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03. februar 2009 - 13:41 Der er 1 kommentar og
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Subversion repo on the Internet?


I must admit that this post might sound a bit lazy, why don't I google for it myself?
Answer: ...it is really tempting to try out the new Eksperten.dk and of course to get your opinion about it ;-)

At home I use subversion for my java development with eclipse.
The svn-repo is locally on my machine.

Some times I use other computers and would love to be able to access that repo.

The solution for this is a hope that it is possible to store the svn-repo on the Internet.

So the question for this is if any of you guys got any experience about this? Is it possible to use any ftp-hotel or does it require som special features?

Your opinions are most welcome!

By the way I think I really do like the new look of www.eksperten.dk, the old one was really nice too!

Best regards
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03. februar 2009 - 20:30 #1
Hello Guys!

I found this site:

Took me about 5 minutes and now I use it as a svn-repo over the Internet.
Really easy together with Eclipse and the svn-plugin.

At the downside I just get 2Mb space, and I do not seem tio be able to see any visual overview of files when I log in at the admin-page at my account.

If any one found any better and "bigger", please let me know!
Best regards
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12. marts 2009 - 13:47 #2
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