Avatar billede petercj Nybegynder
15. juni 2008 - 17:21 Der er 1 løsning

Hvorfor giver denne kode fejl på min side

Hej Alle,

www.danicafossils.dk får jeg følgende fejlkode:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/danicafossils.dk/public_html/index.php:1) in /var/www/danicafossils.dk/public_html/index.php on line 294

Jeg har koden fra index.php her:


#CMS - CMS Made Simple
#(c)2004 by Ted Kulp (wishy@users.sf.net)
#This project's homepage is: http://cmsmadesimple.sf.net
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#(at your option) any later version.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#$Id: index.php 4217 2007-10-07 15:13:13Z wishy $

$dirname = dirname(__FILE__);

* Entry point for all non-admin pages
* @package CMS
#echo '<code style="align: left;">';
#echo '</code>';

$starttime = microtime();



if (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))

if (!file_exists(CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION) || filesize(CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION) < 800)
    if (FALSE == is_file($dirname.'/install/index.php')) {
        die ('There is no config.php file or install/index.php please correct one these errors!');
    } else {
else if (file_exists(TMP_CACHE_LOCATION.'/SITEDOWN'))
    echo "<html><head><title>Maintenance</title></head><body><p>Site down for maintenance.</p></body></html>";

if (!is_writable(TMP_TEMPLATES_C_LOCATION) || !is_writable(TMP_CACHE_LOCATION))
    echo '<html><title>Error</title></head><body>';
    echo '<p>The following directories must be writable by the web server:<br />';
    echo 'tmp/cache<br />';
    echo 'tmp/templates_c<br /></p>';
    echo '<p>Please correct by executing:<br /><em>chmod 777 tmp/cache<br />chmod 777 tmp/templates_c</em><br />or the equivilent for your platform before continuing.</p>';
    echo '</body></html>';

require_once($dirname.'/include.php'); #Makes gCms object

if ($config["debug"] == true)

$params = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);

$smarty = &$gCms->smarty;
$smarty->params = $params;

$page = '';

if (isset($params['mact']))
  $ary = explode(',', cms_htmlentities($params['mact']), 4);
  $smarty->id = (isset($ary[1])?$ary[1]:'');
  $smarty->id = (isset($params['id'])?intval($params['id']):'');

if (isset($smarty->id) && isset($params[$smarty->id . 'returnid']))
    $page = $params[$smarty->id . 'returnid'];
else if (isset($config["query_var"]) && $config["query_var"] != '' && isset($_GET[$config["query_var"]]))
    $page = $_GET[$config["query_var"]];

    //trim off the extension, if there is one set
    if ($config['page_extension'] != '' && endswith($page, $config['page_extension']))
        $page = substr($page, 0, strlen($page) - strlen($config['page_extension']));
    $calced = cms_calculate_url();
    if ($calced != '')
        $page = $calced;

//See if our page matches any predefined routes
$page = rtrim($page, '/');
if (strpos($page, '/') !== FALSE)
    $routes =& $gCms->variables['routes'];
    $matched = false;
    foreach ($routes as $route)
        $matches = array();
        if (preg_match($route->regex, $page, $matches))
            //Now setup some assumptions
            if (!isset($matches['id']))
                $matches['id'] = 'cntnt01';
            if (!isset($matches['action']))
                $matches['action'] = 'defaulturl';
            if (!isset($matches['inline']))
                $matches['inline'] = 0;
            if (!isset($matches['returnid']))
                $matches['returnid'] = ''; #Look for default page
            if (!isset($matches['module']))
                $matches['module'] = $route->module;

            //Get rid of numeric matches
            foreach ($matches as $key=>$val)
                if (is_int($key))
                    if ($key != 'id')
                        $_REQUEST[$matches['id'] . $key] = $val;

            //Now set any defaults that might not have been in the url
            if (isset($route->defaults) && count($route->defaults) > 0)
                foreach ($route->defaults as $key=>$val)
                    $_REQUEST[$matches['id'] . $key] = $val;
                    if (array_key_exists($key, $matches))
                        $matches[$key] = $val;

            //Get a decent returnid
            if ($matches['returnid'] == '') {
                global $gCms;
                $contentops =& $gCms->GetContentOperations();
                $matches['returnid'] = $contentops->GetDefaultPageID();

            $_REQUEST['mact'] = $matches['module'] . ',' . $matches['id'] . ',' . $matches['action'] . ',' . $matches['inline'];
            $page = $matches['returnid'];
            $smarty->id = $matches['id'];

            $matched = true;

    if (!$matched)
        $page = substr($page, strrpos($page, '/') + 1);

if ($page == '')
    global $gCms;
    $contentops =& $gCms->GetContentOperations();
    $page =& $contentops->GetDefaultContent();
    $page = preg_replace('/\</','',$page);

$pageinfo = PageInfoOperations::LoadPageInfoByContentAlias($page);

if (isset($pageinfo) && $pageinfo !== FALSE)
    $gCms->variables['pageinfo'] =& $pageinfo;

    if( isset($pageinfo->template_encoding) &&
        $pageinfo->template_encoding != '' )

    $gCms->variables['content_id'] = $pageinfo->content_id;
    $gCms->variables['page'] = $page;
    $gCms->variables['page_id'] = $page;

    $gCms->variables['page_name'] = $pageinfo->content_alias;
    $gCms->variables['position'] = $pageinfo->content_hierarchy;
    global $gCms;
    $contentops =& $gCms->GetContentOperations();
    $gCms->variables['friendly_position'] = $contentops->CreateFriendlyHierarchyPosition($pageinfo->content_hierarchy);
    $smarty->assign('content_id', $pageinfo->content_id);
    $smarty->assign('page', $page);
    $smarty->assign('page_id', $page);
    $smarty->assign('page_name', $pageinfo->content_alias);
    $smarty->assign('page_alias', $pageinfo->content_alias);
    $smarty->assign('position', $pageinfo->content_hierarchy);
    $smarty->assign('friendly_position', $gCms->variables['friendly_position']);
else if (get_site_preference('enablecustom404') == '' || get_site_preference('enablecustom404') == "0")

$html = '';
$cached = '';

if (isset($_GET["print"]))
    ($smarty->is_cached('print:'.$page, '', $pageinfo->template_id)?$cached="":$cached="not ");
    $html = $smarty->fetch('print:'.$page, '', $pageinfo->template_id) . "\n";
    #If this is a case where a module doesn't want a template to be shown, just disable caching
    if (isset($smarty->id) && $smarty->id != '' && isset($_REQUEST[$smarty->id.'showtemplate']) && $_REQUEST[$smarty->id.'showtemplate'] == 'false')
        $html = $smarty->fetch('template:notemplate') . "\n";
        $smarty->caching = false;
        $smarty->compile_check = true;
        ($smarty->is_cached('template:'.$pageinfo->template_id)?$cached="":$cached="not ");
        $html = $smarty->fetch('template:'.$pageinfo->template_id) . "\n";

#if ((get_site_preference('enablecustom404') == '' || get_site_preference('enablecustom404') == "0") && (!$config['debug']))
#    set_error_handler($old_error_handler);

if (!$cached)
    #Perform the content postrendernoncached callback
    while (list($key) = each($gCms->modules))
        $value =& $gCms->modules[$key];
        if ($gCms->modules[$key]['installed'] == true &&
            $gCms->modules[$key]['active'] == true)
    //Events::SendEvent('Core', 'ContentPostRenderNonCached', array(&$html));

#Perform the content postrender callback
while (list($key) = each($gCms->modules))
    $value =& $gCms->modules[$key];
    if ($gCms->modules[$key]['installed'] == true &&
        $gCms->modules[$key]['active'] == true)

Events::SendEvent('Core', 'ContentPostRender', array('content' => &$html));

header("Content-Type: " . $gCms->variables['content-type'] . "; charset=" . (isset($pageinfo->template_encoding) && $pageinfo->template_encoding != ''?$pageinfo->template_encoding:get_encoding()));

echo $html;


$endtime = microtime();

$db =& $gCms->GetDb();

if ($config["debug"] == true)
    echo "<p>Generated in ".microtime_diff($starttime,$endtime)." seconds by CMS Made Simple using ".(isset($db->query_count)?$db->query_count:'')." SQL queries and ".(function_exists('memory_get_usage')?memory_get_usage():'n/a')." bytes of memory</p>";

echo "<!-- Generated in ".microtime_diff($starttime,$endtime)." seconds by CMS Made Simple using ".(isset($db->query_count)?$db->query_count:'')." SQL queries -->\n";
#echo "<p>Generated in ".microtime_diff($starttime,$endtime)." seconds by CMS Made Simple (".$cached."cached) using ".(isset($db->query_count)?$db->query_count:'')." SQL queries and ".(function_exists('memory_get_usage')?memory_get_usage():'n/a')." bytes of memory</p>";
echo "<!-- CMS Made Simple - Released under the GPL - http://cmsmadesimple.org -->\n";

if (get_site_preference('enablesitedownmessage') == "1" || $config['debug'] == true)

if ($config["debug"] == true)
    #$db->LogSQL(false); // turn off logging
    # output summary of SQL logging results
    #$perf = NewPerfMonitor($db);
    #echo $perf->SuspiciousSQL();
    #echo $perf->ExpensiveSQL();

    #echo $sql_queries;
    foreach ($gCms->errors as $error)
        echo $error;
# vim:ts=4 sw=4 noet


Hvor er det lige tingene går galt? Jeg har snart set mig blind på koden.

På forhånd tak.

Avatar billede kasper.h Nybegynder
15. juni 2008 - 17:27 #1
Det er fordi du har "noget" før <?php, det ser ud som om det er en <br />. Der må ikke udskrives noget tekst eller HTML før du sender headers.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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