Jeg arbejder lidt på det skrev, men får kan først gå vidrer med det i aften, men jeg har været inde på link hvor jeg check her kommer der noget fra det.
Mail Server Info
Info Type Message
Information You have 2 mail servers listed for your '' domain.
Mail Server:
Server Name
Location Denmark
Mail Server For *
MX Priority 10
Connect Response Time 1402ms
Server 'Hello' Line 220 ESMTP
Open Relay? No Problems Found
RDNS Entry
Mail Server Info
Info Type Message
Information The mail server accepted email for '' email address as it should have (250 <>, recipient ok).
Information The mail server correctly rejected email to '' (550 Relaying denied (#5.7.1))
Mail Server:
Server Name
Location Denmark
Mail Server For *
MX Priority 20
Connect Response Time 277ms
Server 'Hello' Line 220 ESMTP - TDC Solutions
Open Relay? No Problems Found
RDNS Entry
Mail Server Info
Info Type Message
Information The mail server accepted email for '' email address as it should have (250 Ok).
Information The mail server correctly rejected email to '' (554 <>: Relay access denied)
det link venturer kom med ser ikke helt ud som den er på sme server manager i dag se den sådan ud det er nok fordi jeg har den nye version 7.3
E-mail settings
Unknown Users
Selecting Reject (recommended setting) will configure the server to only accept mail for valid email addresses (for example users, groups, pseudonyms). Mail for other addresses will be rejected.
E-mail to unknown users RejectSend to abuseSend to admin_raidreportSend to administratorSend to anonymousSend to mailer-daemonSend to postmaster
Delegate mail servers
Your server includes a complete, full-featured e-mail server. However, if for some reason you wish to delegate e-mail processing to another system, specify the IP address of the delegate system here. For normal operation, leave this field blank.
Address of internal mail server
SMTP server
The server can deliver outgoing messages directly to their destination (recommended in most cases) or can deliver them via your Internet provider's SMTP server (recommended if you have an unreliable Internet connection or are using a residential Internet service). If using your Internet provider's SMTP server, specify its hostname or IP address below. Otherwise leave this field blank.
Address of Internet provider's mail server
SMTP Authentication for Internet provider DisabledEnabled
Mail server user id
Mail server password