column WHERE id =\"& request(\"id\")
        End If

        rs.Open strSQL, Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

        If (rs.BOF Or rs.EOF) Then
        End If
        rs(\"Title\") = strTitle
        rs(\"Date\") = strDate
        rs(\"Teaser\") = strTeaser
        rs(\"Author\") = strAuthor
        rs(\"Column\") = strColumn

    Set rs = Nothing

    Response.Redirect \"column_hakon.asp\"

    End If
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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