If there is a time in the period and you want everything between these dates+time then you need to include them. If you only want dates greater than the start date then inlcude 23:59:59 as the start time and 00:00:01 as the stop time
">#21-07-08# And <#30-07-08# Giver udvalg fra og med 21 til 29"
If Access assumes the the time in both cases is 00:00:00 then this would be expected because you records actually contain a date/time value outside of these. To ensure that you get what you want then inlcude the appropriate time.
Prøvede ny kolonne i forespørgselsgitret, hvor tid >=#09:00:00# And <=#09:59:59#. Access tilføjede automatisk år 1899 :o)
Kan man ikke med format eller en anden funktion trække klokkeslæt ud, således at man i en kolonne spørger på datointerval og i en anden kolonne spørger på time/minut/sek. interval?
Fordi jeg vil se bevægelser i samme tidsrum hver dag. Her er et eksempel på datoer fra og med den 11 januar til og med 28 januar mellem kl. 16 og klokken 16:59:59
#8/1/2008 0:0:1# And <#9/11/2008 23:59:59# AND Format([Dato],"short time")>=#16:00:00# And Format([Dato],"short time")<#16:59:59#
The date criteria you give wont select any from your test data! And because you only want to see times between 16:00 and 16:59:59 then you will need to have a seperate criteria as you indicate here 14/09-2008 22:20:01 And I dont think it can be made much easier, you have to convert the datetime to a time no matter which way you do it.
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