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09. december 1999 - 08:46 Der er 2 kommentarer og
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I'm updating all of my IBM computers'

I take the updates from the IBM site.

Up to now I have no problems and it's an easy procedure.

However, now I come to one computer that I'm having problems with.

I download the bios update and put it onto a floppy. Then I boot the machine and normally the bios update runs itself with instructions.

With this problem computer, it doesn't read the bios update on the floppy after booting. Instead it gives me a dilogue box saying that the floppy needs formatting.

Any suggestions what's wrong?

Avatar billede htx98i17 Professor
09. december 1999 - 08:53 #1
you might have to format the disc as a system disc, afterward you put on your biosupdate.
Avatar billede driis Nybegynder
09. december 1999 - 09:06 #2
Try to enter:

sys a:

at the command prompt, it should make the disk bootable - Some of the boot-files on it may have been corrupted, and needs to be restored. If it doesn't work, try formatting as a system disk, as htx98i17 says, but use a new disk, as your old one probably is corrupted.
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15. december 1999 - 09:17 #3
Sorry to have taken so long, guys..

and I'll dish out the points next time.
First, though, can you explain to me what 'try formatting as a system disk' means.

Remember, you may know lots about computers and the ins and outs. But to beginners like me, we really have to be told from the basic bottom what you're talking about and eventually we'll talk the same language....ha, ha

Avatar billede thy Nybegynder
11. januar 2000 - 17:45 #4
'Try formatting as a system disk' means go to a command promt (use the "Run"-command in the start menu and type "command"). In the command prompt type in "format a: /s /u /q", this will initiate a quick-format of the disc and transfer the system files.
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