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04. februar 2009 - 06:47 Der er 1 kommentar

Access 2007 Not Saving Changes in Design View

I'm working on an Access 2007 database and any changes I make to a form or control will not save. I click the save button, and try keyboard shortcuts but when I close the form I get a prompt "Do you want to save changes to <whatever>":

    * If I click "Yes" the changes still do not save and I when I close the form it starts the cycle over.
    * If I click "No" the form closes and the changes are not saved (obviously).

There is no VBA in the project but I've still tried a decompile as suggested for older versions of Access but no luck. There are quite a few embedded macros but I'm not sure how they could be causing this.

Does anyone have an idea about what's going on and how to resolve it? This issue really has this project held up and no one else seems to have encountered the issue.
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07. februar 2009 - 12:32 #1
Not sure, maybe try to recreate the form or control you cannot update.

When it happens to me, I normally just shut down Access and then it works for me again
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