Avatar billede dragnor Juniormester
29. juli 2008 - 16:18 Der er 9 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Find tilhørende tabel til værdi

Hej Eksperter

Hvis jeg laver en rapport og jeg har en værdi fra en Tabel kan man på en eller anden måde fx med tooltip finde ud af hvilken tabel værdien kommer fra?
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
29. juli 2008 - 18:09 #1
Can you try and explain what your trying to do? If the field in the report always comes from the same table then you must alreday know.
Avatar billede dragnor Juniormester
29. juli 2008 - 22:09 #2
It's to a company. If somehow a value is missing they want to find out from witch table it comes from. Without having me to go behind the report and look at the data source. Is that posible? Maby if there is just a way to find all data sources in a report, then maybe you are able to extract the table name(s)?
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
29. juli 2008 - 22:59 #3
I designvisning markerer du rapporten eller hvad det måtte være og så går du i Vis>Objektafhængigheder!~)

ps. som standard er der sat flueben ved "spor oplysninger om autokorrektur af navn" og det skal der også være for at det virker. Det gør man under funktioner>indstillinger>generelt..

En grund til at slå det fra kan være et hastighedsspørgsmål, hvis tingene loader meget langsomt, kan man slå det fra og dermed få en hastighedsforøgelse fordi den så ikke skal holde tjek på objektafhængigheder!~)
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
30. juli 2008 - 08:17 #4
"If somehow a value is missing they want to find out from witch table it comes from"

Wouldnt that require them to have an understanding of the dB design? If a value is missing then there must be a reason for that and looking in a table, in my opinion doesnt help that much. If a value mustnt be missing then the program itself should catch this. Having users play around with tables/data is looking for trouble.
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
30. juli 2008 - 08:22 #5
On the other hand, if they want to take over the program maintenance from you then along with your documentation can use the database documenter.

You can find information on how it works in this link
Avatar billede dragnor Juniormester
30. juli 2008 - 08:35 #6
I know what you are thinking terry, but the problem is, that data is updated every night, and sometimes, even if it should not be posible, som values in a row is missing. Then they want a function to trace what table the missing data/value comes from(there are maby 150 tables). Maybe a function where they can choose a report and then see witch tables that are used i that specefic report?
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
30. juli 2008 - 08:57 #7
You should look at the database documeneter, thats about as close as you can get without programming it yourself.
Avatar billede dragnor Juniormester
30. juli 2008 - 09:12 #8
I fund a way, but can one of you tell me how to import/get the SQL string from a query?

You know, if i got a query by the name "test" and that contains "Select City FROM Contry", can i the get the "Select City FROM Contry" into a string in vba and just show it in a msgbox?
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
30. juli 2008 - 09:28 #9
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
30. juli 2008 - 14:36 #10
Did you look at the database documenter?
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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