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14. december 1999 - 08:23 Der er 7 kommentarer

Same problem/english/fast response.

Last week I was asking about using FP2000 and how to get my first page on screen.

My URL from tele Danmark is (eg)

I made my pages in FP2000 and uploaded them.

But when I write in my URL

instead of seeing my first page I get a list called INDEX of /patricco.

Then I have to click on Index.htm which is what I named my first page.

When I type in my URL

I want to go straight to my first page.

How do I do this?

Avatar billede hobbez Nybegynder
14. december 1999 - 10:01 #1
Be sure you've named the file in a way that the server recognizes as 'the default page'.

I can't see ay pages on home69.inet.tele.dk/patricco, but try this:

DON'T use capital letters in filenames. If you are running on an UNIX-server filename.html is NOT the same as Filename.html.

Try uploading six files, naming them any combination of:




Upload the files one by one, and se if (when!) that solves your problem.

Or give us a valid URL and some more points if you want a "fast responce".

Avatar billede nico Nybegynder
14. december 1999 - 10:07 #2
make sure that your index file have the .html extension!
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14. december 1999 - 11:06 #3

There is no such URL as the one I described. It's just a question of how do I get a page that I have made in FP2000 to appear.

Tele Danmark gave me the URL of HomeX.inet.tele.dk/patricco (for example) and when I made my first page I named it 'Index.htm'. When I uploaded it and then type in the URL of HomeX.inet.tele.dk/patricco I got the list and had to click on 'Index.htm' in the list to get to my first page which then appeared as

I want to go straight to my page.
Avatar billede colde Nybegynder
14. december 1999 - 11:31 #4
Make sure that Tele Danmark has installed FP2000 extensions
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14. december 1999 - 11:58 #5
Yes, it has.

Beacause I can see the pages after the list I mentioned.

Avatar billede hobbez Nybegynder
14. december 1999 - 12:31 #6
patricco: Yes, I got that much.

Drop the Capital I in index.htm !!!!!!!!!!!!

TeleDK is using UNIX-servers, so Index.htm IS NOT THE SAME as index.htm

Rename the file, upload.

Or give us an URL.

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14. december 1999 - 14:38 #7
Thanks, Hobbez,

I'll try the little 'i' in index.htm and see if that works.

I'll give you the URL if this fails.
The only reason I haven't given it out is because it's a young lad's (9/10 years old) and he's very proud and secretive of it at the moment and want to get it right before he shows it.

This I undertsand.


The "get-a-life" sad points will be given to Hobbez when his suggestion works.

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