Avatar billede mikze Nybegynder
26. marts 2008 - 19:11 Der er 3 kommentarer

Engelsk tekst skal rettes

Hej eksperter

Jeg har satte dette i fri debat, da det ligger en del fra alt IT-relateret!

Mit problem er, at jeg har en engelsk tekst, jeg gerne vil have rettet til korrekt grammatik(gerne af en der kan 100% engelsk), og jeg spørger derfor om nogle af jer kender et engelsk forum, hvor man kan stille spørgsmål (altså ligesom exp.dk) .. dog udover experts-exchanges.com, da jeg ikke vil invistere i denne side, desværre!

Min engelske stil er ikke lang, kun 500 ord.
Avatar billede off-line Nybegynder
26. marts 2008 - 21:35 #1
Listen af spørgsmål, som du skal have lukket, er i alt fald lang.
Avatar billede bufferzone Praktikant
27. marts 2008 - 08:50 #2
du kan bruge eksperten. Jeg har selv både oversat og rettet flere ting. Det bliver nok ikke 100%, men ved fælles hjælp plejer vi efter min mening at komme ret tæt på.

Og vil du have mange til at hjælpe, hjælper det, som jorn hinter, at lukke sine spørgsmål.
Avatar billede mikze Nybegynder
27. marts 2008 - 09:26 #3
jorn_asveg, det ved jeg udmærket godt. Jeg har lukket de fleste spørgsmål jeg kan, i flere af dem er det ikke min "fejl", men jeg mangler bare et svar - jeg har ikke taget tid til at lukke dem alle selv.

Bufferzone, det lyder godt. Jeg prøver lige at poste teksten underneden.


Summary (207 words):

The article is about Norihiro Hagata, who is a social robot engineer. He is from Japan, and instead of studying the newest technical inventions for robots, he is studying the social behavior and how the robot can be humanoid.
He recently placed a 3-year-old girl and her mother in a room with a robot for two hours. He controlled the robot, so that it first concentrated on the girl, and after the girl was lying down for a nap, it concentrated on the mother instead. Then he observed the girls reaction, and it showed, that the girl was upset while it talked to her mother and not her. The robot made her jealous. Another example in the article is, that one boy said to another boy in the same room, that the robot liked him better, while it mentioned his name most often.
As written in the article, it is also said that in the western world, we concentrate more on interacting with the robot in a technical way, while they in the eastern parts of the world spend more time trying to make the robot humanoid. He means that this might be because of an old Japanese culture, where items like swords and teapots had souls.

Commentary (290 words):

In the quotation is meant, that the goal is to make it possible to make robot and human work together, where robots are very close to be perfectly humanoid. As in work together, it is meant by the word of work that they can communicate, as normal people would communicate. The robot can understand, and as the most part important, be able to learn, is a thing, that they really work hard on in Japan, as written in the article.
It is also pointed in the quotation, that a very big step and a great challenge it is to make the robot understand. I am a programmer myself, and I know, that make an application able to learn is way impossible. With the technology available now, it will be long time before the real artificial intelligence can come true. This real artificial intelligence combines the ability to interact, self-control, and again most important of all – to learn. To make this possible, a revolution of a completely new way of building machines is needed. I think, the only way to make this, is in learning how to program living cells. Now, every computer and electronic device is built up by small transistors and networks, where the only thing deciding is either zero for turned off or one for turned on. The big difference for human and machines is of course, that the human have these living cells that make it possible for us to store instincts. Maybe, what is needed is an electronic device that can control the brain?
As written in the article and the last part of the quotation, the ability to understand different accents, learning new words is very hard. This is the next goal in robot development.
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