Avatar billede smashlotus Nybegynder
19. februar 2009 - 09:02 Der er 10 kommentarer og
2 løsninger

Vista versioner

Hej eksperter.

Mit spørgsmål drejer sig om vista versioner..

Hvis nu vi forestiller os at jeg har eks. 3 forskellige vista dvd-medier: 1 retail, 1 oem og 1 volumen. Er indholdet på de forskellige versioner så det samme? Altså, ville jeg kunne installere retail mediet med oem licensen (på en relevant oem maskine)og omvendt?

Det mit spørgsmål egentlig bare drejer sig om er, om indholdet er ens på alle vista-dvd'er og om det dermed blot er licensnøglen der definerer produkttypen(basic/premium/ultimate etc.) og hvordan produktet aktiveres+antal lovlige installationer.

På forhånd tak.
Avatar billede peet-49 Novice
19. februar 2009 - 09:12 #1
Licensnøglen bestemmer produktet.
Avatar billede smashlotus Nybegynder
19. februar 2009 - 10:10 #2
OK, så hvis blot man har en "clean" vista installations-dvd (altså en som ikke er til reetablering af fabrikskonfigurationen) så er det ligegyldigt om den er leveret som oem, retail, volumen osv. Man kan installere med en hvilken som helst gyldig licenstype?
Avatar billede peet-49 Novice
19. februar 2009 - 10:41 #3
Med den rigtige licens til det rigtige medie, er det ingen problem.
Avatar billede smashlotus Nybegynder
19. februar 2009 - 10:57 #4
Haha.. Det var da vist en helgardering... giver det ikke sig selv? ;-)

"Med den rigtige licens til det rigtige medie, er det ingen problem."

Eller misforstod jeg dit svar?

Altså, kan jeg installere vista fra et retail-medie med en gyldig oem-nøgle - og omvendt?
Avatar billede peet-49 Novice
19. februar 2009 - 11:02 #5
Du kan f.eks ikke bruge en licens fra en retail til en volumenudgave. En retail contra OEM burde ikke være et problem.
Avatar billede smashlotus Nybegynder
19. februar 2009 - 12:10 #6
Den version man kan hente fra MSDN er vel OEM, eller?
Avatar billede peet-49 Novice
19. februar 2009 - 12:19 #7
Det vil jeg mene, da en reetail følger køber, og ikke maskine. Versionen på Ms er en MOI(multi)
Avatar billede smashlotus Nybegynder
19. februar 2009 - 13:36 #8
Ud fra nedenstående definition kan jeg ikke forstå hvad en MOI er?


Vista Product Keys are split into 3 major groups, Retail, OEM(SLP, NONSLP, COA) and VLK (MAK, GVLK, CSVLK)

Retail - What can be purchased in shops or online
Suported by Microsoft. Needs activation by phone or online.

OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
(i.e., shipped with a new computer). OEM editions are distributed and supported by an OEM (not Microsoft)

1 OEM:SLP - (System Locked Pre-installation) These keys are preinstalled by the OEM. Data embedded in the BIOS (SLIC), is used to validate the key. SLP keys will work with any OEM SLP system, regardless of the OEM system's brand. This are the only keys that are able to bypass activation that is, perform offline activation without contacting Microsoft.

2 OEM:NONSLP - (Non System Locked Pre-installation) Similar to Retail, but distributed and supported by an OEM. Needs activation by phone or online.

3 OEM:COA - (Certificate of Authentication) The OEM:COA (for Vista that comes with a OEM:SLP key pre-installed by OEM) key would be required if a reinstallation is needed, the COA should be affixed to the body of the computer. Needs activation by phone or online.

VLK - Volume Licensing Key
Activation done online via KMS server.

1 VLK:MAK - Multiple Activation Key

2 VLK:GVLK - Group Volume License Key

3 VLK:CSVLK - Microsoft Customer Support Volume License Key
Avatar billede peet-49 Novice
19. februar 2009 - 13:42 #9
MOI er multisprogs indstallation, som f.eks FS bruger på deres laptops.
Avatar billede smashlotus Nybegynder
19. februar 2009 - 15:57 #10
Nu har jeg researchet en del omkring emnet.
Ifølge denne guide (og mange andre): http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=120228/

så er alle Anytime Upgrade + OEM + Retail vista dvd'er IDENTISKE (bortset fra 64/32bit).
Alle typer vista licennøgler vil kunne installeres på disse 3 typer vista DVD'er.
Ligeledes indeholder alle Vista diske alle vista versioner.


Disc Definitions
There is no such thing as a "Home Premium Vista" disc, or an "Ultimate Vista" disc!!!! ALL VISTA DISCS CONTAIN ALL VERSIONS OF VISTA. The thing that determines what version of Vista you have is the License Key that you have. You may have a sticker on it that says "Vista Business" or "Vista Home Premium", but IT IS A LIE. Your disc *may* be forced to install a certain version, (see "CUSTOM OEM Vista Disc" below) but it still contains all versions. It is possible to modify this disc so you can use it to install any version (that you have a license for).

There are many types of Vista discs out there, here is the "official" terminology of what they mean (each of these discs come in 2 versions, 32bit and 64bit):
Anytime Upgrade Disc This disc contains all versions of Vista, unmodified as Microsoft is shipping it. It is sometimes included for free with your system, or can be purchased online for under $10. This purchase price does NOT include a license or serial number, it is only the installation media. It is intended so you can upgrade from one version of Vista to another by purchasing a license online. This is the type of disc you need to do a clean install.

Recovery Disc These disc(s) contain an image of your computer as of when you got it. They can be used to restore your system to the EXACT state as when you first opened the box and turned it on for the first time. Vista is on these discs, but so is all the bloatware. The images are encrypted, and cannot be modified to be used for a clean install. It's best to burn these for yourself using the included recovery disc creation tools, but you can also usually buy them.

Vista Retail Disc These discs are the ones you buy at the store in a shiny Vista box. They include a license and serial number for a particular version of Vista. The contents of the disc are IDENTICAL to the contents of the Anytime Upgrade Discs. These discs are expensive because you are buying a license along with them. You already have a license for Vista on your laptop, so there's no need to buy another one to do a clean install.

OEM Vista Disc These discs sometimes get shipped with your system, and are IDENTICAL to the Vista Retail and Anytime Upgrade discs. The main difference here is in the licensing from the OEM (HP, Dell, etc...).

CUSTOM OEM Vista Disc These seems to be showing up more recently, especially with Dell systems. Some OEMs ship Vista discs that have been modified to include changes such as forcing the disc to only install a certain Vista version, and also include integrated drivers. You can probably do a clean install with them, but you might need to modify the disc before you do it. See the next section for details.
Avatar billede smashlotus Nybegynder
19. februar 2009 - 17:40 #11
Og for lige at få det med volumen licenser på plads:
Artikkel på wikipedia:

Microsoft sells four different Vista DVDs in non-emerging markets: Retail/OEM 32-bit, Retail/OEM 64-bit, VL (Volume Licensing) 32-bit and VL 64-bit. The Retail/OEM DVD contains all editions of Windows Vista except Enterprise. The license-key purchased determines which version will get installed; the VL DVD can only install Business or Enterprise edition.
Avatar billede smashlotus Nybegynder
11. marts 2009 - 11:22 #12
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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