Avatar billede list Nybegynder
20. juni 2001 - 18:28 Der er 5 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Fat32 skal se NTFS

Jeg mangler et program, til at se min NT partion fra win98.

Findes der et program?
Kan der downloades en freeware eller shareware ver.og hvor?
Avatar billede nomiz Nybegynder
20. juni 2001 - 18:29 #1
Avatar billede kurtj Nybegynder
20. juni 2001 - 18:37 #2
Det var vist nærmere det her du søger!!  http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/ntfswin98.shtml
Avatar billede list Nybegynder
20. juni 2001 - 22:29 #3
Det er da rigtigt at PM kan se ntfs. jeg vil bare gerne ha´ et program der kan bruge nt filsystemet.

Jeg kan ikke få det til at virke.
Avatar billede kurtj Nybegynder
20. juni 2001 - 23:43 #4
Hvad så med den her!! http://www.zdnet.com/downloads/stories/info/0,,0013HU,.html
Avatar billede kurtj Nybegynder
20. juni 2001 - 23:44 #5
Glem det sidste link, det er den samme som det første.
Avatar billede kurtj Nybegynder
20. juni 2001 - 23:50 #6
Har du kigget grundigt på det her!!

Before you run the NTFS for Windows 98 installation program, you must have access to a number of files (listed below) from the Windows NT/2000 installation you use to access your NTFS drives. This means that if the files are located on a NTFS drive you will have to copy them to a FAT drive accessible from Windows 98.

During the NTFS for Windows 98 setup procedure you will be prompted for the location of these files. You may specify either the system directory of a Windows NT/2000 installation (e.g. c:\\winnt), or a directory into which you\'ve copied the necessary files. The files that you must make available to NTFS for Windows 98 are:
NTFS.SYS: this file is located at <winnt>\\system32\\drivers\\ntfs.sys
NTOSKRNL.EXE: this file is located at <winnt>\\system32\\ntoskrnl.exe
AUTOCHK.EXE: this file is located at <winnt>\\system32\\autochk.exe
NTDLL.DLL: this file is located at <winnt>\\system32\\ntdll.dll
C_437.NLS: this file is located at <winnt>\\system32\\c_437.nls
C_1252.NLS: this file is located at <winnt>\\system32\\c_1252.nls
L_INTL.NLS: this file is located at <winnt>\\system32\\l_intl.nls
<winnt> designates the system directory of the Windows NT/2000 installation that contains the NTFS driver you normally use to access your NTFS drives.

The setup procedure allows you to assign drive letters to NTFS drives that NTFS for Windows 98 mounts. Simply enter a string in the drive-letter selection entry that designates, in order, the drive letters for NTFS for Windows 98 to assign. For example, if you want the first NTFS drive mounted to have a drive letter of \'D\' and the second to have a drive letter of \'T\', you would enter \"dt\" (without the quotation marks). Note that the entry is case-insensitive. Leaving the entry blank has NTFS for Windows 98 assign the first available drive letter to each mounted NTFS drive.

After the setup procedure is complete you are prompted to reboot your computer. The next time you boot the Windows 95 or 98 system on which you installed NTFS for Windows 98 you will have access to your computer\'s NTFS volumes. You may rerun the configuration utility at any time to select different drive letters or a different NTFS file.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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