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26. august 2008 - 21:29 Der er 3 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Is it wise to put jars in classpath for a application server?


I have struggled to solve a problem.

The background to the problem was that I had this code:

Object object = context.lookup("namesejb/client/NameManagerEJBHome");
NameManagerEJBHome nameManagerEJBHome = (NameManagerEJBHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(object, NameManagerEJBHome.class);

That gave me this exception:
java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot narrow remote object to namesejb.client.NameManagerEJBHome

I found some code that could tell me the location from where the class was loaded and then:

Class c = Class.forName("namesejb.client.NameManagerEJBHome");
Followed by:
System.out.println("\tClassloaction1: " +getClassLocation(object.getClass()));
System.out.println("\tClassloaction2: " +getClassLocation(c));

..told me:
Classloaction1: jar:file:/home/fredrik/Applications/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic.jar!/namesejb/server/NameManagerSessionBean_o0oo54_HomeImpl_816_WLStub.class
Classloaction2: file:/home/fredrik/Applications/bea/user_projects/domains/mydomain/./webserviceserver/.wlnotdelete/extract/webserviceserver_axis2_axis2/public/axis223088nameswebservice.aar

This page acctually told me what to do:
Put the class namesejb.client.NameManagerEJBHome into the classpath for the server. (Btw I use wls 8.1.5)

I did that and now it is working fine.

But the feeling of need to manually put the class in the classpath does not feel right.

Does any one see any better way. I would just love to put it inside my webservice app - fine!

Perhaps this is a common classloader issue in wls?

Would love to get som comments around this!

Best regards
Avatar billede babelfish Nybegynder
10. oktober 2008 - 10:15 #1
The classloader of the app server of course needs to have the classes on its classpath. One should think it was able to extract them from the app itself, but all app servers have their quirks.

I have had the same problem with ActiveMQ - where I needed it to handle some of my classes - and had to put a jar of the classes on its classpath.
The problem, in my opinion, only exists if you cannot automate putting the necessary classes/jars on the servers classpath during deploy of the app it self.

My two cents.
Avatar billede fredand Forsker
10. oktober 2008 - 16:33 #2

Thanks for your input!
Then I guess that this is a common solution in some case!

Please give a svar so I can reward you mate!

Best regards
Avatar billede babelfish Nybegynder
10. oktober 2008 - 19:14 #3
I belive thats the pragmatic solution.

Avatar billede fredand Forsker
11. oktober 2008 - 15:58 #4
Thanks mate!
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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