Avatar billede nfssister Forsker
09. april 2008 - 20:35 Der er 11 kommentarer og
1 løsning

msadox.dll reference er væk

Når jeg åbner et database fil, så siger den følgende:

Database-Databasen eller -projekt mangler en reference eller indeholder en brudt reference til filen ´msadox.dll´ version 6.0

Hvad er det for noget ?

Er det noget .Net den mangler ?, for jeg har installere .Net 2.0 SP1
Normalt når jeg er på windows update, så er der også en der hedder .Net 3.0, men den viser sig ikke på den her maskine, så den antager jeg er installeret.

Det er Access 2007
Avatar billede mugs Novice
09. april 2008 - 20:38 #1
Har ikke forstand på 2007, men prøv at gå ind i VBA editoren > Tools > References og kontroller, om der er en reference ud for hvilken der står 2Mangler". Gør der det, så sæt et checkmærke i boksen.
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
09. april 2008 - 22:16 #2
"Når jeg åbner et database fil ...."
I assume that you mean a specific database?

If you dont use Microsoft ADO Ext. 6.0 for DLL and Security then you can remove the checkmark. And if you get an error becuas it is needed then try chnaging to an other version.

This link mentions the same error, so just follow instructions.
Avatar billede petersen7913 Forsker
11. april 2008 - 12:17 #3
It's my system that gives this error ;)

terry, if I follow the instructions in the link and this new version is installed at the client will it be fixed? On my own PC the ADO Ext. 6.0 etc. is marked and that solved my own problems but apparently not my customers.

Could this missing/broken reference problem cause this error message (same system)

Run-time error '3085'
Der er en ikke-defineret funktion "Date" i udtrykket

The Date() is used to find a specific timeperiode (this halfyear).
Avatar billede petersen7913 Forsker
11. april 2008 - 12:38 #4
I have just been on the clients PC and done as the instruction says.

So the 'missing ref.' error has gone and I don't get the 'Date function' error.
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
11. april 2008 - 13:18 #5
I thought it was nfsister's system that gave the error!!! I hope your not admitting to having two user names?

Quite often when there are MISSING references then strange errors occure which dont have anything to do with the actual missing component.

It is possible that you dont even need the reference. So I would suggest that you remove  (uncheck) it then compile the dB. If it is in use you will get an error, and if not then you dont have a problem.
Avatar billede petersen7913 Forsker
11. april 2008 - 13:28 #6
Oh no, we are different persons ;) But I made the system and nfssister installed it.

But I will try and uncheck and see what happens.
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
12. april 2008 - 08:59 #7
thanks, I assume removing the reference worked?
Avatar billede petersen7913 Forsker
13. april 2008 - 13:55 #8
Yes it worked. And now I wonder how I can avoid problems like this, if the system is running on access runtime only ....
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
13. april 2008 - 14:13 #9
well before you distribute the database make sure that you only have the references you need. The problem isnt specific to Access runtime, if the component isnt inslatted on the destination PC then it will also fail with a full installation of Access.

It sa number of years since I worked with Access and installion kits, but if you make an installation kit you can include the components the dB uses so that they get installed with the dB.
Avatar billede nfssister Forsker
20. april 2008 - 21:42 #10
Petersen7913 please post a "svar"/answer so you can get some points :)
Avatar billede petersen7913 Forsker
21. april 2008 - 07:52 #11
Oh no, Terry got the credit already ;)
Avatar billede peet-49 Novice
20. september 2008 - 09:34 #12
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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