Adgang til VB kode og andre objekter i Access2002/3 database
Jeg har overtaget en database som en anden medarbejder har udviklet.
Jeg har brug for at rette i VB koden i databasen da databasen er blevet flyttet og der er lavet kode der forhindrer brug af den hvis den ikke ligger på den forventede placering/sti.
Normalt kan man holde SHIFT knappen nede for at få adgang til Database objekterne (F11) selvom de er forsøgt skjult. Den metode har virket på 30-40 andre af databaserne, men den her kan jeg ikke lige få hul på.
Jeg har prøvet dette men det er kun tabeller og forespørgelser der kan importeres fra denne database. Formularer, rapporter, makroer og moduler kan ses, men ikke vælges i import delen.
as spg indicates 26/01-2009 00:15:19, the dB is very likely compiled to an MDE file and therefore it isnt possible to get access to the code.
So I doubt if VBA backdoor will help either.
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26. januar 2009 - 08:33#6
jeg har set software, som kan åbne en mde fil, men resultatet så ikke overbevisende ud og jeg tvivler på, at man kan få en konsistens database ud af det!~)
Du er nød til at fremskaffe mdb-filen.... der har altid været en mdb fil, som er brugt til at skabe mde filen.
The database isnt corrupt, but the person who has developed it in our company will not hand over the key to the protection. The database is working as long as it is placed on a specific path. But it isnt possible to use that path any longer.
We cannot gain access to the code and macros and other stuff, just to the user interface.
"but the person who has developed it in our company will not hand over the key" Strange that nothing can be done about that, he/she doesnt own the program.
So if your prompted for a password, which I gather you are, then maybe something like MDB Recovery 4.0 might help.
Yes it is strange that we cannot get the bastard to hand over the secret about the database. If I was his boss he would get a big boot out of the company tomorrow.
The funny thing is that i am not prompted for a password.
But if the program isnt placed in a specific UNC path it dont work, it simply shuts down right after opening. I cannot get to the F11 menu even pressing SHIFT while opening the database dont work.
He's obviously deactived the shift key and I susspect implemented code to check which path the dB is in.
If you know what path the dB shoul dbe in, isnt it possible to map a folder to a drive and then create a sub folder with the appropriate path?
Is that "bastard" a general or something? Isnt anyone over him who can get the information from him? Have you asked for his assistance?
You coul dmaybe send me a copy and I can see what I can do?
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