LINQ one-to-one association
Hej Eksperter.Jeg har forsøgt at lave en one-to-one association mellem to tabeller:
- AppID (PK, unique)
- CustID
- ContractID
- PK_APPNAMEID (PK, unique)
Jeg har oprettet to klasser og mappings:
[Table(Name = "KMD_Apps")]
public class Application
[Column(Name = "AppID", IsPrimaryKey = true)]
public int ID { get; set; }
[Column(Name = "FK_APPNAMEID")]
public int FKAppNameID { get; set; }
public int CustID { get; set; }
public int ContractID { get; set; }
[Association(Name = "Application_AppName", ThisKey = "FKAppNameID", OtherKey = "PKAppNameID", IsForeignKey = true)]
public EntityRef<AppName> Name { get; set; }
[Table(Name = "LU_APPNAME")]
public class AppName
[Column(Name = "PK_APPNAMEID", IsPrimaryKey = true)]
public int PKAppNameID { get; set; }
[Column(Name = "APPNAME")]
public string Name { get; set; }
[Association(Name = "Application_AppName", ThisKey = "PKAppNameID", OtherKey = "FKAppNameID", IsUnique = true, IsForeignKey = false)]
public EntityRef<Application> App { get; set; }
Hvilket giver følgende fejl:
Could not find key member 'PKAppNameID' of key 'PKAppNameID' on type 'EntityRef`1'. The key may be wrong or the field or property on 'EntityRef`1' has changed names.
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